But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a loud engine roar.

Then the ground trembled, and there seemed to be a huge thing galloping.

Everyone turned their heads to look around and saw a gray line suddenly appeared at the end of the empty street.

Then, before everyone could react, a giant motorcycle rushed out of the gray dust curtain.

The whole body of this motorcycle is streamlined, and the front is a huge alloy skull, which makes people shudder.

Such an abnormality stunned everyone.

at the same time.

This giant motorcycle rushed straight forward at an almost crazy speed, and it was so powerful that everyone retreated.


When the motorcycle had rushed to the front and back, it suddenly made a pretty big flick, and then it stopped firmly between the two sides that were facing each other.

Only then did people see that the man driving this giant chariot was actually a handsome, handsome and temperamental teenager.

This huge contrast shocked many people.

At the same time, Xue An took off his goggles, looked up at the crooked two-story building on the side of the street, and said lightly: "Is this this place?"

With that, he turned over and got off the motorcycle, and walked towards the two-story building.

From beginning to end, Xue An didn't look at the people who were facing each other, as if they were just air.

This small building was asked by Xue An from Copet, a place where he often lived when he came to Bluestone City.

At this time, there is still more than half a month before the trade fair mentioned by Copet, so Xue An plans to stay here for a few days first.

But at this time, Hei Dao and others were standing right in front of this small building, so Xue An walked towards him.

In fact, from the moment Xue An appeared on the court, the black knife was looking at Xue An.

When he noticed Xue An's motorcycle, he immediately decided that he should be a rogue.

This is a straggler who wanders outside the forces of all parties. It is extremely vicious and unspeakable. Whoever gives the money will do things for whom.

This wasn't a big deal at first, but Xue An's attitude completely angered Black Knife.

Especially when Xue An came face-to-face with a face full of indifferent, it made the black knife full of anger.

"The surname is Zhuang, I didn't expect you to hire a foreign aid! But don't you think that this lady-like guy is a fool who knows nothing?"

The black knife grinned at Zhuang Linyan, then raised his hand, the black dagger in his hand turned into a stream of light, and it pierced towards Xue An.

The speed was so fast that it even issued a harsh scream.

This is the stunt that the black knife is famous for. A black knife can be said to have no bullets, even more powerful than a firearm.

Although Zhuang Linyan was also dazed, she didn't know who this young man who appeared suddenly was.

But since he rushed to the black knife and the others, he was naturally a friend, so she couldn't help but yelled.

"Be careful!"

But as soon as the voice fell, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

Seeing Xue An slowly raising his hand, there was the black dagger between the two fingers.

At this moment, this black dagger trembled lightly.

And everyone's eyes gradually widened.

No one knows how he did it.

Because during this whole process, Xue An was so indifferent, and even downplayed it as if the dagger had taken the initiative to fly into his hands.

The expression on Hei Dao's face gradually became serious.

He has absolute confidence in his flying knives, so he can't figure out how this young man did it.

At this moment, Xue An said lightly to him: "Is this dagger yours?"

Hei Dao was startled, and then nodded slightly, "I am Hei Dao, deputy head of the Blood Wolf gang, friend you..."

He had a good plan, and he first reported his family, and in this way, he reminded the boy that the matter was very deep.

Then I will say a few more on-the-spot remarks to cover Xue An's details.

Unexpectedly, Xue An did not listen to his nonsense at all, just nodded slightly, "Since it is yours, I will give it back to you now!"

As he said, Xue An waved casually.


The whole street seemed to be a sudden gust of wind.

As soon as this black dagger left Xue An's hand, it took the wind and thunder and blasted the black knife and the others in an extremely violent posture.

The speed is so fast that even this dagger is close to a melted state.

Faced with such power, Black Blade and his gang were all frightened.

Especially Black Knife, his eyes showed infinite horror, and then he tried to turn around and escape.

But at this time, he was extremely shocked to find that he was already unable to move anymore.

This made him let out a scream, "No..."

But before the voice was over, I saw this dagger blasting towards him.


This dagger, which had melted into a liquid state, came out directly, blasting the entire body of the black knife to shreds.

And this is just the beginning.

Because of the black knife's barrier, this dagger was completely scattered, and countless hot liquid metal spread out, enveloping these brawny men.

Puff puff!

With a muffled noise, these men before they could react, they all exploded to pieces.

at last!

The blood mist gradually dissipated, and the pieces of flesh and blood that were blown up to the sky also fell.

Hearing a crisp sound, a metal half of the ear fell under Zhuang Linyan's feet.

Zhuang Linyan and everyone are already silly.

The blood wolf gang's deputy head Black Saber who was standing in front of him just now died like this?

And he died under his own dagger, and he didn't even leave his body.

This fact was too terrifying, so Zhuang Linyan and others were all caught in shock for a while and couldn't help themselves.

At this time, Xue An shook his head slightly, "It's too weak, it seems that next time I can't even use half of my strength!"

That's right!

Xue An just waved his hand casually, using only half of his strength.

But it was such an understatement of the half-strength, but it had such a huge destructive power, and even killed the black knife and others in a single blow.

After all, Xue An stepped across this blood-soaked road and walked straight into the two-story building.

From beginning to end, he never saw Zhuang Linyan and others.

And until his figure had disappeared in this small building on the street~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhuang Linyan and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Xue An's power is too strong, everyone who oppresses can't breathe.

"Zhuang...Sister Zhuang, the black knife is dead, and the blood wolf gang will definitely not give up. What shall we do next?" Some subordinates looked at the **** streets and asked bitterly.

Everyone is also horrified.


The Black Blade is dead, but the Blood Wolf Gang will never let it go easily.

And if the Blood Wolf Gang took this opportunity to attack with all its strength, it would be difficult for them to be the opponent of the Blood Wolf Gang alone.

At this time, Zhuang Linyan retracted his gaze from the small building, and then took a deep breath, "You are waiting here. Without my order, no one can come in. At the same time, the news that the black knife and others are dead is sealed!"


Then Zhuang Linyan tidyed up her clothes, put on a bright smile on her face, and walked to the small building.

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