Outside the house, those who were hired by the white fat men, each hand was stained with blood, the all-wicked bad guys were getting together and chatting happily.

"Hey, the girl our boss caught this time looks really good!"

"Yes! When the boss runs out, let's have a taste!"

"Why did that guy Severus go in for so long and haven't come out?"

"Who knows, but I seem to hear fighting in the room!"

"Hehe, maybe the boss is interested, invite this Severus to join the team!"

The rest of the people all showed envy when hearing the words.

At this moment, someone suddenly said, "Hey, listen? Someone seems to be screaming!"

Everyone listened, and sure enough, a faint scream came from the room.

"Hehe, it seems that the boss is playing a bit big this time!" Someone smirked.

But the voice just fell.

The originally sturdy house broke apart, and countless mechanical insects rushed out of it, and then overwhelmed the sky.

"Mechanical disaster! What the **** is that guy Severus doing?" Someone screamed, and turned to run.

But everything is too late, these mechanical insects in the sky are like a large cloud of dark clouds covering the entire mining area.

In the humming of the wings, these mechanical insects swooped down and attacked.

No one is the opponent of these mechanical insects that have fallen into a violent state, so it is not so much an attack as it is a unilateral massacre.

Faced with the coming of death, these villains, who usually take the pleasure of killing, behaved so unbearably.

Screams, begging for mercy, hysterical verbal abuse mixed in everything, like a sinful elegy.

But no matter what kind of behavior, they can't resist the huge sickle limbs of these mechanical insects.

The sound of sharp edges breaking through the air, blood splashing, and the sound of corpses falling to the ground, these sounds are quickly eliminating all noise.

at last!

When the last villain fell, there was no more standing figure in the audience, and the ground was full of pools of blood.

At this point, the boss in charge of the mining area and all his villains were wiped out.

The miners who were working in the underground mine suddenly noticed something and stopped their work.

Immediately afterwards, these studded miners noticed that all the chains that bound them were suddenly broken.

These miners looked at each other, and then they hugged each other in tears of joy.

Because they knew that the chain that bound them was broken, which meant that the mine boss was dead.

They are finally free!

At the same time, these mechanical insects in the sky circled around the audience, and then their bodies trembled, bursting one by one.

In an instant.

All the mechanical insects were blown into powder.

And disappeared together, there is this mining area.

In the outer city of Qingshi, Xue An, who was sitting at the window admiring a piece of exquisite mechanical artwork, suddenly raised his head and looked out of the window, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Is it finally activated? I wonder if you and your boss are still satisfied with this gift from me?"

"Of course, dissatisfaction is useless, because...you are dead!"

Xue An spoke in a very small voice, at least Zhuang Linyan, who was sitting opposite, could not hear clearly.

"My lord, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing!" Xue An put down the things in his hands and leaned on the sofa.

"How many days before the auction?"

"Master, there are still three days!"

"Okay!" Xue An nodded, noncommittal.

Zhuang Linyan wanted to speak but stopped.

"What's wrong?" Xue An asked.

"My lord, there seems to be something wrong with this auction, because according to the information I received, the number of high-ranking alchemists who came to Bluestone City this time is a record! This is obviously abnormal!"

Xue An looked at Zhuang Linyan with a smile, "So what?"

Zhuang Linyan subconsciously swallowed her saliva, "I'm just a little worried, after all, this situation has added a lot of variables to this auction, so it's best for adults to prepare in advance!"

Xue An gave Zhuang Linyan a deep look, then nodded, "Okay!"

For the next three days, Qingshicheng was very calm.

at last.

The day of the auction has finally arrived.

From the morning, the entire Bluestone City began to boil.

Countless aircraft flew to the inner city one after another, and the streets were full of traffic. Various vehicles blocked the boundary gate between the inner and outer cities.

Because this day, not only auctions will be held in the city, but there will also be ordinary trade fairs suitable for the general public.

That's why it is so lively.

But at this moment, the vehicles on the street avoided a road.

Because a line of convoy is slowly coming from a distance.

The team driving in front is a brand new black floating car, which is quite impressive.

And in the middle of the convoy is a specially-made long black car.

After seeing this team, everyone's expressions were a bit complicated.

There is awe, fear, but more curiosity.

In the outer city of Bluestone at this moment, no one would not recognize this team.

With thunder means, Zhuang Linyan, who controlled the entire Qingshi Outer City overnight and became the veritable first person, is naturally awe-inspiring.

So on this road, wherever the convoy passed, everyone retreated.

The front of the demarcation gate was no exception, and a spacious passage was quickly cleared, and then Zhuang Linyan's motorcade drove smoothly into the inner city.

When the shadow of the convoy was no longer visible, the crowd closed again, and then whispered and started talking.

"It's Zhuang Linyan's motorcade!"


"How did she go to the inner city at this time? Isn't she afraid of chaos in the outer city?"

"Who knows, maybe I went shopping in the inner city too!"

Just as everyone was talking, Zhuang Linyan's motorcade had already turned into a street in the inner city.

It is obvious from the buildings outside the window that the inner city is much richer and cleaner than the outer city.

For example, this street ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has all the relics of the heyday of civilization, which is very magnificent.

At the same time, the speed of the team gradually slowed down, and finally stopped in front of a majestic building.

Zhuang Linyan took a deep breath and whispered: "My lord, here it is! This is the auction venue!"

Xue An retracted his gaze, smiled slightly, and then said lightly: "Let's go!"

It wasn't until I walked into this building that I could feel the horror of the alchemical civilization in its heyday.

Because of the ingenious design of the entire building and the superb skills, it is simply breathtaking.

But now, many functions and facilities have been abandoned.

Even so, the interior of the entire building is still very spacious.

Xue An and his group stepped deeper, and they just turned a corner when they heard a voice full of surprise shouting.

"Lin Yan, are you here too?"

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