Xue quietly stood for a moment and continued to walk forward!

at last.

The two of them walked to a building in the middle of the street.

The building is very large and the guests coming and going in front of it are very lively.

And standing on the street can smell the tangy aroma coming from the building.

Needless to say, this is obviously a restaurant.

Xue An stood in front of the door, looked up at the building, without saying a word, his face sank like water.

Luo Lanting stood behind, feeling a little surprised.

Sir, what's wrong?

Are you planning to go in for dinner?

But why didn't you stand in front of the door again?

At this moment, Xiaoer, who was standing in front of the door and was responsible for greeting the guests, also saw Xue An and his eyes lit up.

You must know that anyone who can stand in this position to greet guests must have extremely vicious eyes.

Which one is powerful, and which one has its appearance!

These shops can tell at a glance.

So when he saw Xue An, he immediately saw that although the white-clothed boy was seemingly invincible on the surface, his temperament was as if it were Yuan Yue Zhi.

In addition, the little maidservant with two pony tails standing behind him all demonstrates this person's extraordinaryness.

It seems that it is most likely a descendant from a certain family!

Thinking of this, the smile on the face of the shop's Xiaoer couldn't help getting stronger, and he quickly greeted him.

"My lord, do you want to eat?"

Xue An retracted his gaze and glanced down at the shop's Xiaoer.

This glance made the shop Xiaoer even more secretly surprised.

The look in his eyes was so quiet, it was almost like a pond.

Therefore, his smile became more humble, "My lord, our Zhanxianglou is a famous restaurant in the entire Paradise Lost. If you want to eat, you must try it!"

Xue An didn't change his expression, he didn't even pay attention to the second person in the shop, but walked straight into the building.

The store's little Er was overjoyed and hurriedly followed.

Luo Lanting was slightly confused, wondering what happened to Xue An?

Why is it so cold all of a sudden.

As the second person in this shop said, this restaurant is indeed large enough.

The hall alone is extremely magnificent and magnificent.

After Xue An came in, the second person from the store graciously led Xue An up a step and came to a platform.

"My lord, what do you think of this place? Directly overlooking the entire hall, the location is perfect!"

Xue An was silent and sat directly on the chair.


Spicy tea served.

"My lord, what do you think you plan to eat?" Xiaoer asked with a smile while holding an exquisite menu.

Xue An didn't even look at it, but said indifferently: "I don't eat!"

The smile on Xiao Er's face instantly became a little stiff, "But you..."

He just wanted to say that if he doesn't eat, he can't sit in such a place.

But before he could finish speaking, a few top-grade spirit crystals smashed on his face, making him silent.

Xue An turned his head and glanced at him, "Is that enough?"

The shop's little Er had a few big bags on the face that was smashed by Lingjing, but he smiled so much that he could not even see his eyes, "Enough enough! This is simply too much!"

You must know that he usually serves guests for a whole day, and at most he can only get an ordinary spirit crystal.

Today, this young man in white had a handful of superb spirit crystals.

This can't help making this shop Xiaoer more fortunate to look at him.

This is definitely the youngest brother from a certain family, otherwise the shot would not be so lavish!

At the same time, Xue An flipped through the menu on the table, and then said lightly: "I can't see anything on these menus! But if there are any fresh dishes, I can try it!"

Hearing this, the shop Xiaoer's eyes lit up, and then took a step forward, lowered his voice, and said with a smile.

"It turns out that my lord came here after hearing about the name of our Zhanxianglou! Then you are right this time. I heard from the shopkeeper that a batch of top-quality goods came in recently, and today I am going to try the dishes! "

"Extreme goods?" Xue Anyi asked pointedly.

The shop is double-focused. "Absolutely best!"

"That's good! Then I will open my eyes!"

With that, Xue An threw another spirit crystal in his hand.

The shop Xiaoer patted his chest with excitement and promised, "Don't worry, my lord, I will do it properly, and you are satisfied!"

After that, he turned and left excitedly.

But he didn't even notice how cold Xue An's eyes looked at his back.

"My lord! What the **** is the best product this person is talking about?" Luo Lanting couldn't help asking.

Xue An was silent for a moment, and finally whispered: "Soon, you will know!"

At this time, Zhanxianglou became more and more hot and noisy.

This time the "test dishes" obviously shocked many people.

At least there are many people in the hall rushing towards this.

I saw that all of them didn't think about it, and they were all excited and whispering to the people beside them.

Some even started to drool along the corners of their mouths.

Obviously they are looking forward to something.

at last.

After another full meal, the shopkeeper returned and said to Xue An with a smile on his face.

"My lord, it's all ready! The inspection will begin soon! If you are interested in something, you can tell me and I will arrange it for you!"

Xue An was noncommittal.

At this moment, a long iron cage arrived from the back of the hall.

These iron cages were completely covered by red cloth, and there were magic circles attached to them, making it impossible to see what was inside.

Then I saw a middle-aged man with a big belly come to the front of the stage and smiled at the crowd.

"This time, it took us a lot of effort to collect the goods in Zhanxianglou. You must have been waiting for a long time, so let's not say much. Let's start the inspection now!"

Following the voice, a servant tore off the red cloth from the cage, revealing the situation inside.

Luo Lanting's eyes instantly rounded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then there was anger in his eyes.

Because just in these iron cages, hundreds of human women were imprisoned.

These human women are only seventeen or eighteen years old, and the younger ones are only twelve or three.

Everyone is wearing brand new clothes, but still can't hide the deep despair and panic on their faces.

Especially when exposed to the eyes of everyone, these women all screamed, and then curled up into the corner, shivering.

But this kind of weak performance not only failed to arouse people's sympathy, but aroused the animality of many people, making the audience more and more noisy.

Some aliens looked at these human women greedily, and the saliva in their mouths kept flowing down.

The middle-aged man chuckled, "You must have seen the goods this time, so let's try the dishes first!"

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