But this cannot help Xue An.

Benefiting from the fact that the identity he now disguised was a second-tier spiritual envoy, he didn't even move his hand during the whole journey, and he traversed several layers of cities smoothly, and finally came to the eighth layer of the city.

This is the dividing point between the sub-level and the high-level, and it is also the place where the giants and demons from all sides live together.

In the city, dense buildings obscure the sky, and some are even taller and straight into the clouds.

And in this place, there is only night, no day.

Standing high in the sky and looking down, the brilliance of the city is like a sea of ​​stars, dazzling.

Those who can stand here are not easy to follow.

Xue An followed the memory he had absorbed from Bra, and flew at low altitude in the city.

Wherever it passed, there were sounds of many monsters retreating into the darkness in fear.

But it also attracted many dangerous and evil eyes.

After feeling the breath of the monster played by Xue An at this moment, all these eyes were stagnant, and then a touch of gloating, even full of sarcasm, appeared.

Xue An understood it in his heart, but just smiled coldly, and then stepped across the stacks of buildings, and finally came to a very majestic tall building.

When he slowly landed on the roof of the building, the entire tall building trembled.

But before he walked down the steps, a ridiculous voice came from a distance.

"Yeah, our noble Lord Black Sha is back!"

Xue An didn't even turn his head, but said coldly: "Chi Xiao, you are really in good spirits! Why? Waiting here all the time, just to welcome me back?"

There was a rustling sound in the darkness, and then I saw countless black beetles pouring out, forming a tall figure.

This is a man with a sly face, like a demon who crawled out of hell.

The corners of his mouth were grinning to the base of his ears, and he said with a grinning grin: "Heisha, I didn't expect you to come back so soon! Why? Didn't your little concubine come back? what a shame!"

Having said that, he laughed triumphantly.

Xue An didn't say a word, but looked at him quietly, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

The reason why he knew that this guy was called Chi Xiao was naturally because of Heisha's memory.

Not only that, he also knew that Chi Xiao and Hei Sha were extremely at odds.

As long as there is a chance, the two will fight to the death.

But most of the time, the black evil fell in the wind.

"Huh? This little lady looks good! Tsk tsk, she is still a human race! Hei Sha, your interests are really broad enough. Last time you found a fox demon, why? Did you change to an adult race this time?" Chi Xiao noticed the Luolan Pavilion standing behind Xue An, full of sarcasm.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "What? Who am I looking for to have a half-spiritual relationship with you? It's the turn of you to talk here?"

"You..." Chi Xiao was furious when he heard the words, and just about to have an attack, suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help laughing strangely.

"I see, Heisha, you are scared, right? That's why you intend to deliberately provoke me!"

"Haha!" Xue An sneered, maintaining the inherent image of this monster.

But his reaction further confirmed Chi Xiao's guess.

"Absolutely! Hehe, speaking of it... Hei Sha, you are really courageous enough! In the past, you were only raised in other cities, but this time you dare to blatantly bring other women back. Are you not afraid of you? Mrs. will tear your tentacles to pieces?"

Chi Xiao was more excited as he spoke, his face full of gloat.

Because in this rank, who didn't know that this black evil spirit envoy was famously afraid of his wife?

In fact, this is not to blame Heisha, it is really his wife or his wife's family that is too strong.

The dignified Chongxu family, even in this eighth-tier city, is considered a well-known existence.

Even when it comes to relatives, you can have a relationship with the master of the world.

This is also the reason why Hei Sha can be the spiritual envoy of the upper seat.

But also because of this, many people ridiculed Heisha from behind because it was purely a woman who got his position.

In fact, in the abyss, there are many creatures that are female and tyrannical, while males are relatively weak.

Hei Sha is an octopus contaminated by the blood of the devil. If he succumbs to his wife, it is actually nothing.

But ordinary creatures can, but strong ones can't.

Because once you embark on the path of the strong, it means you have to abandon a lot of biological instincts.

Otherwise, your path to the strong will not go long.

This is also the reason why Hei Sha has attracted so much ridicule and disdain after he returned.

In the past, as long as Chi Xiao said that, Heisha would often lose the battle.

This time was no exception, I saw Chi Xiao looking at Xue An smugly, trying to see the panic on his face.

But this time, he miscalculated.

I saw Xue An looking at Chi Xiao nonchalantly, and finally smiled coldly.

"Tear to pieces? Ha ha, do you think she dares?"


Chi Xiao almost thought he had heard it wrong.

You know that in the past, as long as you mentioned his wife, the black evil spirit would immediately admit it.

But what happened this time?

How could this black evil become so tough?

"Hehe, Heisha, are you joking with me? If these words are known by your wife, what will happen, you should know better than me!" Chi Xiao grinned.

Xue An had actually sensed Heisha's memory a long time ago, and knew that this was a complete strictness of his wife, so he had been prepared, but just smiled faintly.

"What can I do if I know it? As for the consequences... I will let her know what a consequence is!"

"You..." Chi Xiao looked at him deeply as if it had met Xue An for the first time.

"Why? Don't believe it? Well, you can follow along, and I will show you whether all this is true!"

After all, Xue An stepped down the steps and walked into the building.

Chi Xiao looked dumbfounded at Xue An's back, and suddenly trembled.

How did this guy become weird after going out?

Could it be replaced by someone?

But that breath and spiritual thoughts can't be faked!

what's the problem?

With full of doubts, he pondered for a moment, and then followed.

The building at the foot is Heisha’s previous nest, and also the headquarters of the Chongxu family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To put it bluntly, Heisha is actually a son-in-law.

So the bullying he usually suffered can be imagined.

For example, when Xue An walked into this building, almost all the people in the past regarded it as if they hadn't seen it. Only a few people stepped aside and nodded, which was regarded as a greeting.

But when they saw the Luolan Pavilion behind Xue An, they were all stunned.

Xue An didn't bother to take care of these guys, and led Luolan Pavilion straight into it.

Until both of them have gone far.

These people just woke up from the shock, and then looked at each other and saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

what happened?

This Lord Black Ghost actually led the woman home?

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