Luo Lanting finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, then stepped forward and said apologetically: "My lord, please forgive me for my previous offense, it is really..."

Xue An waved his hand and smiled and said: "Well, I don't mean to blame you. On the contrary, you can have this vigilance, which is great!"

"But my lord, why do you dress up like this?" Luo Lanting asked in confusion.

"This... of course it was specially prepared to go to the next level!"

Luo Lanting wanted to ask again, but after seeing the mysterious smile on Xue An's face, he closed his mouth very wisely.

After this battle, only a lonely backyard remained in the huge Zhanxiang Building.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the follow-up effect brought about by this event.

This big duel above the sky shocked everyone.

The power vented is even more trembling.

The final result was obviously that the boy in white had lost.

But the winner went straight into the backyard of Zhanxianglou, and has not come out until now. This can't help all those who observe this secretly be puzzled.

what happened?

What is in the backyard of Zhanxianglou? Why hasn't the adult come out yet?

Some active minds started to make secret calculations.

Would you like to enter the Zhanxianglou to pay respect to this adult?

Just as everyone was thinking, a brilliance suddenly rose in the backyard of Zhanxianglou.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An, who had turned into that abyssal monster again, appeared in front of everyone.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

Xue An didn't speak at the beginning, but indifferently scanned the audience for a lap before speaking slowly.

"I am an envoy under the seat of the Lord of the Realm. I am here to eliminate the rebellious party!"


This word made everyone tremble.

In their eyes, that is the real big man in the next rank!

Therefore Qi Qi became awe-inspiring.

Xue An was very satisfied with this effect, secretly amused, but on the surface was still very indifferent.

"Now the rebellious party has been eliminated, but there are many vital hostages left!"

As he said, those girls appeared in front of the backyard.

"It's inconvenient for me to bring them to the next level. I can only temporarily settle them here, but this matter is of great importance. You have to be well protected, you can't make mistakes! Do you understand?"

The last shout was magnificent, and it made everyone's heart startled.

Immediately afterwards, the quick-witted person nodded in response.

"Master, please rest assured! We will do our best to live up to your entrustment!"

"Yes, we are absolutely foolproof!"

The crowd became noisy.

Xue An faintly smiled, "Very good! But even though they are hostages, you should not be in the slightest, because I heard that even the realm master values ​​these people very seriously! If something happens then... "

Many people's faces are pale.

Does Lord Master know this?

But immediately they became more and more excited.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be possible to say that if you behave well, you can gain the realm master's eyes with this matter?

At this point, many people's hearts were fiery, and the gazes at these human girls became more and more hot.

"My lord, don't worry, we will not let these girls suffer the slightest grievance!"

"Yes, how dare we neglect the people whom the Lord Master values?"

Many people slapped their chests loudly, and kept their promises.

Xue An was amused when he heard the words, but the surface was still light and breezy.

"Yes, if this matter is done well, then I will speak for you in front of the master!"

Everyone was overjoyed, "Thank you, sir!"

"Thank you for your support!"

Xue An smiled slightly, then turned to look at these girls.

He had already told these people his thoughts just now, so they were all ready.

Although there was still some nervousness in their hearts, when facing Xue Anna's searching gaze, these people still nodded one after another, indicating that they were ready.

Xue An nodded, "If this is the case, then I will leave first!"

After all, without waiting for the onlookers to react, Xue An has soared into the sky and led Luolan Pavilion to disappear into the vast sky.

Despite this, there are still people who are used to slacking off horses and shouting flatteringly: "My lord, go slowly!"

"My lord has a good journey!"

After shouting, these people looked at these human girls with sincere expressions.

The Terran girls were suddenly very nervous.

Because they found out how weird these people look at their eyes?

It's like...the way a person who has been hungry for days finally saw a good meal.

"" There was the brave girl who just wanted to say something.

Seeing these people rushing forward, before they could react, they showed sincere diligence.

"Girl, are you eating now? Are you hungry? I will order someone to cook for you now!"

"Oh, girl, are you injured? It's okay, I have the secret medicine created by our teacher, I guarantee that the medicine will be cured!"


These noisy shouts almost drowned them.

These girls looked dumbfounded and looked at each other, only then did they understand what Xue An’s arrangement meant before leaving!

This is to protect the safety of these people!

Many women couldn't help showing tears of excitement in their eyes.

If it weren't for Xue An, they might have already become the belly food of some alien races.

They really have no retribution for such kindness, and can only pray silently in their hearts.

May the adults go here, all smooth sailing, and come back soon!

At the same time, Xue An, who was on his way to the eighth-tier city, suddenly showed a smile.

"My lord, what are you laughing at?"

"Oh! Nothing!"

After a while Luo Lanting asked in a low voice: "My lord, you left those women alone in Zhanxianglou. Are you really okay?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Now that those guys are too late to cheat them, how dare they have other crooked thoughts? Not to mention..."

Xue An smiled very mysteriously, "Before I left, I deliberately left a sword glow on them. If something happens, it will be enough to protect their peace!"

Luo Lanting nodded, "It turns out to be like this! Then I can rest assured!"

"But my lord, what are you planning to do when you dress up as an abyssal monster?"

"Don't worry, you will know when the time comes!" Xue An said with a smile.

The distance between the fifth layer and the eighth layer of cities is actually not too far. The key is that the cities on each layer are blocked by a strong magic circle, and most people cannot cross it at all.

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