
This word made all the powerful aliens feel a bitter cold from the bottom of their hearts, just like what they had done to human women before, except that the roles were changed this time.

Xue An said lightly: "What do you mean?"

"According to me, these guys are not good things, kill them all!" Hu Ying said murderously.

Xue An smiled, raised his hand and patted Huying's head, "Why is a little girl's murderous so serious?"

Hu Ying groaned, "Oh... Brother Xue!"

Listening to the two of them talking about their own life and death issues so unscrupulously, these foreign powerhouses are naturally very angry.

But no one wanted to grow branches at this time, so they all pretended to have not heard them, and retreated silently.

At this moment, the smile on Xue An's face gradually converged, "But what you said is correct. Anyway, these guys are not good things. Killing directly will save trouble!"

When the words fell, the few foreign experts who were about to withdraw from the Zhanxiang Tower felt that the situation was not good, and they rushed out without hesitation.

But since Xue An wants them to die, no one can save them!

Xue An's hand suddenly showed an extremely bright brilliance, as if holding a sun in his hand, and then it exploded.

Countless rays of light burst out, and every ray of light is a sword piercing the darkness, sweeping across the entire Zhan Xiang Lou with a violent posture.

No one can escape the light, so at almost the same moment, countless fine wounds appeared on the bodies of these powerful aliens.

The blood rushed out, dyeing the whole body red and cutting off their vitality.

Bang bang bang!

With the sound of falling to the ground one after another, these alien powerhouses began to fall one by one.

The one who ran the farthest was only able to touch the threshold of Zhanxiang Tower, but just such a step away, it turned into a moat at this moment.

These powerful aliens fell to the ground with horror and unwillingness.

In an instant, Xue An and his party and these human girls were left in the audience.

These Terran girls have been scared silly at the moment.

I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect the situation to turn around and that people like myself would be saved.

On the contrary, these guys who caught him are all dead.

How can this not make them shocked.

But soon, they regained their sobriety, and then they rushed towards Xue An.

"Thanks for your help!"

"Thank you sir for your life-saving grace!"

Xue An nodded slightly, "How did you get caught here?"

The girls looked at each other, and then they smiled bitterly and said: "Back to the adults, we don't know how we were caught here, but we only came here after a very long transit!"

Xue An nodded silently after hearing this.

The situation is similar to what he imagined.

It is difficult to find these weak human women in Paradise Lost.

Because in this world, only the strong can survive.

So they are probably caught from the outside world.

In this way, how to arrange them has become a thorny problem before us.

If left alone in this way, then the most likely thing is that Xue An's front foot will leave them behind and they will once again become prisoners of others.

These women naturally thought of this too, and they all looked at Xue An tremblingly with hopeful eyes.

But no one dared to speak, for fear of disturbing Xue An, who was looking down and meditating.

After a while, Xue An raised his head and smiled slightly.

"Well, since this is the case, let's just wait at this place first!"

"Waiting here?" Hu Ying asked in surprise.

"Yeah! Rather than rushing to the eighth layer of the city for thousands of miles, it is better to wait here for people to come over! After all... some people should not be able to sit still at this moment!" Xue An smiled very happily.

These women naturally had no objections.

So this matter is so settled.

The corpse in the hall was burned by Xue An casually.

These women began to clean up the mess all over the ground.


Everything is restored as before.

Then Xue An moved a chair and sat in front of the hall door, and said lightly; "Go down and rest first!"

These women were already exhausted, but after hearing what Xue An said, none of them stepped back. Instead, they all stood there quietly.

Xue An glanced at them and smiled slightly, "Okay, I am enough here! There may be a battle later, but it is not harmful, so you should go and rest!"

Hearing Xue An's words, these women hesitated and finally retreated.

Luolan Pavilion also wanted to wait here, Xue An ordered: "Go back and watch them!"


After Luo Lanting also left, Xue An and Hu Ying were the only ones left in the huge hall.

Hu Ying was quite excited and said, "Brother Xue, who will come soon? Is this the little fox demon backstage?"

"Are you curious?"

"Of course I'm curious!" Hu Ying nodded her head.

"If you are curious, then go back to the Fubao Xiaolou and wait for it!"

"Huh?" Hu Ying was dumbfounded, and then shook her head very resolutely: "Brother Xue, I don't want to go back! I want to stay here to help you beat the bad guys!"

"Stay here to help me beat bad guys?" Xue An chuckled lightly, "You are not here to help me the most!"

With that said, without waiting for Hu Ying to resist, Xue An thought about it, and directly captured Hu Ying back into the Fu Bao Xiaolou.

After doing all this, Xue An leaned back on the chair in his spare time and waited quietly.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour.......

Until an hour later.

Just heard a roar coming from far away.

"Who is it? Who dares to do something to my people?"

The shout was shaking.

The originally lively streets were immediately taken down, and people dispersed without hesitation.

In an instant.

The streets became deserted.

Here I want to say that when Zhanxianglou was "testing dishes" before, it closed the store door and opened the defensive circle.

So what happened inside is completely unknown to the outside world.

Xue An, who was sitting on the chair, heard the roar from outside, and Guanghua flashed in his eyes, and a cold smile appeared.

"It's a bit slower than I expected!"

As soon as the voice fell ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I saw countless dark clouds coming from the distant sky, covering the sky and the sun, concealing the sun and the moon, making the otherwise bright weather extremely dark.

Immediately afterwards, the black cloud turned unsteadily, and gradually condensed into a huge face with all beard and hair on the sky, and then roared below.

"Who? Who killed Xiao Qi!"

The whole city trembles under such violent prestige.

Xue An didn't even get up, but still sat on the chair, and said indifferently: "What are you doing so loudly? I killed the people, what are you doing?"

The aura in the black cloud condensed in an instant, and then blasted open the defensive circle of Zhan Xianglou like a ruin.

A shadow gradually emerged in the hall, staring at Xue An coldly.

"who are you?"

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