The rain gradually stopped, and the crimson moon shed a little light from the gaps in the clouds, shining on the whole world.

The fire in the hotel was still violent, and even the soaring fire illuminates most of the bluestone outer city.

On the ground are all kinds of corpses, and the air is filled with an unpleasant smell of burnt flesh.

Faced with such a terrifying sight, Severus wanted to turn around and ran. It's best to stay as far away as possible from this fascinating Shura field.

But he couldn't, because he could feel that there was a mysterious power spying on everything in the dark, and firmly controlling this world, any abnormal movement might attract this power's attack.

In that case, there is only one consequence, and that is death!

Severus knew this very well. Under the vast surface of this power, there was a terrifying violent energy, like the sea in the darkness, ready to swallow everything at any time.

Therefore, he could only swallow hard, and stood pale, not even daring to move his eyelids.

In this weird atmosphere, from the collapsed hotel, the blazing flames suddenly lowered their body, like a tamed monster, preparing to welcome its own king.

Immediately afterwards, the air flow in the void was disturbed, and the moonlight condensed into a lot of crystal clear but glowing red lotus.

In this strange and unspeakable scenery, the flames separated left and right like curtains, and Xue An walked through the sky and walked out slowly.

Behind him was Zhuang Linyan and his party with a look of horror.

In fact, Zhuang Linyan at this moment received no less impact than Severus.

She originally only wanted to get rid of the blood wolf gang leader Cao Gang through Xue An, and then destroy the blood wolf gang in one fell swoop through her own plan.

But I never expected that the people I was looking for would all turn against the tide, driving themselves into a desperate situation.

But when Zhuang Linyan had given up hope and was about to fight to the death, Xue An suddenly shot, first as if swatting a fly, he slapped Cao Gang directly into mud.

Then he acted brazenly and wiped out all the bigwigs in the entire hotel who participated in the banquet, as well as those blood wolf gangs who were hiding in secret.

From the beginning to the end, Xue An didn't even move a bit, and just so lightly slaughtered the audience.

How could such a huge contrast not shock Zhuang Linyan.

So now she is still a little dizzy, her brain is blank, and she can't believe everything in front of her is real.

Severus was also a little dizzy at the moment, but his dizziness was entirely caused by fear.

Especially when he saw the scene of Xue An walking through the sky and slowly walking out, his heart was full of infinite fear and regret.

I regret that I shouldn't have come this time.

Unfortunately, no matter which world there is no regret medicine.

Xue An stood in the air, looked down at the night watchman Severus, then glanced at the huge trailer behind him, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, was you looking back at the timeline before, spying on me?"

Severus shook wildly.

Because when Xue An looked at him, it felt as if Severus was being stared at by a mechanical beast or even a mechanical tyrannosaurus.

It was a kind of all-round coercion from the superior to the inferior. This disparity in power made Severus full of fear, his teeth trembled, and he couldn't speak at all.

Aretha and Haida, who were tightly bound in the trailer, were initially full of anxiety, but they were all taken aback when they heard Xue An's voice.

what happened?

Have you found Andrew?

No, you must remind Andrew that this guy is extremely evil and terrifying, and you must run away quickly.

Thinking of this, the two of them started struggling hard and tried to make a noise to attract Xue An's attention.

Xue An has naturally sensed who the people **** in the trailer are, so he just smiled slightly and waved.

A ray of sword light slashed past, and then circled the trailer.

Click, click.

With a faint sound, the sturdy trailer broke apart in an instant, and then the sword light swept across Haida and Aretha, directly cutting the rope that bound them.

After breaking free of the restraints, the two women hurriedly stood up and shouted: "Andrew, run, this guy is here to trouble you!"

As soon as the voice fell, both of them were stunned.

Because Severus, who was extremely arrogant and ruthless in front of them before, was now obediently standing there like a little quail just out of its shell, trembling, not even daring to lift his head.

In the distance, Andrew stood high in the sky, looking at them both with a smile.

How is this going?

Many question marks appeared in the mind of the second woman.

At this moment, Xue An smiled faintly, "Thank you for your reminder, but I think this gentleman shouldn't make trouble anymore now, right?"

Facing Xue An's questioning, Severus was guilty and nodded under control, and then a humble and flattering smile appeared on his pale face.

"Big... Your lord is right, how dare I trouble you! It was a misunderstanding before!"


Haida and Aretha looked at each other, and then both fell silent.

Xue An also smiled, "Misunderstanding? Then what do you want to do with the two of them who are not far away and find here?"

Severus opened his mouth with dense beads of sweat on his forehead, but he couldn't explain anything.


I took two women to run so far, but after meeting they said it was a misunderstanding. No one would believe it!

"Huh?" Xue An asked again.

This question made Severus bewildered.

He knows that in the face of a strong man like Xue An, it is best to tell the because all lies have nowhere to hide in the face of absolute power, and it is very likely that they will really die by then. Ground.

So he gritted his teeth and whispered: "My lord, I'm really sorry, I was deceived and misled by some wrong messages before, so..."

"So you want to kill me, don't you?" Xue An glanced at Severus and said lightly.

As soon as he said this, Severus felt a huge force suddenly come, his knees softened, he knelt on the ground with a plop, and then screamed.

"My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving...I know I was wrong, please let me go this time for the sake of everything that didn't really happen!"

Severus knelt on the ground, begging very humblely for his life.

The atmosphere in the field instantly became very quiet. Except for the beeping sound of the flame burning, everyone held their breath, waiting for Xue An's ruling.

a long time.

Xue An showed a sneer, "Spare you once?"

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