The whole person of Star Killer had already begun to tremble non-stop, apparently reaching the point where the oil was exhausted.

But even so, he still insisted on saying: "The name of this adult is so expensive, I only know that her surname is Fan... That's it!"

When the words fell, Star Killer's body broke apart every inch.

In fact, when he hit Xue An's punch, his whole life was completely wiped out.

It's not easy to be able to survive until now.

"My lord... I beg you to try your best to show the stars!"

Star Killer said with difficulty, and then the soul collapsed completely, and the soul was destroyed.

The so-called death is good.

This Star Killer was able to say such things before he died, which was already considered very good.

Xue An didn't have much expression.

In fact, his heart at the moment was all occupied by the words of Star Kill.

A big man named Fan.......

Is it her?


It seems that after such a long time, you have grown up in Mengxue!

Thinking of this, Xue An smiled relievedly, then lowered his head to look at the shivering Xingluodao people.

"Although I don't bother to pay attention to this guy, but people will die and be good at words, I will give him face!"

The people who had been trapped in infinite horror because of the death of Star Kill, all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xingluo Dao at this moment no longer has the arrogance of just now.

Especially the people who thought about flying up and fighting Xue An before, are even more pale at this moment, and dare not even lift their heads.

Because they had consciously supported by the Star Killing King before, they were fearless.

However, he never expected that the invincible Star Killer in the eyes of these people would be killed by the white-clothed boy in front of him.

This is as incredible as the Arabian Nights.

But the problem is that it happened in front of you so real, and everyone didn't believe it.

In this case, Xue An's loose tone also made many people think that they could save this little life.

But at this moment, Xue An's next sentence made these people fall into an ice cellar.

"I wanted to kill you all at once, but now the situation has changed, so let your own good and evil judge everything!"

What do you mean?

Judging by your own good and evil?

Xingluodao, and everyone else was puzzled when they heard this.

Xue An smiled slightly, then chuckled softly.

"Sword of seeking evil, now!"

Give an order.

Countless white sword lights floated between the sky and the earth.

Then Xue Anhao took out his ears in his spare time, and said lightly: "Do it!"


The sword light fell like rain, covering everyone in Xingluo Dao.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a scream from inside.

"What kind of ghost swordsmanship is this, no!"

"I don't want to die, please forgive me!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Various sounds are mixed together, and still can't conceal the crisp sound of sword light across the body.

However, in the blink of an eye, the sword light returned to silence.

Xue An waved his hand, and these sword lights dispersed.

A strange and **** scene appeared in front of everyone.

But seeing the blood flowing on the ground was full of broken arms and limbs, and the corpses with distorted expressions were lying on their backs, their faces still frozen with dying fear.


When everyone saw this, they all took a breath, and then looked at Xue Anshi, their eyes filled with awe.

Because they really couldn't imagine what kind of cultivation level would be able to slaughter the entire Star Luo Dao people cleanly.

Xue An was not surprised by this result.

Xingluo Dao has dominated the lower-level cities for so long, and is usually more adept at seeking profit with **** means, so you can imagine what these clansmen look like.

The entire army was wiped out, but they only took the blame.

After all, the sword of seeking evil is the evil in people's hearts.

After all this was done, the sky just showed a faint morning light, Xue An stretched a long waist, then lowered his head and smiled at Lanting and the others.

"Okay, the matter is over, let's go back for breakfast!"

Looking at Xue An with a smile on his face, Luo Lanting suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded, but he nodded solemnly.


Then Xue An happily turned around and flew to the headquarters of the Evil Flower.

Luo Lanting took a deep look at the Xingluo Dao headquarters, which had become a dead zone, and said in a deep voice: "Leave a part here to clean up the hands and tails!"


Then Luo Lanting just flew up and left behind Xue An.


The people of the Evil Flower began to clean up the scene with joy.

For them, Xingluo Dao's eradication is simply good news, and they are naturally happy.

As for the others, most of them also left.

Only Min Huazang and a small group of people stood there in embarrassment.

After a long time, someone asked quietly, "Min Guanzhu, what shall we do now?"

Min Huazang smiled bitterly, "What else can I do? Xingluo Dao is gone, so naturally he should go back to each house quickly!"

"Or, let's take advantage of the Quartet's congratulations, and find a way to re-establish a relationship with Extremely Evil Flower?" someone said.

"Haha! Don't be wishful thinking! Are the people of Evil Flower a fool? We betrayed the alliance at the beginning, but now we want to reconnect with each other, is it possible?" Min Huazang sneered.

"Is it the only way to do this?" Some people are still unwilling to do so.

Min Huazang was too lazy to say anything, turned around and left.

The strength Xue An demonstrated today has completely shocked his courage.

So now he just wants to stay away from Xue An.

As for other things, he left them behind.

He wasn't even going to return to Bailian View, but went straight to hide in a remote corner.

After all, God knows if this white-clothed boy who murdered but didn't see blood suddenly thinks of his betrayers.

With this determination, he turned around and left.

But at this moment.

Several figures suddenly blocked his way.

Min Huazang looked up, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly said with a flattering smile: "What...what are you doing?"

The people who stopped Min Huazang were the elite elders in the Extremely Evil which was also ordered by Luo Lanting before he left.

Luo Lanting has always remembered the betrayal of these people.

"Min Guanzhu, where are you going?" the leading elite elder said with a smile.

Min Huazang's heart trembled, but he still smiled strongly to himself: "I...I'm not thinking about the starting point suddenly, am I going to return to Bai Lian Guan first!"

"Oh? Is it the Hui Bai Lian Guan?"

"Yes...Yes! Hahahaha!" Min Huazang smirked constantly to cover up the panic in his heart.

"Min Guanzhu, then you have to be embarrassed. The Sect Master told you before. You and these people can't go anywhere, you have to get back the extremely evil flower."

"So Min Guanzhu, come with us!"

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