Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1634: Human race will decline, alien race will rise?

In that almost infinite space, there are countless strange and unspeakable powerful creatures.

Some are recorded in the heavens, but more are ignorant.

There are slugs that are useless, even ordinary people can't hurt them, and there are ancient evil gods that are powerful enough to be comparable to the fairy king and even the fairy emperor.

Under this circumstance, even the strong immortal king of the separatist side is unwilling to provoke these abyss creatures.

Because no one knows what the consequences will be.

If you don't die if you hit a snake, don't you just get hurt?

But in the face of this man's threat, Xue An just smiled coldly, "Are you threatening me?"

"Jie Jie, the strong human race, this is not a threat, but a good word! After all, although your strength is great, now the human race has shown a trend of decline, and the next world will be our foreign race, so I advise You'd better do it yourself! Otherwise, the methods of our abyss creatures are endless, and there are some you can't even imagine!"

As the man said, there are many existences in the abyss creatures that are difficult to explain with common sense. They have extremely strange abilities.

For example, spell killing in the air, such as seizing luck against the sky!

These abilities are also one of the reasons why many powerful people are so afraid of the abyss.

But Xue An laughed when he heard the words, "Oh? Human race will decline and alien race will rise? Who told you this?"

"There is no need to tell, this is the general trend of the world, after all, your human race has been prosperous for several catastrophes, and it is our turn next!" The man sneered.

"What's your name?" Xue An suddenly asked irrelevant words.

"My name is Sha!"

Xue An nodded, and suddenly said: "This is not your real name, right!"

Abyssal creatures are similar to monsters or demons, and they all have their real names.

Sneered, "Of course not!"

"No, it doesn't matter!" Xue An smiled faintly, "I can tell you now that the human race will never decline. As for you monsters and alien races who shouldn't appear in the world, don't want to dominate the heavens!"

Sha rolled his eyes and sneered: "Do you think this is what you have the final say?"

"Of course!" Xue An's eyes were calm, "because as long as I am here, you will never be allowed to be rampant among you alien races!"

He laughed hard, "Your joke is really funny!"

As far as these monsters are concerned, although they have repeatedly tolerated and escaped at first, once they have to face them, they will lose their fear without hesitation.

And this Sha has his own plan.

Although this young man in white clothes was shocking with his boxing skills, he didn't necessarily treat himself with this punch.

Even if this body is broken, with the help of the devil's blood, he can be reborn in the abyss.

With this idea, this Sha will be so arrogant.

But soon, he couldn't laugh.

Because Xue An looked at him coldly, and suddenly uttered a large section of extremely confusing and obscure language.

Hearing these words, this Sha was almost as if struck by lightning, hissing exclaimed: "How is it possible! How can you know my real name?"

Xue An said lightly: "Is it difficult?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Sha finally panicked this time.

Because once his real name is leaked, it means that most of his life and death have been pinched in his hands.

Xue An smiled, and the brilliance flashed in his eyes, and the huge spiritual thought instantly shielded the surroundings.

Then he said lightly: "If I'm not mistaken, are the second-tier world masters like you, the same creatures of the abyss?"

Said sternly, "So what?"

"Very good! In that case, I will borrow your body for a use!"

After that, a dangerous light flashed in Xue An's eyes.

"What are you going to do?" exclaimed, "Even if you know my real name, I can't kill you! Don't waste your time!"

"Can't kill? Haha!" Xue An sneered, and a swaying red lotus suddenly appeared in front of him.

After seeing this red lotus, Sha almost stared out his eyes, and muttered almost absent-mindedly: "This... how is this possible!"

Immediately afterwards, there was infinite horror in his eyes, just about to say something.

Xue An said coldly: "Go, your true name will fall, and your body will stay here!"

After the words fell, the red lotus karma fire disappeared directly into the void, and then obliterated Sha's real name on a mysterious level.

"My lord, forgive me, I am willing to serve you as my Lord, don't kill me!"

This time I was really scared.

Because once his real name is destroyed, then he will completely perish, and even a trace of divine thought will not be left behind.

But Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, just watched quietly.

Soon, Sha's eyes dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until his eyes completely lost their luster and became extremely hollow.

Xue An just took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and saw Sha's body melted into Xue An's body like water.

In an instant, Xue An turned into a shameful appearance.

When he suddenly opened his eyes, a strange aura swept across the world.

It also directly broke open the spiritual blockade left by Xue An.

Luo Lan Ting was waiting anxiously outside, she didn't know why the lord had suddenly blocked the world.

Now that I can't see the situation inside, Luo Lanting is naturally full of entanglement and worry.

So when the divine consciousness blockade suddenly broke open, Luo Lanting was happy, and he just stepped forward and just wanted to say something, and then he was stupid in place.

Because where is the adult who is standing in the void, it is clearly a man with a strange manner!

As Luo Lanting was struck by lightning, a thought suddenly flashed through her mind.

Could it be that the adults have lost?

Do not!

This is impossible!

The adults will not be defeated!

But the scene before her made her unable to explain at all.

at the same time.

The man in the void glanced at the city under his feet, and then stepped into the only remaining backyard of the Zhanxiang Tower.

Luo Lanting's body was shocked, and the extremely evil flowers bloomed around him immediately, and he looked at the man in front of him with a guard.

"Who are you? Your lord?"

Xue An was funny in his but didn't intend to tease the little girl anymore, so his body fluctuated and showed his true colors.

Luo Lanting looked at Xue An dumbfounded, "Big...sir?"

"What? Don't even know me?" Xue An said with a smile.

Luo Lanting looked happy, and just about to come forward to see him, suddenly he thought of something, and his face reappeared with a look of caution.

"How do I know if you are pretending to be that guy?"

You must know that the methods of these powerful men are endless. If it is Xue An who is pretending to be other evil things, then isn't he fooled?

Xue An was not angry, but nodded approvingly, "You are right, but you think..."

A ray of sword light appeared between Xue An's eyebrows, "Can anyone pretend to be this?"

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