Following the voice, a girl with a glamorous and glamorous appearance in a long dress greeted her with a smile on her face.

When Zhuang Linyan saw her, she couldn't help but smile.

"Jing Yi, are you here early?"

"Yes! My father said that this auction will be very lively. There will be many high-ranking alchemists who are not usually seen. In order to meet the world, I came early! This is..."

In fact, as soon as Zhuang Linyan and the others entered the arena, Liu Jingyi had already noticed Xue An walking in front.

No way, Xue An, who was really dressed in white, was too eye-catching.

Regardless of his appearance, the peaceful and indifferent temperament of Xue An was enough to make Zhuang Linyan who was following him instantly transform into a little maid.

This kind of temperament naturally moved this Liu Jingyi easily, so after greeted her, she looked at Xue An with bright eyes, full of curiosity.

Xue An didn't feel anything about it. He didn't even look at Liu Jingyi, and walked straight to the auction venue.

Suddenly, an awkward atmosphere filled the field.

There was a faint anger in Liu Jingyi's eyes.

You know, as the only daughter of Liu Zhang, an inner city boss, she has been accustomed to a life sought after by millions of people since childhood.

No matter where she goes, she will always be the focus of everyone and the center of sight.

Especially when she grew up and showed that amazing beauty, she became the target of many children of the family.

This auction is naturally no exception.

For the children of these aristocratic families, they just came to join in the fun, and even regarded it as a ballroom party, a place to compete.

The appearance of Xue An also made Liu Jingyi feel a touch of heart for the first time, so she took the initiative to come forward to strike up a conversation.

You must know that her usual personality is extremely arrogant, and it is extremely rare to take the initiative to talk to people.

But never expected that the white-clothed boy didn't even look at her, as if she was air, and left directly.

This was the first time Liu Jingyi felt this humiliation in her life, and she was naturally full of resentment.

As a friend of Liu Jingyi's, Zhuang Linyan naturally knew her personality, and she felt a little bitter when she saw it. She knew that things were not good, and said quickly.

"Jing Yi, this lord is a high-level mob, so he doesn't know some manners, don't mind!"

I thought that uttering the three words mobster would make Liu Jingyi retreat.

After all, for a wealthy daughter like her, there will never be an overlap with the violent villains walking on the wilderness.

But Zhuang Linyan never expected that after hearing the mobster, Liu Jingyi's eyes gradually lit up, "Mobster? Bounty hunter?"


Liu Jingyi laughed, and suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Lin Yan, tell the truth, did you ask for that invitation specially for him?"

Zhuang Linyan nodded, just about to say something.

Liu Jingyi couldn't wait to say: "Then what's the relationship between you... and this guy? A couple?"

Hearing these two lovers, Zhuang Linyan understood what Liu Jingyi was thinking, and couldn't help crying or laughing.

"What do you think, little girl! Why am I a lover with this adult?"

When she said this, Zhuang Linyan couldn't help but see the scene of Xue An's slaughter of the entire outer city boss in one move, and she couldn't help but shudder in Lingling.

Zhuang Linyan is a very pragmatic person, so she naturally knows that people like Xue An are not something she can climb.

Although full of gratitude for Xue An's help, Zhuang Linyan knew that they were only a pure trading relationship, and naturally they never thought about it.

Unexpectedly, Liu Jingyi was full of joy after hearing Zhuang Linyan's response.

"That's good, since it's not your man, then I'm not welcome!"

"You're welcome?" Zhuang Linyan was startled, and immediately understood what it meant, and said hurriedly: "Jing Yi, don't be fooling around, this lord..."

Before she finished her words, Liu Jingyi waved her hand impatiently, "Alright, Lin Yan, I know how to measure, but this guy dares to ignore my charm, I naturally have to let him know how powerful the Liu family is! "

Zhuang Linyan was speechless at these words. Of course she knew Liu Jingyi's temper and knew that it was useless to persuade her.

Fortunately, this adult is here for the auction, and he should leave after it is over!

When the time comes, this little Nizi can't find anyone, and his mind will naturally fade after a long time.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Linyan sighed helplessly.

"I really can't help you, let's go, let's go in too!"

The auction venue is located in a very large and luxurious hall.

In the middle of the circular seat is a high platform, which is used for display.

But because it hasn't officially opened yet, the platform is empty.

But at the moment there are a lot of people on the auction floor.

These people have different clothes. There are children from a family that are well-dressed, and there are also ordinary hunters who have a chill in their eyes.

But the most eye-catching is the few people sitting in the front with arrogant faces.

The average age of these people is no longer young, and some even have white beards.

But regardless of age, these people are all wearing dark green robes. There is a tower-like pattern in the middle of the robes, and they are radiant with a slight movement and look quite extraordinary.

After this period of understanding, Xue An naturally knew that the tall tower painted on the robe was the alchemist's base camp and holy ground, the symbol of the Tower of Truth.

By looking at the three gold leaves surrounding this tower, you can know that these people are all high-ranking alchemists.

And looking at the respectful attitude of the people around to these high-ranking alchemists, it can be seen that in this bluestone city, the high-ranking alchemists are already considered to be the existence of the pyramid.

But Xue An also noticed that At the end of these seats, there are boxes hidden under a black curtain.

These boxes are specially prepared for those big people who don't want to show their faces.

At this moment, there are already people in these boxes, and from time to time, you can hear the voice of talking and laughing inside.

After Xue An looked around, he directly found a remote corner and sat down.

Although he was wearing a white coat, there was nothing strange about it.

But because of the extraordinary temperament, it still made the ordinary people sitting around a little nervous.

Of course, ordinary people who can enter this auction venue are considered to be the best in Bluestone City.

For example, a gorgeous woman sitting not far away, after seeing Xue An’s arrival, immediately sat up straight, showing her proud figure, fiddled with her hair from time to time, and deliberately showed off to Xue An. The few Mithril rings.

It's a pity that she still paid the wrong way after all.

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