Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1615: If it's my life, it will be in the fire...


"That's right, we were visiting him in a low-level city before, but he happened to know about the incident in the headquarters of Xingluo Dao by chance, and had to follow it, but we had no choice but to agree! "

Xiao Heyue said more smoothly, and added a lot of details, trying to make the whole thing more believable.

But Xue An just smiled.

"Actually, it's normal for you to come to me for revenge! After all, the headquarters of your Xingluo Dao was indeed destroyed by me! There is nothing wrong with taking revenge!"

"Haha!" Xiao He's smile was extremely stiff, but he was frantically complaining in his heart.

Yes, it is indeed what you said, but the point is that we dare to tell the truth?

Therefore, he hurriedly said with a grin: "My lord is laughing, these men of mine have always acted nonsense. It is their retribution to die in the hands of adults this time!"

As he spoke, cold sweat was leaking from Xiao He's back.

In fact, if you really compare the cultivation level, Xiao He is no less inferior to the Sword of Light Feather, but it does not have the strange talent bonuses of the Sword of Light Feather.

But this does not mean that he has no strength.

On the contrary, being able to hold Xingluo Dao for so many years without failing is enough to prove Xiao He's strength.

So he didn't need to be so humbly.

But at this moment, Xiao He was shocked by Xue An.

Because from the beginning to the present, Xue An has been too calm.

Even when the sword of Slaughtering Light Feather digs out his godhood, there is no extra expression on his face.

This feeling is creepy enough.

In addition, no matter how he observed it, Xiao He couldn't perceive the slightest strangeness in Xue An.

At this time, nothing is the biggest one.

That's why he is so honest.

As for the face...

For people like Xiao He, it is important to survive. How much money is his face worth?

"Well said!" Xue An applauded lightly, his face full of admiration, "But the strangest thing about me is that you also know retribution?"

Xiao Heqiang smiled and said, "My lord, of course I know the retribution, you..."

Xue An interrupted him directly, "Since you know the retribution, then what do you should end up?"

Xiao He and the Xingluo Dao people behind him all changed in expression.

"My lord..." Xiao He said softly with an extremely ugly expression.

"Huh?" Xue An didn't pay attention to these at all, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked in a deep voice.

Xiao He's complexion gradually became gloomy, staring at Xue An, and then slowly took a breath.

"Do you have to kill everything like this?"

"Have I said that I want to kill them all? I'm just asking you, what kind of retribution I think I deserve! Is there any problem with this?" Xue An said with a smile.

Xiao He finally couldn't hold back.

The clay figurines have three-point fire.

What's more, he thinks his posture has been low enough.

This can't satisfy Xue An, it is obviously that he doesn't know what is good or bad.

Holding this thought, he calmly rushed to the people behind him and made a gesture.

The eyes of everyone in Xingluo Dao also became gloomy.

"Friend, you have destroyed my home of Xingluodao. You are still so aggressive now, don't you think it's too deceitful?" Xiao He tried to distract Xue An with words.

Xue An just smiled, then shook his head and sighed softly: "You still haven't figured it out! It's not that I'm trying to deceive people too much, I'm just asking what you deserve!"

"Do it!"

As soon as Xue An's words fell, Xiao He shouted angrily.

The timing was right, and it happened to be the moment when Xue An had just finished speaking and the Qi machine had not recovered.

The order fell like a mountain.

The people from Xingluo Dao who had secretly prepared for a long time rushed in, all of them took out their own tricks to suppress the bottom of the box, trying to defeat the proud white boy in front of them.

Near, near again!

When everyone rushed to the front, even many people could see the wavy hair on Xue An's forehead.

Xue An suddenly raised his head, with a cold look in his eyes.

"Since I asked several times and you didn't respond, then I have to do it myself and arrange a result for you!"

Many people who were talking about this were confused and wondered what Xue An meant.

But Xiao He, who was at the front, felt his heart tighten for no reason, as if he felt a terrifying danger.

At this moment, Xiao He really wanted to turn around and flee, and how far he fleeed.

But at this moment, he has rushed to Xue An, and seeing that in a moment, his long-saving ult can be released, and no matter how powerful this guy is, it is estimated that he will have to fall.

This temptation is too great.

So big that Xiao He couldn't help suppressing the anxiety in his heart, and then continued to rush forward.

But at this moment, Xue An's mouth gradually raised, and then whispered softly: "If it takes my life, it's up to me!"

The voice is clear and clear, spreading to the world.

Everyone in Xingluodao felt their bodies sank, almost overwhelmed by a violent force, and their speed slowed down accordingly.

Xue An continued and said: "Only we can plant red lotus in the fire!"

After that, he raised his eyes, the brilliance flashed in his eyes, and a small golden lotus appeared in his pupils.

After seeing this almost mysterious scene.

The nearest Xiao He was shocked, and then roared in disbelief, "How is this possible!"

There was infinite despair in the voice.

Because Xiao He could feel that a breath of energy was rising from Xue An's body.

Under this trembling power, Xiao He felt that he was so small for the first time.

He wanted to escape.

But everything is too late.

Because at this moment.

Red lotus blossoms appeared on top of Xiao He and others' heads out of thin air, and then their roots suddenly went down.


No one can withstand such a blow.

The roots came into their minds instantly.

Immediately afterwards, countless brilliance began to surge upward from the roots.

In an instant.

These red lotus began to sway slightly, and then slowly bloomed.

The moment when the lotus blossoms in anger.

Including Xiao He, the expressions of everyone in Xingluo Dao became very dull.

It was not until a long time later that Xiao He said in a vague voice: "Good trick... good trick!"

Words fall.

But seeing everyone in Xingluo Dao shook together, and then the whole body turned into fly ash, scattered between the sky and the earth.

Such a scene horrified everyone.

Everyone knows that Xue An is great.

But what people didn't expect was that it would be so powerful.

That's all the elite of Xingluo Dao!

Was he killed by Xue An?

But they did not see it.

At this moment, Xue An, with his back to them, the brilliance in his eyes became a little dim.

Obviously, this blow also caused a lot of pressure on Xue An.

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