Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1482: 1 deal to run the villain

Although he is in charge of more than a dozen nearby streets, Zhuang Linyan has not been in this small building in the future.

Until this time, Zhuang Linyan couldn't help but be surprised secretly.

Because it is different from the run-down outside, the interior of this small building is very luxurious. Even the crumbling walls are made of metal.

To put it bluntly, the whole small building is as strong as a fortress.

Although the front and back feet walked in, after entering the hallway, the living room was empty, and Xue An was not seen.

Zhuang Linyan's heart was shaken, but she quickly took a deep breath and said: "This friend, I have no intentions here. I just want to talk to you about something, so please see me!"

no respond.

I could hear my heartbeat quietly in the small building.

But just as Zhuang Linyan was about to continue shouting, a calm voice came from behind her.


This sudden sound made Zhuang Linyan's hairs stand up, and turned around in a hurry, but saw that the boy was leaning on the door frame at this moment, looking at herself playfully.

If he hadn't witnessed the scene where he killed Black Blade and others with his own eyes, it would be hard for Zhuang Linyan to believe that such a clean and beautiful boy would have such a powerful strength.

After being swept by Xue An's gaze, Zhuang Linyan's heart suddenly felt a trace of inexplicable panic and despair.

At that moment, Zhuang Linyan even felt like an ant, facing an ancient giant who controlled his life and death.

Fortunately, Xue An quickly narrowed his gaze.

Zhuang Linyan let out a sigh of relief, and then stammered: "Big...sir, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I do have something very important to discuss with you..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xue An suddenly said: "Those who just died are enemies with you, right?"

Zhuang Linyan gaped, "Yes...yes!"

But soon, she hurriedly explained: "But sir, I and them..."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth and waved his hand gently.

"Do you know why you can stand here and talk to me peacefully, but those few people have no place to bury?"

"Because I can feel that the hands of the dead guys are all covered with blood, and you are different! So..."

Xue An gave Zhuang Linyan a deep look, "You should be thankful that you are a good person!"

Zhuang Linyan has never been so fortunate that the gear **** is on top.

Because she could feel the killing intent in Xue An's tone, which made her believe that if this young man wanted to, he could easily kill himself and even destroy everything.

At this time, Xue An walked to the fireplace, sat on the large leather sofa, and said slowly: "Let's talk, what's the matter with me!"

Zhuang Linyan took a deep breath, looked more respectful than before, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Zhuang Linyan. I am the master of more than a dozen nearby streets!"

Speaking of this, Zhuang Linyan glanced at Xue An, who was sitting on the sofa, and found that he had no expression and seemed to be listening quietly.

So she gritted her teeth secretly, and then said: "The blood wolf gang's deputy leader Hei Dao and others were the ones who were just destroyed by you! And this blood wolf gang is a gang that hates me deeply!"

Next, Zhuang Linyan briefly talked about the grievances between herself and the Blood Wolf Gang. After she finished speaking, she raised her head and looked at Xue An with bright eyes.

"My lord, this black knife was sent by the leader of the Blood Wolf gang, and he came here to write me a book so that I can go to the so-called banquet tomorrow!"

"But there is an insoluble grievance between me and the Blood Wolf Gang. My brother died at the hands of the blood wolf gang leader, but because the blood wolf gang is powerful and has the support of the big inner city behind it, I I can't help him!"

"The so-called banquet this time is also a trap set by the Blood Wolf Gang, in order to unite with the many big men in the outer city, use force to suppress others and force me to surrender these dozen streets!"

Xue listened quietly, suddenly chuckled, and interrupted Zhuang Linyan, who was full of excitement, "But what does it have to do with me if you say so much?"

Zhuang Linyan's face was solemn, "It didn't matter at first, but after you killed the deputy head of the Blood Wolf Gang, Black Sword, it will matter!"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile, "What? Are you threatening me with this?"

Zhuang Linyan shook her head, "Of course not, I just want to make a deal with an adult!"


"Yes, it's a deal!" Speaking of this, Zhuang Linyan gave Xue An a deep look and said in a deep voice.

"If I'm not mistaken, the lord should be a runaway... disciple!"

Zhuang Linyan wanted to say that the villain was running away, but he didn't feel right when he reached his lips, and then he cancelled the evil word.

"So what?" Xue An said lightly.

After these few days of understanding, Xue An has probably learned about some conditions in this world.

The so-called violent gangsters refer to people who wander among the various forces and earn commissions by taking on tasks.

To put it bluntly, these people are just like the swordsmen on the rivers and lakes of ancient China, they can do anything for money.

Obviously, this Zhuang Linyan mistook herself for a runaway villain.

But Xue An didn't intend to explain, but looked at Zhuang Linyan quietly.

Zhuang Linyan was excited.

Because with Xue An's previous strength, he was obviously a high-ranking rogue villain, and such an existence generally rarely appeared in fringe cities like Bluestone City.

But this time I came across that can only be said to be God's will.

So she said without hesitation: "It's very simple, I want to hire you to do something for me!"

"Exterminate the Blood Wolf Gang?" Xue An said lightly.

Zhuang Linyan shook her head, "How easy is that? The Blood Wolf Gang is a big gang with many members. Although you are a great gang, you can't destroy a big gang with your own power! I just want to hire you to accompany me to participate in the blood tomorrow. The banquet of the wolf gang, and then..."

A look of cruelty appeared in Zhuang Linyan's eyes, "Kill the blood wolf gang leader!"

Xue An smiled, "It sounds simple, but my appearance fee is very expensive. I don't know what price you can pay?"

Zhuang Linyan looked decisive, "As long as you can help me achieve this, I can give everything I can!"

"Do you include yourself?" Xue An said leisurely.

Zhuang Linyan became stiff and pale, but he nodded her head, "If you need it, I have no problem!"

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