Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1637: Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny

This is an extremely luxurious living room no matter the layout or furnishings.

At this moment, a secret meeting is going on in this living room.

Chong Xuying raised his head arrogantly, and sneered at Chong Xulan, who was sitting aside: "Sister, that trash not only raises a female pet in the lower-level city, but this time he even dared to come secretly to his private meeting. We have to give him some color now!"

Chong Xulan looked indifferent, "I have my own sense of this matter, and you don't need to talk too much!"

Chong Xuying pursed his mouth when he heard the words, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"Sister, shouldn't you really be enamored with that waste? I can tell you that you represent the face of the Chongxu family. If it weren't for taking the blood of this waste, you wouldn't be able to marry him, so... ...."

Before she finished her words, Chong Xulan suddenly raised her head, her eyes turned into a daunting black, and said coldly: "Chong Xuying, are you teaching me how to do things?"

With the voice, a powerful dark coercion surged in.

But in the face of such power, Chong Xuying did not show weakness, but coldly snorted from his nostrils, "What? You did not do it right, can't I teach you?"

When he said that, he had to fight with Chong Xulan.

At this moment, an old and majestic voice came.

"Stop it all!"

With an order, the two sisters Chong Xulan and Chong Xuying immediately stopped the offensive in their hands, and then bowed and saluted an old man sitting in the upright position.

"Grand Elder!"

The old man nodded slightly, "Okay! I know that your sisters have always been at odds, but no matter how you look at each other is not pleasing to the eye, you can't do it privately, because your life does not belong to you, but belongs to the entire Chongxu family. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" The two nodded together.

Then the old man looked at Chongxulan, "Even though the child Ying'er speaks irritably, what he said just now is not unreasonable. If it wasn't for improving the blood of our Chongxu family, he wouldn't let you marry that wild animal. ! So... what happened to the plunder of his blood?"

Chong Xulan nodded slightly when he heard the words, "Great Elder, don't worry, there has been great progress. In a few years at most, I will be able to plunder all the blood in his body! The time to destroy him is then!"

When she said this, Chong Xulan looked indifferent.

"Very good!" The elder nodded very satisfied, "This is the descendant of my Chongxu family!"

Chong Xuying heard the words, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a disdainful smile.

Isn’t it just born some time earlier than me? What's so great!

As Chong Xuying was full of slander, there was a loud noise outside the meeting room.

"My lord, you can't go in!"

"My lord, this is a forbidden place for you, so please come back!"

The sound of shouting one after another.

The expressions of Chong Xulan and others changed.

At the same time, the noise outside suddenly turned into screams.

But these screams lasted for a very short time, almost in the blink of an eye, everything returned to silence.

But before Chong Xulan and others could react, there was another loud bang.

The door of the meeting room was directly knocked down to the ground, and Xue An slowly walked in amidst the agitated smoke and dust.

It was him at first sight.

Chong Xulan and others were all stunned.

Because at this moment, Xue An is still like Heisha.

But then I saw Chong Xuying suddenly getting up, and a vertical leap jumped in front of Xue An, screaming loudly.

"Who let you come here? Don't you know that this place is absolutely forbidden for you? Get out!"

Xue An looked down at Chong Xuying. Based on Hei Sha's memory, he knew that this woman was Hei Sha's sister-in-law.

And from the memory, Hei Sha was actually full of fear for his sister-in-law.

Don't look at him as the monster of the abyss, but when facing the dashing shadow, it can be said that he can't fight back and curse.

This led to the arrogance of Chong Xuying.

Therefore, Chong Yingying will take the lead at this time.

If it were in the past, Heisha would immediately become irritated by Chong Ying's scolding, and then obediently withdrew.

But today, Chong Xuying found that things had changed.

She was shocked to discover that in the face of her own scolding, the Hei Sha in front of her did not shrink back, but looked at herself indifferently, especially those eyes that were full of mockery and playfulness.

This attitude immediately angered Chong Xuying, and saw her sneer, "You haven't settled the account of your private going out. Now you dare to have such an attitude, it's really looking for death!"

As she said, she raised her hand and slapped Xue An in the face.

Regarding the cultivation base, Chong Xuying is only half the level of the fairy king, and this is still the light of the bonus of his own bloodline talent.

But she just dared to slap the black evil who is far better than her!

The reason was because she had taken this Heisha and absolutely did not dare to fight back.

But the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny!

She just slapped her slap halfway, Xue An smiled slightly, raised her hand, and slapped her face.

This slap can be said to come first.

Chong Xuying almost didn't react, when Xue An's slap arrived.


After a very crisp sound, Chong Xuying's whole body was slapped from the ground, and he flew out several meters away before he could touch the ground.

Then he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of broken teeth.

Not to mention, her nose and half of her face were shattered by this hand.

The broken muscles fell down, mixed with blood, making her face very terrifying.

This shocking slap not only shook everyone in the house, but even Chi Xiao, who rushed over after him, was taken aback.

Originally, when he saw Chong Xuying stopping Xue An, he was quite gloating in his heart.

Because he knew Heisha usually feared his little sister-in-law the most.

Moreover, there was a dewy marriage between Chi Xiao and this Chong I knew that Chong Xuying had a violent temperament, which was definitely not a good thing.

Now Xue An is trespassing in the living room, this matter will never be kind.

But never expected that the final result would turn out to be like this.

Things are indeed not good, but it is not the black evil that fell, but the ghost.

Chi Xiao looked at Xue An's back in astonishment, couldn't believe it was all true.

How come you suddenly have so much courage for this uselessness?

at the same time.

Everyone in the room has also reacted.

"Hei Sha, do you dare to hurt someone? Kneel me down! I can still intercede with the elders for you, otherwise you will definitely die!" Chong Xulan stepped forward, shouting murderously.

Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, just glanced at her coldly, "Let me kneel? Do you have the qualifications?"

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