The area of ​​Bluestone City is not too big, at least it can't be compared with the big cities in the ghost world that easily cover tens of thousands of square kilometers, but even so, it is still divided into two areas, the inner city and the outer city.

The inner city is filled with powerful and powerful people or powerful men with amazing strength.

In the outer city, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, with a poor low-level populace, and villains from everywhere.

In this chaotic and harsh environment, fighting is naturally inevitable.

Sometimes just for the least valuable gear, the people here will fight, or even fight for life.

To put it bluntly, those who can survive in this environment are destined to abandon the weak and become bloodthirsty.

Cowardly or kind, it is difficult to survive in this place.

Like now.

Zhuang Linyan is facing a huge crisis.

Since inheriting the inheritance of her brother, as the master of more than a dozen streets in the outer city, Zhuang Linyan can be regarded as a powerful party.

Here is an introduction to the streets she ruled.

Because it is relatively close to the inner city and the terrain is very important, a large number of people have gathered.

Among them, many desperate women simply started to be street girls, and this has become the favorite place for those in the inner city when the upper class people have fun.

This also directly contributed to the abnormal prosperity here.

But abnormal prosperity is also prosperity, so soon, this place became a piece of fat that the big brothers in the outer city coveted.

And Zhuang Linyan's elder brother died in the fight because he protected his territory from infringement.

But just when everyone thought that these dozen or so streets would change hands, Zhuang Linyan stepped forward, using thunder means to frighten those covetous eyes from everywhere, and then using iron and blood means to suppress the innermost feelings of people.

Through these few hands, she miraculously controlled the situation and eventually became the only female boss in the outer city.

After this, Zhuang Linyan began to vigorously reform, because she was more tolerant of her subordinates, especially strict orders not to allow them to bully those street girls, and the protection fee she charged was reduced by a notch.

So she soon won the support of all the street ladies.

But just when she will take care of her in an orderly manner, and her strength will also flourish.

A huge crisis came suddenly.


On a street, Zhuang Linyan led a team of men standing there.

On the opposite side were dozens of burly, ugly-faced brawny men, and at the forefront of these brawny men was a man who had half his ears missing but was patched with metal.

At this time, Zhuang Linyan took a deep breath, "Black Blade, what do you guys from the blood wolf gang want to do when they come to my site?"

Hei Dao glanced at Zhuang Linyan, who was wearing a black trench coat and a graceful figure, and couldn't help showing a smirk.

"Hey, girl Zhuang, don't you be so anxious! I'm here to bring my brothers to have fun, and second... I'm also bringing you a word for our boss!"

"Your boss? Blood wolf? What does he want to say?" When the word blood wolf was mentioned, Zhuang Linyan's eyes were boiling with murderous intent.

Zhuang Linyan's elder brother died in the hands of this blood wolf. Of course she could not forget such a deep hatred.

"Hehe, our boss said that at this time tomorrow, he will gather a few big guys around him to have a banquet and talk about some things. I hope you can also participate!"

"Buffet? Haha!" A sneer appeared on Zhuang Linyan's face, "Do you think I have anything to discuss with your boss?"

Hei Dao shrugged, "My boss knows you will react this way, so he said it!"

"Say what?"

"He said that as long as you surrender obediently and become his woman, then he can allow you to continue to manage these dozen streets, otherwise..."

Before the words finished, the men behind Zhuang Linyan were already furious.

"Fart! Your blood wolf gang is pure wishful thinking!"

"Yes! If you have the ability, let me go! See if I don't kill you **** wolf cubs!"

These roars came and went one after another, but Zhuang Linyan was very calm, and raised her hand to stop the angry scolding from the people behind him, and then coldly looked at the black knife opposite.

"Your boss really said that?"

"Of course!" Hei Dao said lightly.

"Okay, then you go back and tell him that I will definitely take off his head by myself!" Zhuang Linyan gritted her teeth.

Hearing the words, the black knife showed a smirk, "Okay! She is indeed a heroine, but there is one thing I hope Miss Zhuang can figure out. Now we are going to deal with you... Not just our blood wolf gang!"

This sentence caused Zhuang Linyan's pupils to instantly shrink to the size of a pinpoint, because she was most worried about this.

If she only relies on a blood wolf gang, she can still barely support it, but if there are others behind the blood wolf gang, the situation is too unfavorable!

"What the **** do you mean?" Zhuang Linyan asked in a cold voice.

"What do you mean? Hahahaha! The surname is Zhuang, let me tell you the truth, there is an adult in the inner city who is very dissatisfied with what you have done during this period of time. You can weigh the others by yourself!"

Zhuang Linyan's complexion suddenly turned pale when he heard these words of Lord Inner City.

The subordinates standing behind her also changed.

Hei Dao couldn't help feeling even more proud when he saw this, and then licked his lips, hehe smiled: "So Ms. Zhuang, I hope you better understand this matter. After all...It's just you people who want to help us with Blood Wolf. Doing it right is pure wishful thinking!"

"But... if you can accompany me and my brothers today, then I can say something for you in front of my boss..."

Before he could finish his words, Zhuang Linyan was furious, "Looking for death!"

At the same time behind her, several men rushed up without hesitation.

For their subordinates, Zhuang Linyan's humiliation was like slapped their cheeks in public, so they were all angry at the moment.

But they just rushed to the front, and the black knife smiled coldly, "all give me some blood!"

As he retreated, the strong men behind him swarmed up, and the two sides fought together.

There were no screams, only the sound of broken bones and skin being cut by sharp blades.

However, after a breath, these Black Blade's men retreated like a tide.

However, all of Zhuang Linyan's men collapsed to the ground, their muscles and bones broken, and they had already lost the ability to resist.

This scene made Zhuang Linyan's complexion gradually serious.

Hei Dao looked at her with a smile on his face, and a small black dagger was shuttled between his fingers.

"Miss Zhuang, think about it now..."

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