This can't help making Sally's heart shrink gradually.

Could it be... this guy really has any secret tricks that people don't know, can control the roulette?

Do not! This is impossible!

Because this roulette was made under the supervision of his own father, no one can play tricks on it.

It can be seen that this guy is clearly playing mystery.

Thinking of this, Sally couldn't help showing an inscrutable smile on her face, and then softly admired.

"Good! Regardless of victory or defeat, your boldness alone is enough to be admirable!"

Xue An was non-committal, just smiled, and then sat in a chair beside him in his spare time, and said lightly: "Stop talking nonsense, let's get started!"

The eyes of the audience instantly focused on Sally again.

She took a deep breath, and then a solemn color appeared in her eyes.

After all, this time is different.

But his own hands carry the honor of the entire Bright Casino.

So she put her hands on the roulette with a sinking face, and suddenly shouted.


With that, her palm pressed hard.

The roulette began to spin quickly.

at the same time.

Sally directly used the highest authority to use the back door of this roulette.

I have to say that she played very beautifully.

Even concealed from everyone present.

Only the middle-aged man standing behind Sally saw the clue, and then there was excitement in his eyes.

He can be sure that under the control of this back door, Xue An will definitely lose this time.

It seems that it must be the second lady!

If I were to be replaced by me, it is estimated that I would have been showing my feet now! The middle-aged man sighed secretly in his heart.

Sally looked even more triumphant. She first looked at the fast-spinning roulette, and then condescendingly looked down at Xue An, speaking with sarcasm.

"My friend, what do you think the result will be this time?"

Xue An retracted his gaze from the roulette, then raised his head and smiled at Sally.

"What do you think?"

"Hehe, I think my friend, you seem to have lost this time! After all, the 1 on roulette is extremely difficult to appear 1"

Xue An shook his head, "You are wrong, I think I will definitely be able to drive 1 this time!"

"Oh?" Sally sneered in her heart. Now that this roulette has been fully incorporated into her jurisdiction, she said stop and stop, how could there be a result of 1?

"Don't you believe it?"

"of course!"

"That's good! I can prove it to you!" Xue An shrugged and said lightly.

The ease in the words made Sally shocked, and even self-doubt at one point.

Could this guy really control the roulette?

Do not!

Never will!

Sally denied her thoughts in an instant.

In her opinion, this is absolutely impossible.

But at this moment, the speed of the roulette gradually slowed down.

Everyone held their breath and wanted to see the final result.

at last.

In this highly anticipated situation, the roulette is spinning more and more slowly.

The pointer also crossed the numbers.

27, 28, 29...

In the end, the pointer finally slowly crossed 32 and came before 1.

Sally's eyes widened instantly.

But just when the pointer was about to stop, suddenly, a force of unknown origin caused the pointer to rotate two squares forward with difficulty, and finally stayed on top of 3.


There was a commotion in the audience.

The corner of Sally's mouth raised, showing a sneer, and she wanted to say something to Xue Angang.

But at this moment, I saw that the roulette that had been slowly stopped suddenly seemed to be backed by two squares because of some inertia, and finally stayed on top of 1, and didn't move anymore.


The people who were about to cheer instantly opened their mouths, and all the words were stuck in their throats. They couldn't even say a word, only a few chuckles remained.

Sally almost bit her tongue, staring at the scene in front of her with dumbfounded eyes.

At the same time, Xue An smiled slightly.

"Sorry, I seem... I won again!"

Sally raised her head blankly to look at Xue An, her eyes gradually cold.

The guard behind her took a step forward, ready to do something.

But at this moment, Sally raised her hand to stop everyone behind her, and then said hoarsely: "Redeem it to him!"

"Second Miss!" The middle-aged man was shocked, just about to dissuade him.

Sally gritted her teeth and said: "Didn't you hear what I said? I said exchange it to him!"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man trembled all over, and he could only wink the hand behind him with a pale face.


Five hundred thousand spirit crystals were sent over.

Of course, many of them are higher-level spirit crystals, which can be exchanged.

Otherwise, even if the casino is emptied, it is impossible to gather so many spirit crystals in such a short period of time.

Even so, so many spirit crystals still filled up most of the table.

Xue An was sitting on the chair behind, almost drowning his whole person.

At this time, the entire Bright Casino was a sensation.

No matter it was the people in the lobby or the box, they were all startled by this incident, and gathered in the distance to discuss with their heads.

But no matter how many people were onlookers, Xue An was very deserted behind him, and there was not even a person watching the excitement.

Because everyone was afraid of being missed by Bright Casino because of this incident, it was natural to hide how far away from Xue An.

Xue An glanced at the spirit crystals in front of him with a smile, and then nodded.

"Unexpectedly, the second lady is still a believer! Five hundred thousand spirit crystals are not a small number, and they would have been redeemed when they said they were redeemed!"

Sally's face was pale, staring at Xue An with cold eyes.

"My friend, you have won so much, please come down with a reward!"


Everyone pricked their ears and listened quietly.

Everyone wants to know who this boy in white clothes who didn't know where he came out is.

Xue An also laughed when he heard this, "It stands to reason that I should tell you who I am, but it is a pity that you don't deserve to know based on your identity!"


As soon as this remark came out, the audience was silent.

Because this is no longer hitting Sally's This is obviously just stepping Sally's head into the mud and stomping on the ball!


Sally's complexion became ashen as she stared at Xue An, "Did you ever consider the consequences when you said this?"

"Consequence?" Xue An smiled slightly, then stood up abruptly, lightly patted the 500,000 spiritual crystals in front of him, and said lightly.

"Since you ask me, then I will tell you what the real consequences are!"

"Five hundred thousand spirit crystals and a stud, continue to buy...1!"

What is the concept of 500,000 spiritual crystals?

For example, if all the light power of a **** guard is extracted, it can condense a hundred light crystals.

On the other hand, a low-level **** has a thousand pieces, a medium-sized one ten thousand pieces... and so on!

And half a million spirit crystals are equivalent to the power of a higher **** with the blood of a **** king.

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