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The audience quieted down instantly.

Everyone looked at each other, seeing the shock and doubt in each other's eyes.

Zhuangdian was struck by lightning, and his head was deeply buried to cover up the panic and anxiety in his eyes.

The middle-aged woman said solemnly: "Sect Master, what you said is correct. Only the people in this room know where you are going tonight! But the question is, who is the traitor?"

Luo Lanting looked around the audience with a sinking face, and everyone looked at her solemnly wherever they looked.

After a long time, Luo Lanting whispered: "Yes, who is the traitor?"

Zhuang Dim Sum breathed a sigh of relief.


It seems that she still doesn't know the real situation.

But at this moment, Xue An, who had been standing by the side, suddenly stepped closer to her.

At this time, all the eyes of the audience focused on him.

Many people were surprised, and they didn't know what this boy in white was doing!

Although Luo Lanting and Xue An just came back together.

But everyone subconsciously ignored Xue An, and even thought he was the master from where Sect Master Luo Lanting recruited.


Xue quietly looked at the man in front of him, with his head lowered deeply, and his whole body was shaking slightly, and said lightly: "What are you afraid of?"

"Huh?" Zhuang Dian was startled, then raised his head, pretending to be confused and asked: "Afraid? I'm not afraid!"

"Isn't there? I was wrong!" Xue An smiled slightly.

But before Zhuang could breathe a sigh of relief, Xue An suddenly said again: "But how did I notice that when you saw your Sovereign return just now, instead of joy, your eyes were full of disappointment?"

"Wh... how could I be disappointed! It is clear that you are wrong!" Zhuang Dianqiang said with a smile.

"Really? Could it be that I was wrong again?" Xue An smiled lightly.

Zhuang Dian's expression gradually became gloomy, and he said in a stern tone: "Yes, you are wrong! And who are you? Why are you asking me?"

"This adult is the one who rescued me from Xingluo Dao's mortal situation, why? Do you have any questions?" Luo Lanting didn't know when he walked to Xue An's side and said coldly.


There was a slight commotion in the audience.

No one thought that this young man in white was the one who rescued Luolan Pavilion.

Zhuang Dian's heart also became more flustered, but he still smiled calmly: "It turned out to be the benefactor who rescued the lord, I'm really sorry, please forgive me for being rude!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "It's okay! But you have to answer me now, what is the disappointment on your face just now? Or is it you who leaked the news?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people looked at Zhuang Dian with extremely unkind eyes.

Zhuang Dian's complexion turned whiter, turning his head to look at Luolan Pavilion, "Sect Master, I have never done anything to apologize to you! I have never revealed your whereabouts this time, you have to believe it. I……."

Luo Lanting's face was sinking, just looking at her quietly, but did not speak.

Seeing Luo Lanting's performance, Zhuang Dian's heart sank gradually, and finally stomped with hatred.

"Okay! Since you don't trust me, what's the point of me being here? Why don't you just quit now! It's also less suspicious of you!"

With that, she turned around and left angrily.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed up, and then blocked Zhuang Dian's way.


Not waiting for Zhuangdian to speak.

This person stabbed Zhuang Dian's chest with a single knife, and blood burst out instantly, staining the ground under his feet.

Zhuang Dian's mouth opened wide, and he looked at the person in front of him in astonishment.

The middle-aged woman looked at her with hatred, and said in a deep voice: "I dare to betray the extremely evil flower, and almost killed the lord, for her crime!"

Zhuang Dian's mouth moved silently, as if he wanted to say something.

But at this time, the middle-aged woman raised her other hand with a disgusting expression on her face and waved it violently.


The dagger directly cut Zhuang Dian's throat.

This dagger is obviously not a common product, not only Zhuang Dian's throat is cut off this time, but also her soul.

She saw her eyes dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there were a few weak gurgling noises in her throat, and she finally fell to the ground and died absolutely.

The middle-aged woman looked at the dead Zhuang Dian and took a sip, "Deserve it!"

Although one person died.

But everyone in the room showed a cheerful color.

"How dare you betray the Evil Flower, it's really cheap to die like this!"

"Yes! It's cheaper for her!"

In these shouts, Luo Lanting looked at the corpse on the ground, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, the middle-aged woman kicked Zhuang Dian's corpse fiercely, and then bent down and wiped the blood from the dagger with her clothes.

But when she was busy working with her head down, Xue An also came closer, then squatted down, looked at the scene in front of her with a smile, and suddenly said: "It feels good to kill people and kill them!"

When this remark came out, many people were surprised.

What does this mean?

But the middle-aged woman did not show the slightest movement. Instead, she raised her head and looked at Xue An coldly, and asked, "Are you doubting me?"

Xue An smiled, "To be precise, it's not to doubt you, but to be sure it is you!"


Now even Luo Lanting's complexion changed.

The middle-aged woman sneered when she heard the words, "Is it sure? So, do you believe that the traitor who betrayed the Evil Flower and leaked the whereabouts of the lord is me?"

"Of course!" Xue An said with a smile.

The middle-aged woman looked up and laughed like she heard a very funny joke.

Xue An didn't say a word, just watched with a smile.

After a while, the middle-aged woman suddenly reduced her laughter and looked at Xue An sarcastically, "I have to admit that the joke you said is really funny, and you think I am a traitor, do you know...who am I? "

Xue An shook his head, "I don't know!"

The middle-aged woman stood up, raised her hand and pointed at Luo Lanting, "The elder brother of the suzerain, that is, the suzerain who took office, has been served by me. It can be said that both of them were grown up by me!"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged woman suddenly got excited and yelled: "You think I am a traitor? Are you deliberately angering me?"

The words of the middle-aged woman made many people nod secretly.


If anyone in the audience is the least likely to betray, then it is her!

After all, after such a long time together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she has become a relative of the Luo brothers and sisters.

How can relatives betray?

But when the middle-aged woman screamed with excitement, Xue An suddenly chuckled.

"There are very few people who will not betray. You think you will not betray. It is just that the price tag is not enough!"

"So what price do you think Xing Luo Dao can offer me to make me betray?" The middle-aged woman smiled sarcastically.

"There are many conditions, but I think there should be only one that can really move you! For example..." Xue An wanted to stop.

"Hehe, like what?" the middle-aged woman sneered.

"For example...returning to the upper cities!" Xue An said with a smile.

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