Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1611: Sword of Light Feather

Although there are 13 cities in Paradise Lost, except for the top city, the remaining 12 floors are divided into three levels from bottom to top.

These three levels are the bottom level, the second level, and the high level.

Each level contains four levels of cities, which also constitute the overall framework of Paradise Lost.

And when Xue An wiped out the Xingluo Dao headquarters, in the fourth-tier city from the bottom up, the Dao Master of Xingluo Dao Xiao He was talking to people with a smile on his face.

"This matter is bothering your lord. Please tell it to me, saying that I, Xingluodao, must go all out to clean up that person's remnants of the party!"

Opposite him, sat a handsome man.

After hearing Xiao He's words, the man smiled slightly, "I will naturally explain this to Lord Father, but as to whether Lord Father will report to you, it is not my control!"

"Understand it! Everything will take care of adults!" Xiao He nodded and said as he passed a space ring.

"There are some bright spar, which I specially prepared for you, my lord!"

"Oh? Bright spar?" The man was slightly startled, and then a playful color appeared on his face.

"Yes! I heard that adults like this kind of spar best, so I collected some, I hope you like it!"

The man opened the space ring casually, took out a brilliant spar from it, and then nodded.

"Yeah! Not bad! It seems that you are very interested!"

"Dare not dare, this is what I should do!"

Xiao He smiled so badly that his face was almost rotten. If anyone else saw this scene at this moment, he would be very surprised.

We must know that Xiao Hegui is the Taoist master of Xingluo Dao. Who has ever seen him behave in such a humble manner?

"Don't worry, I won't collect your things in vain! Then I will speak for you in front of Lord Father God!"

Xiao He was overjoyed when he heard the words, and nodded again and again: "Thank you, my lord, thank you! Xiao will never forget my help!"

"But the prerequisite is that you have to do this thing beautifully. After all... the removal of the man's remnants was personally ordered by the above, even my father and God attaches great importance to this!"

"My lord, please rest assured, I was fully prepared before I came. There is one person with the most evil flower, and no one can run!" When he said this, Xiao He's face was full of cruelty. color.

"Very good! Then I'll wait for your good news!" The man said with a smile.

"Yes, yes! Xiaomou will definitely live up to his mission!" Xiao He nodded and said.

"Okay, let's go down first!" The man waved his hand impatiently.

"Yes!" Xiao He bowed his head and wanted to withdraw.

But at this moment, a tremor from his heart shook Xiao He's whole body, and then stood still.

"What's the matter?" The man also noticed the strangeness and asked in a deep voice.

Xiao He's face gradually turned pale, "It's the head!"

"Oh? What happened to the headquarters?"

Xiao He shook his head, "I don't know, but my connection with the headquarters suddenly broke!"

"Disconnected? How could this happen?" The man couldn't help being a little surprised.

Although he didn't like Xiao He, the powerhouses from the lowest cities, he still knew the strength of Xingluo Dao.

Suddenly disconnected from divine consciousness, this incident obviously revealed an unusual taste.

Xiao He looked very solemn, and said hesitantly: "It may be due to the disconnection of spiritual consciousness caused by spatial fluctuations!"

But just as he tried to find a reasonable explanation, there was a rush of messy footsteps outside the door.

Then I saw the other three kings of Xingluo Dao walking in anxiously.

"My lord, Dao Master, is there something wrong with the headquarters? How else would you suddenly disconnect?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao He's face changed completely.

Because if you are the only one to disconnect from the headquarters, you can also use spatial fluctuations and other reasons to explain.

But at this moment so many people feel the strangeness, which obviously cannot be explained by other reasons.

The only explanation is that something happened at the headquarters!

This thought made Xiao He's hair stand up all over his body, and his face was even more ugly.

"Sure enough, something happened?"

Speaking of this, Xiao He turned and bowed to the man.

"My lord, there may be something wrong with the headquarters now, I have to rush back to solve it, so please forgive me for not staying here for long!"

After that, Xiao He turned around and left.

But at this moment, the man stopped him.


"My lord, what else is there?"

"How long have you been away from the bottom city?" the man asked in a deep voice.

"Leave the day before yesterday!"

"In that case, you have been away for only two days, but in such a short time, something happened to your Xingluo Dao headquarters! What does this mean?"

"Explain..." Xiao He realized something, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

The man nodded, "Yes, it means that the person who does it is obviously not an ordinary person, otherwise it would be impossible to solve your Xingluo Dao in such a short time!"

"Then what to do?" Xiao He asked anxiously.

"Haha! If I'm not mistaken, the person who did it must be the remnant of that person's remnant party!" At this point, there was a touch of excitement and cruelty in the man's eyes.

"It just happens that I have nothing to do now, so I will go with you this time, and by the way, I will completely clean up these remnants of the remnant party!"

Xiao He couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

Because he knows the strength of the man before him.

This is the eldest son under the seat of Lord God King, who has inherited extremely terrifying power, and is called the existence of the sword of light feather!

If he followed himself back, it would be foolproof.

Thinking of this, Xiao He's excited voice trembled.

"Xiao, thank you sir!"

"Haha! Don't be so polite, after all... Are you also doing things for my Father God!" The man stood up and patted Xiao He on the shoulder, and said very kindly.

Xiao He was so grateful that he nodded and said, "Yes!"

"It's not too late, we will leave now!" the man said with a smile.

As the location of the bottom level, this fourth-tier city is a distance from the bottom.

But under the leadership of this man the group of people returned to the bottom city in just a short time.

Before coming to the headquarters of Xingluo Dao.

Xiao He couldn't help widening his eyes, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Because at this moment, the headquarters of Xingluo Dao has become an empty city.

Everyone was gone, not even a trace of it.

"This...this..." Xiao He was trembling all over, already speechless.

The man's complexion was also a little solemn, "What a strong smell of blood!"

With that said, he fell to the ground and came to the open space in front of Xingluo Dao headquarters.

The ground is very clean, it seems that someone has just cleaned it.

But when the man gently kicked away the floating soil on the surface, there was a mottled blood stain below.

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