After seeing this woman, many foreign experts in the hall stood up and bowed their hands in salute.

"I have seen the Seventh Lady!"

That's right!

The woman who came is the owner of Zhanxianglou, known as the Seventh Lady.

At this moment, the Seventh Lady looked frosty, first lowered her head and glanced at the **** mud on the ground, a biting chill burst into her eyes, and then slowly raised her head, staring at Xue An.

"You did it all?"

After the Seventh Lady rushed into the hall, Xue An was watching her.

After hearing her question, Xue An couldn't help nodding meaningfully.

"Yeah! Didn't you see everything just now?"

The Seventh Lady's eyes were full of anger, "Very good! Sure enough, I am bold enough to come to my Zhanxianglou to be wild, do you know where this is?"

Xue An's voice was indifferent, and said slowly: "Where?"

"Hehe, I can only say that you are dead! No matter your background, whoever is behind, you are dead!" The Seventh Lady said bitterly hateful.

Xue An laughed when he heard the words, "Is it such a big tone?"

"It's not that I have a big tone, but it is the truth! Because you will never understand what kind of existence you have provoke!" The Seventh Lady said condescendingly, her eyes full of cruel joking.

And the many foreign experts in the field couldn't help but change their expressions.

Because they all thought of a rumor.

A rumor about the backstage of Zhanxianglou.

This can't help but frighten them all.

Unexpectedly, Xue An laughed loudly after listening.

"What did you provoke? A fox demon actually dared to talk to me in this tone!"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Seven's eyes moved, and then she snorted, "The eyesight is good, you can see who I am, but you still have to die! If you are acquainted, and now behave yourself, I might still be merciful. Keep your soul, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

Xue An’s smile became colder, and suddenly he said: “I’m really surprised that since you are a fox clan, you still dare to sell human women and do this kind of conscience. Are you not afraid of the three laws of the fox clan? ?"

If the Seventh Lady had always looked frosty before, thinking that she was superior.

Then after Xue An said these words, she was shocked by it, and then looked at Xue An with a wild change.

"Who are you? How can you know the three laws of our fox clan?"

No wonder the Seventh Lady has changed so much.

Because what Xue An is telling is a secret within the fox family, and outsiders have no idea.

Xue An chuckled, but did not answer her question head-on. Instead, she asked: "Do you know why I didn't kill you?"

"Because cleaning up your fox scum, it is natural for your fox people to do it!"

What do you mean?

The Seventh Lady was taken aback.

At this moment, Xue An raised his hand a little eyebrow and said lightly: "Ying'er, come out!"

With the voice, I saw a light and shadow flying out from the center of the eyebrows, and when it fell on the field, it had turned into a stunning girl.

As soon as this stunning woman appeared in the field, many foreign experts, especially those from the monster race, began to tremble.

Because they felt a powerful pressure from the bloodline level.

As for the Seventh Lady, her complexion changed wildly, and there was infinite panic and fear in her eyes.

Hu Ying already knew what was happening outside in the Fu Bao Xiaolou, so she appeared behind the court.

She saw layers of murderous intent on her pretty face, staring at the Seventh Lady like a knife.

"Can you be guilty?"


The total suppression from the bloodline made her plop and fell to her knees, knocking her head like garlic, shaking her whole body, and tremblingly said: "Little demon... Little demon convicts!"

Hu Ying snorted from her nostrils, "Convict? Well, let's talk about what you have sinned first!"

"This..." Madame Seven suddenly hesitated, her eyes flowed in a pair of fox eyes, as if thinking about something.

Hu Ying sneered, "It seems that you still have a fluke mentality! Then I ask you, do you know the three rules of the Fox family?"

"Little...Little demon knows!" The Seventh Lady said in a quiet voice.

"Come to me!"

The Seventh Madame was silent for a moment, and then said tremblingly: "The first...Article, do not harm the human race! The second article, do not participate in alien disputes! Article 3, if the second article conflicts with the first article, then stand on the human race Here!"

"Very good! It seems that you don't know anything!" Hu Ying said with a sneer.

These three Fox Clan rules are specifically derived from when it is no longer possible to verify. There are rumors that this is an agreement between the ancient human saints and the fox ancestors.

As long as the people of the fox tribe must abide by these three rules.

If there is a violation, then anyone of the fox clan can take punishment.

What's more, Huying was born in the orthodox Qingqiu fox country of the fox tribe. Her bloodline is extremely pure and her status is indescribable. She naturally has a strong deterrent to the little demon, who has mixed bloodlines like the Seven Madames and at the same time troubles the human race.

The Seventh Lady's face was almost transparent, "My lord... please forgive me, I'm just confused for a while, I won't dare anymore!"

She understands how serious the consequences of this incident are.

But in the past, she always had luck, thinking that in the paradise lost in this chaotic rule, no one would know even if she violated the rules of heaven.

Even if they know it, some people will support themselves.

This is why she is so unscrupulous.

But I never expected that I would actually meet an adult from Qingqiu Fox Country today!

Such existence can be said to be the royal family of the entire fox family.

She didn't even dare to resist, she could only ask for mercy.

"Haha, don't dare anymore? Breaking the agreement between the human and fox clan, do you think you will have a future? Suicide! This is the last decent I will give you!" Hu Ying said coldly.

There was a look of despair in the eyes of the Seventh Lady, trying to beg for mercy, but seeing the decisive expression on Hu Ying's face, she could only lower her head silently.

"Thank you, sir!"

With that, she raised her hand and patted her!

After a muffled sound, her head was beaten to pieces by herself, and her body fell to the ground.

The whole action is simply and neat, which also shows the deterrent power of Hu Ying.

But Hu Ying didn't mean to stop here.

A fox tail suddenly appeared behind her, sweeping in the void.


Accompanied by a rapid and desperate scream, a thin figure hidden in the void suddenly shattered.

Hu Ying constricted her tail and said coldly, "I dare to do these little moves in front of me? Do you really think I can't tell when I am young?"

Having said that, she looked at the pale-faced powerful aliens in the hall, and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Xue, what do these guys do?"

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