The middle-aged man stared at Xue An deeply, and then personally started to spin the roulette.

Of course this roulette is tricky!

In fact, the gambling equipment in the entire casino basically has hidden doors.

At least Xue An could tell at a glance.

But he did not make any movements, still standing at the table and watching quietly.

The roulette turned quickly, and it also affected the hearts of everyone in the audience.

After all, this is a huge amount of gambling!

at last.

The roulette gradually stopped, everyone watching extremely nervously, only Xue An was still full of indifferent color.

It seems that none of this is related to him.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but sneer secretly.

Either this guy is a young man who has never seen the world, or he is a strong man in the city.

But from now on, the former is very likely.

After all, no one can be so indifferent in this situation, without even looking at it.

This is not in line with common sense at all, it can only prove that he is pretending.

But whether he looks at it or doesn't look at it, he will lose this time.

Because the middle-aged man has already used that secret door to ensure that no matter who it is, he will lose even his pants.

But when he was full of confidence, the roulette gradually stopped.

The atmosphere of the audience rose accordingly.

Hearing people's louder than one yelling, the middle-aged man couldn't help looking down, and then all the complacency on his face froze.

Because with the stagnation of the roulette, the pointer is gradually rushing towards the number Xue An bought.

How could this be?

This is absolutely impossible!

The middle-aged man's eyes almost stared out.

You must know that the moment he started the roulette, he had secretly used the back door, and it stands to reason that this would never happen now.

But the truth is ruthless.

Seeing that the pointer stayed tremblingly before the number Xue An bought, there was a violent commotion in the audience.

"Gosh, he won again!"

"This is impossible! From the beginning to the present, he has won four in a row, and it is completely impossible in terms of probability!"

"Ten Thousand Light Crystals... If this were mine, how good would it be!"

All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion, and the roof was almost lifted.

Xue An still had an indifferent expression, just raised his eyes and glanced at the pale, cold sweaty middle-aged man on his forehead, and then smiled slightly.

"Sorry, I seem to have won again!"

The middle-aged man's lips moved. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't even say a word.

Because he really didn't understand what method Xue An used to win himself.

He obviously used the back door!

Why do you still lose?

Just as he looked at Xue An dumbfounded and puzzled.

A burst of clear applause came from a distance, and then a cold female voice said: "Okay! What a great gambling technique!"

Following the voice, the crowd split a passage in an instant, and then saw a woman stepping out of the middle, her gorgeous face full of cold smiles.

Seeing this woman, the middle-aged man couldn't help letting out a sigh, then bowed his head deeply.

"Second Miss, this..."

The visitor was the second daughter of the King of Light, Sally.

Seeing her face full of coldness, she didn't even glance at the middle-aged man, and said coldly: "Okay, I saw it all! What a useless thing, get out!"

The middle-aged man bowed like a pardon, "Yes!"

Then he respectfully retreated behind Sally.

With the arrival of Sally, the audience was even more silent.

No one dared to speak, and even the timid had retreated far away, not even daring to raise his head.

Sally ignored the gazes of the people around, she walked straight to the gaming table.

The person who was in charge of the roulette before immediately stepped aside.

Then Sally stood opposite Xue An and smiled slightly.

"This lord came from afar, and Guangming Casino was unable to welcome it far. I'm really sorry!"

Xue An raised his eyes slightly, took a look at this Sally, and then said non-committal: "Why? Has someone changed?"

Sally's smile did not change, "The adults bet too much, and they are no longer able to handle them, so naturally I have to play!"

Xue An nodded, "So, will you be able to take it next?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people standing behind Sally changed slightly, and some even looked at Xue An with incomparably piercing eyes.

You must know that Sally is the second daughter of the King of Light. Such a noble birth destined her to be no ordinary person.

In fact, no one dared to talk to her like this before, and Xue An was the first one.

These guards are naturally full of anger, just about to break out.

Sally waved casually to stop the group of eager men behind him, and then looked at Xue An with a cold smile.

"Of course, I will bear all the next bets!"

"Oh, is it?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.

"of course!"

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid you can't afford it!" Xue An shook his head.

Sally's face changed slightly, and her tone became colder, "How can I know if I can afford it without trying?"

Xue An smiled faintly, "You seem to be unconvinced?"

Sally snorted, and then said meaningfully: "My lord, although I don't know where you are from, I have something to tell you. In this land, no one can be my bright The opponent of the family!"

"I mean, anyone!"

Sally's words implied threat.

Xue An didn't seem to understand, and smiled faintly, "It sounds great, but I just don't believe in evil, so this time...I'm still stud!"

After all, Xue An slammed his hands, and Xue An pushed the 100,000 spirit crystals directly into a digital area.

When everyone saw this number, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because of this number, it is 1!

You know that in roulette, the first and last numbers are the most difficult to appear.

Especially the first one!

It is a rare encounter in a century.

Under normal circumstances, no one bet on this number at all ~ so the odds of this number are also the highest, reaching fifty times the odds.

But even so, no one was betting on this number, because the hope was simply too slim.

Now Xue An shot a full 10,000 spars on 1!

This also means that if he wins, he will reap half a million spars.

And if he loses, not only will he lose everything, but he will even take his own life.

Therefore, after a commotion in the audience, it gradually became silent.

Sally was also taken aback, Xuan even looked deeply at Xue An opposite, trying to see some clues from his expression.

But she failed.

On Xue An's face, apart from a faint smile, there was no extra expression, as if the ten thousand spirit crystals pushed out were not his eyes at all, and he didn't even blink his eyelids.

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