With such a big event at the bottom level, the people in the upper cities are naturally not blind.

Almost at the same time, a letter of inquiry from the upper-level city was sent.

This letter hovered over the place where the central temple was before, obviously searching for the breath of the King of Light.

Unfortunately, all this is destined to be futile.

At this moment, a hand that looked like a sapphire jade stretched out from the side and grabbed the letter.

Xue An opened the letter, glanced briefly, and then a sneer appeared on his face, and the letter shattered with a pinch.

"My lord, what did it say?" Luo Lanting asked curiously.

"Nothing! The next-ranked gang asked what happened to the King of Light and why there was such a big battle!" Xue An said lightly.

"Oh!" Luo Lanting nodded, "Then what shall we do next?"

"Of course I will continue to the next level! But I have to return this letter, so I don't have to wait for it, it's already scaring the snake!"

With that said, Xue Anxin wrote a letter in the air, and then waved his hand, and a beam of light was poured into the letter.

Luo Lanting's eyes widened.

The power of light displayed by Xue An is pure and soft, and it is indistinguishable from the true and false displayed by the King of Light.

Xue An also felt the surprise of Luo Lanting, but he just smiled slightly, "You have to make a full set to do the show! And it's just a bright power, nothing difficult!"

After all, this reply disguised as the King of Light soared into the sky and flew to the next level.

After doing all of this, Xue An said calmly: "This letter paper can win at least three days, which means that we have to cross the three-tier city within three days and go to the next level on the eighth floor!"

"Time is running out, let's fix it a little bit and leave now!"


Next, Xue An and Luo Lanting cleared the battlefield a bit.

Xue An even wiped out the many treasures left by the King of Light. Anyway, it would be cheaper for others to stay. It would be better to put it away by himself, and it would be regarded as the little interest charged by the King of Light for squeezing the followers of the earth for so many years.

After finishing all this, Xue An flew up with Luo Lanting, and soon disappeared into the sky.

Until the two of them have completely gone away.

Those who survived poked out their heads tremblingly.

After seeing the devastation in the city, the faces of these people were all pale and terrible.

They could not breathe at all for the violent power shown by Xue An before. Now they finally had a chance to breathe, but they were stunned by the tragedy before them.

Especially when they saw the grand and majestic central temple of the past, it had become a big pit at this moment, and they were shaking as if they could not even speak.

After a long time, someone swallowed hard and said tremblingly: "Who is this... who is this person? Why is there such a strong strength? Even the entire Guangming Protoss is not his opponent?"

"I guess it might be a strong man from the upper city! Otherwise, it wouldn't be so good!"

"Well, I think so too, is it a subordinate person?"

"Hehe, although the second-ranked people are powerful, it is impossible to kill the Guangming clan directly, so I think... it should be a higher-ranking existence!"

Hearing this speculation, many people were even more silent.

The existence of higher rank...

This seems to be an existence they dare not even think of.

And if this is the case, then this matter can be described as full of strangeness.

After all, the existence of higher ranks has always been higher than the upper ranks, not to mention the lower ranks, even the lower ranks rarely have their people appear.

This time it came suddenly. What does this mean?

Could there be any hidden secrets in it? Is it even involved in the struggle between sub-level and high-level?

When I think of this problem, many people's faces change.

Because this kind of thing that involves high-level struggles, once contaminated, it will be a disaster for them.

At this point, the crowd who had just gathered around to watch the excitement immediately spread out.

People who can survive in Paradise Lost may not be very strong, but there is absolutely no fool.

The taste of conspiracy revealed in this incident naturally made many people avoid it.

There are even those who are ready to flee the fourth-tier city immediately, even if they first take refuge in the city below, it is better than waiting for death here tremblingly.

I want to explain here that the discrimination between these 13 cities in Paradise Lost is extremely serious.

Even if it is only one level higher, it will be full of contempt and disdain for the people in the lower cities.

If it is not a very special situation, almost no people from higher-level cities will go to lower-level cities.

This is also the reason why the bottom rank has such a big deal, but the second rank only sent a letter of questioning.

But now these survivors don't hesitate to hide in the lower-level cities to take refuge, which shows how scared they are.

Of these, Xue An naturally did not know.

At this moment, he led Luolan Pavilion to the fifth-tier city.

Because the structure of the thirteen-story city in Paradise Lost is very special, if you want to go up, you have to fly up layer by layer.

Other than that, there are no shortcuts.

And each climb up one level means more resources, larger area, and stronger strength.

The fifth-tier cities have broken away from the lower ranks and belong to the jurisdiction of the lower ranks.

In addition, this place is located at the junction of the two levels, which makes this city extremely prosperous.

And walking on the street, you can see almost all races in the heavens.

Demons and ghosts, demons and ghosts, there is almost everything.

In contrast, Xue An and Luo Lanting, who were walking during the walk, seemed less noticeable.

Even because of their "weakness" and "slenderness~www.wuxiaspot.com~~ they attracted a lot of implicitly unkind eyes.

Facing these gazes, Luo Lanting's complexion turned pale. Although she tried to make herself appear calmer, she couldn't help the tremor in her heart.

This has nothing to do with courage, but because of the difference in strength, her aura is not controlled at all.

In contrast, Xue An did not have any extra looks, but looked at the shops on the street with interest.

I have to say that compared to the lower-level cities, this place is much cleaner.

Even the shops on the street are magnificent and full of dazzling arrays.

Xue walked quietly, but suddenly, he seemed to feel something.

The smile on his face instantly diminished, and there was a chill in his eyes.

Luo Lanting naturally also felt the cold killing intent from Xue An, but she did not dare to ask, but stood silently behind.

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