Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1638: I'm crazy, what can you do with me...


Hearing these words, whether it was the people who rushed to hear the news or the Chi Xiao and others who were there before, they were all dumbfounded.

Who didn't know that Hei Sha usually respected this Chong Xu Lan as a god.

She said that if you go east, you will never go west.

People have even seen Hei Sha kneeling at Chong Xulan more than once and begging.

However, he never expected that the black evil master today was uncharacteristically, and even dared to yell at Chong Xulan.

Chong Xulan's face was gloomy and almost dripping.


She saw the Luolan Pavilion standing behind Xue An. She was startled at first. Even if Xuan thought she had found the cause, she couldn't help but tremble with anger.

"Hei Sha! You actually talked to me like this for a human woman? Are you crazy?"

But Xue An just took his ears out of his spare time, "Yes! I'm crazy, what can you do with me?"

"You... die for me!" Chong Xulan's eyes turned into pitch black, and the hair behind him danced without wind, turning into tentacles, rushing towards Xue An frantically.

But Xue An didn't even move. These tentacles turned into fly ash before they rushed to the front and disappeared.

Then Xue An said lightly: "Use the blood abilities looted from me to deal with me, it's hard for you to think!"

As soon as he said this, the eyes of the great elder who was sitting on the upright position suddenly burst, and he took a deep look at Xue An.

Chong Xulan didn't notice this. At this moment, she was obviously very angry, and her figure flashed, she rushed to Xue An, and then she wanted to do it.

Until then, in Chong Xulan's mind, the person in front of him was still the Heishi who knelt down and begged for mercy for Bo himself.

Even if he gave him the courage, he didn't dare to treat himself.

But this idea was quickly slapped by reality.

When Chong Xulan was desperate and wanted to teach Xue An a lesson, Xue An suddenly raised his hand and slapped it out again.


This crisp sound is louder than the previous one.

Caught off guard, Chong Xulan screamed, and then flew out like an arrow from the string, and the target was the Great Elder sitting in the middle.

But before she rushed forward, the great elder waved his hand casually, a soft dark force supported her, and then slowly placed her on the ground.

Despite this, Chong Xulan was still bleeding from his nose and mouth, and his appearance was extremely miserable.

From Xue Anjin to the present, just a few breaths, two people have been fanned out one after another.

This had to shock everyone.

Chi Xiao, who was planning to follow the joke to watch the joke, almost stared his eyes out, and muttered with a blank face: "This...what's going on? Is this black evil really crazy?"

The great elder took a deep look at Xue An, and said coldly: "It seems you already know everything!"

Xue An nodded, "Forget it! At least you secretly looted my bloodline power, I already know!"

"Oh!" The elder sighed softly, "Why do you really need it! In fact, as long as you always pretend to be ignorant, then our Chongxu family won't take you any way, but will send you back to the abyss after you have no use value. , Then you can still save your life, isn’t that bad?"

Speaking of this, the great elder raised his head and looked at Xue An indifferently, "As a result, you have to take the initiative to puncture it, this is your own death!"

In the cold voice of questioning, the eyes of the elder were gradually filled with darkness.

But the dark coercion brought about by this is much stronger than the previous Chong Xulan.

The Chongxu family was also born in the abyss, and their bloodline abilities are also very special, but they control darkness.

Such skills can be said to be like a fish in this dark paradise lost, so they can become a subordinate family.

But no one would dislike his own bloodline ability.

In order to improve or evolve the Chongxu family's bloodline ability, they tried to integrate into the bloodlines of other abyssal monsters and tried to improve them.

And the bloodline ability of Hei Sha was favored by the Chongxu family.

So not long after he was out of the abyss, Hei Sha, who didn't know anything, was brought in by the Chongxu family. He was the son-in-law of Chongxulan in name but was actually a prisoner.

Seeing that this matter was about to be done now, he did not expect that Heisha, the experimental product, would suddenly "awaken"!

In order to avoid future troubles, the great elder planned to personally take action to slay this black evil spirit.

The thick darkness isolated everyone, only enclosing Xue An.

In this darkness, even the sound has disappeared, and there is just endless nothingness.

Xue An didn't show the slightest panic, he even smiled coldly, and then slowly closed his eyes.

In fact, in this environment, opening your eyes is the same as closing your eyes.

In the darkness came the smirk of the great elder, "Boy, thank you for your contribution to my Chongxu family over the past few years, now... let me die!"


The endless darkness began to strangle Xue An frantically.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly raised his head, and an extremely red lotus appeared between his brows.

As soon as this lotus flower came out, it immediately released a great light, illuminating the surrounding darkness, and making the Great Elder invisible.

I saw him fall from nothingness in embarrassment, and then looked at the red lotus in horror.

"This... what kind of fetish is this? Why can it break through my dark strangulation?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "It's called Red Lotus Karma Fire! It's a gift I specially prepared for you monsters in the abyss!"

As soon as this statement was made, the eyes of the elder instantly widened, and then he understood.

"You're not Heisha! Who are you?" He yelled, trying to get the attention of people around him.

But he had forgotten that when performing dark strangulation, he deliberately shielded everything around him.

"This question, you should go down and ask Heisha yourself!"

After all, Xue An waved casually.

This red lotus flashed slightly, and then appeared above the head of the great elder.

" In fact, this no word was not shouted at all. As soon as he reached his throat, the red lotus turned into a flame and enveloped the great elder.

Today's Red Lotus Karma Fire is already Xue An's best weapon, even more terrifying than that Wushuang Jianyi.

Coupled with the damage bonus from the karma fire to the darkness, this made the great elder very sad.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this great elder was transformed into nothingness.

Under this circumstance, the darkness that had previously wrapped Xue An naturally shattered.

And when Xue An's figure reappeared in front of Chong Xulan and Chi Xiao and others, these people were all stupid.

Because just when Xue An was held hostage by the darkness of the Great Elder, everyone present, including Chong Xulan, let out a sigh of relief, thinking that the matter was over.

Because no one can survive from the dark control of the Great Elder.

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