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Even now, when Luo Lanting closes his eyes, he can still smell the blood that night, which is strong enough to make people sick.

At this moment, Xue An slowly turned around and looked at Luolan Pavilion, "Are you his sister?"

Luo Lanting nodded, "Yes!"

"My sister?"

Luo Lanting was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

Xue An smiled, "Well, whether it's a sister or not! Since you have inherited his skills, you are considered my junior, and I have an obligation to help you! So..."

Xue An looked at Luo Lanting, who was wounded all over, and said softly: "What do you want to do most now?"

Without any hesitation, Luo Lanting immediately said, "Vengeance!"

Xue An was slightly surprised, "Vengeance?"

He thought this girl would say something about healing, but he didn't expect the first sentence to be revenge.

Luo Lanting nodded heavily, "Yes, it's revenge!"

When he said this, Luo Lanting's uninjured eyes burst out with an extremely bright brilliance, which made people look at him.

"Oh? How do you want to take revenge?" Xue An found that he became more and more interested in this seemingly weak girl.

"Xingluodao's hatred will naturally be reported, but before that, I must first find out the traitor in the Evil Flower, and...these are my allies!"

Speaking of this, Luo Lanting's face showed sarcasm.

"Xingluo Dao has used such a big battle, I don’t believe that all the forces in the city are unaware! So there is only one possibility, that is, my allies know what Xingluo Dao is going to do, but they do All chose to sit on the sidelines with cold eyes!"

"So, they must also pay their due price!"

Xue quietly looked at the double ponytail loli, and finally nodded with a smile.

"Very good, then I will help you this time!"

"Thank you, sir!" Luo Lanting said sincerely, bowing his head.

At this moment, she was already convinced that this young man in white, who looked not much older than herself, did indeed have a close connection with her brother's master.

This fact also shocked her.

You have to know who the master of your brother is, even she doesn't know!

I only know that it is an existence with a huge background, even from the top city.

And if this young man also knew him, wouldn't it mean that he also came from the top city?

These questions hovered in Luo Lanting's mind.

At this time, Xue An raised his eyes and looked at the night sky beyond the big tree, and said lightly: "It's raining less!"

Luo Lanting also looked outside.


The once dense rain curtain has now become sparse, leaving only the damp and cold wind raging.

Xue An turned his head to look at Luolan Pavilion, "Can I still go?"

Luo Lanting nodded, "Yes!"

"Very good! Then... leave now!"

After all, Xue An's toes flew into the night like an arrow from a string.

When Luo Lanting saw this, he was taken aback, and immediately laughed bitterly.

It seems that I really shouldn't be brave just now!

Not to mention the seriously injured self, even in the heyday of self, it is impossible to catch up with this white-clothed boy!

While hesitating, a brilliance suddenly flew from the darkness, and then sank into Luo Lanting's body.

Luo Lanting instantly felt that he was lightened all over, and even his previous injuries healed more than half.

"Keep up!" Xue An's voice rang from her ears.

Luo Lanting lowered his head in awe, "Yes!"

Then he also flew into the darkness.

The headquarters of the Evil Flower.

The atmosphere in the room is very depressing.

At this moment, the rain outside the window has gradually stopped.

At Zhuangdian by the window, a heart is getting more and more irritable.

She kept looking out the window, but the path outside the window was always empty.

With the passage of time, Zhuang Dian's heart gradually calmed down after seeing everything as usual.

It seems that things should go smoothly.

Otherwise, she should have returned long ago.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Dian faintly became excited.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman with a solemn expression came over.

"My Sect Master hasn't returned yet?"

Zhuang Dian immediately condensed all the joy in his eyes, changed to a heavy look, bowed his head and said, "Not yet!"

"Oh! At that time, I advised the lord not to go alone, but she just wouldn't listen!" The middle-aged woman sighed lightly.

"It should be all right! Sect Master's strength is shocking, who dares to attack her?" Zhuang Dian said tentatively.

"That's what I said, but who knows! And this heavy rain is too unlucky, and I have always had an ominous premonition, as if something big is about to happen!"

Zhuang Dian stopped talking, but lowered his head deeply, smug in his heart.

Ha ha!

Your hunch is correct.

Because from now on, Luolan Pavilion will never be able to return!

But when this thought of her just came up, she heard the middle-aged woman suddenly scream.


As soon as the voice fell, I heard a quiet female voice coming from the darkness, "It's me!"

As soon as this sound came out, the room instantly boiled.

Many people who were looking forward to it stood up one after another, and said with surprise on their faces: "It's the suzerain!"

"Sect Master is back!"

These shouts one after another.

Zhuang Dian felt that his heart had cooled down a little bit, and then looked out the window in astonishment.

However, under the shining light of the upper city, two shadows flew from a distance.

In an instant, it fell into the room.

The leader is Luo Lanting, the lord of the Evil Flower.

It's just that at this time, she looked terrible.

His whole body was soaked with blood, and the huge wounds were even more shocking.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the room was shocked.


"Sect Master, what's wrong with you!"

Luo Lanting waved his hand gently, "It's okay! It's just an ambush by Xing Luodao!"

Xingluodao's ambush!

This sentence made many people's expressions condensed.

Although Luo Lanting said it was such an understatement, everyone knew what a thrilling murderous intent contained in this simple sentence.

"Sect Master, what is going on?" the middle-aged woman asked eagerly.

"The matter is very simple. Xingluo Dao learned of my whereabouts in advance, and then set up a mortal game to take my life!" Luo Lanting said lightly.

"I learned your whereabouts in advance~www.wuxiaspot.com~You mean...there is a traitor in the Evil Flower?" someone asked in surprise.

Luo Lanting nodded, "You can say the same!"


The room is completely boiling!

The middle-aged woman was the first to jump out and asked with a murderous face: "Sect Master, who is the traitor? I'll hack her now!"

"Yes! Who is the traitor?"

Everyone screamed.

In this shout, Luo Lanting looked around the audience, finally lowered his eyes, and said lightly: "Who is the traitor, I don't know yet! But among the Evil Flower, only this one knows where I am You in the house!"

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