See Xue An's smile.

The sword of light feather suddenly felt an extreme danger in his heart.

It wasn't until this time that he understood why God the Father had fled to this place instead of wanting revenge when he knew his brother was killed.

It turned out that this young man was far more terrifying than he thought!

At least the strength he just demonstrated was beyond the understanding of the sword of light feather.

The incomprehension means a huge power gap.

At this point, the sword of Light Feather's fighting intent was completely eliminated, the wings suddenly flapped, his body instantly reversed, and then he was about to escape.

In terms of speed, the Sword of Light Feather has absolute confidence.

Because under the blessing of this pair of light feather wings, no one can catch up with him.

This stems from the powerful blood talent of the holy angel, and it is almost unsolvable.

But just when his figure flashed slightly, he was about to blur, and then disappeared in place.

Suddenly someone was blowing in the back of the neck.

This can't help making him startled.

At the same time, Xue An only laughed and said: "What? Do you want to escape?"

The Sword of Light Feather was so scared that he almost screamed.

How could this guy suddenly appear behind him?

Could it be that he is faster than himself?

impossible! It must be an illusion!

These thoughts flashed through the heart of Lightfeather Sword, and at the same time his movements didn't stop at the slightest, Lightwing flapped frantically, and he wanted to escape into the void.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly stretched out his hand and plunged directly into the void, grabbing a wing of the sword of light feather.

"No...!" The Sword of Light Feather screamed in despair, and the other wing aimed at Xue An and released an immeasurable light feather.

But these powerful swords of light feathers looked like a breeze blowing in Xue An's eyes, and he didn't even make his eyes blink, but just took a breath.


These swords of light feathers were directly blown out.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An grabbed this wing of the Light Feather Sword and slammed it up with a sudden force, and then pinched it to the ground.


As the smoke and dust were everywhere, a deep hole appeared on the ground, which was smashed out by the body of the sword of light feather.

This is just the beginning!

But seeing Xue An squeezed the Sword of Light Feather with force with both hands, and then smashed it crazily on the ground.

Bang bang bang!

In the continuous muffled sound, the earth kept trembling, which was accompanied by the scream of the sword of light feather.

at last!

When Xue An finally stopped, the big pits on the ground were already next to each other.

As for the sword of light feather, it was lying on the ground with a gray head and face, already dying.

This scene caused many people to swallow secretly.

Because the violent power contained in this is too frightening.

You must know that the other party is a magnificent holy angel!

As a result, it looked like a toy in Xue An's hands, almost smashed to death!

At this time, Xue An released his hand.

The Light Feather Sword's body was limp to the ground, and its wings kept shrinking. In a blink of an eye, only a small poor wing was left.

Xue An fell in front of him, then slowly squatted down and looked at him quietly.

The sword of light feather was indeed stunned.

It stands to reason that his body is extremely powerful and should not be injured so easily.

But in Xue An's hands, all his strengths and cultivation bases are invalid, and he can't even move.

That's why it ended up in such a tragic situation.

"Is there anything else I want to say?" Xue An asked softly.

"Big... Your lord forgive me!" The sword of Guangyu said in horror.

Xue An chuckled and shook his head, "I'm not satisfied with this answer! Forget it, I'll ask your father if there is anything wrong!"

After all, Xue An raised his hand and pointed it on the center of the eyebrow of the sword of light feather.


In the blood splattering, the body of the sword of light feather struggled crazily.

But nothing helped. Xue An's fingers slowly and firmly penetrated into the center of his eyebrows, digging out his godhead forcibly.

When this eight-faced crystal exuding brilliance appeared in front of everyone.

The Sword of Light Feather let out a miserable howl, and then the body broke apart, turned into a little light, and returned to nothingness.

The audience was silent.

In fact, from Xue An's hands to the present, there is only one cup of tea in total.

But in such a short period of time, the sword of light feather that came so aggressively became nothing, and even his godhood became Xue An's collection.

This fact makes everyone speechless.

As for the hopeful Xiao He who followed the Sword of Light Feather and hoped that he could express this breath for Xingluo, at this moment, his mouth was wide open, and he couldn't be alone in the wind.

I can't see me, I can't see me!

Don't laugh, this is what Xiao He and the others are really thinking at this moment.

They are all praying, pray that Xue Anke never think of himself!

Unfortunately, things backfired.

He saw Xue An withdraw his gaze from the eight-faced crystal in his hand, and then raised his head to look at Xiao He and others.

Everyone looked pale as far as they could look.

The corners of Xue An's mouth gradually raised, revealing a slight smile, "Are you... from Xingluodao?"

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Lan Ting stepped forward and said respectfully: "My lord, these people are all from Star Luo Dao, and the leader is Xiao He, the master of Star Luo Dao! Behind him are the three big stars of Star Luo Dao. King of Heaven!"

Xue An nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then asked in a leisurely time: "Then the problem is here, you guys come aggressively, and you even brought in a helper. What do you want to do? Do you want to avenge the people of Xingludao?"

The voice was relaxed and indifferent, as if it was stating a trivial matter.

Hearing Xue An's questioning, Xiao He and others cried secretly.

You must have known that it was such a god-killing grandfather who wiped out the headquarters of Xingluo Dao, and he couldn't say anything!

But the matter is It's no use regretting.

Xiao He took a deep breath, bowed to Xue An, and then said respectfully: "My lord, we are indeed all from the Stars, but we are not here for revenge!"

"Then what are you planning to do?" Xue An asked slowly.


With so many people here, what do you want to do?

Is it to say that it is here to communicate with the Evil Flower?

What a joke, even a fool would not believe it.

And if he dared to treat the white-clothed boy in front of him as a fool, then he might die first.

But not answering is no good, Xiao He fell into a dilemma for a while.

At this moment, he suddenly had an idea, and hurriedly said, "My lord, if I say that we were all coerced by this sword of light feather, do you believe it?"

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