Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1639: If you have grudges, you will report it on the spot.

Chong Xuying's face showed extreme hatred.

"Bastard, what a bastard! How dare you hit me? It's really cheap to let him die like this!"

The bitter hatred filled her voice with spite.

Chi Xiao sighed slightly.

He didn't know what happened to this black evil!

But no matter what, he is still dead!

This result will not change!

It was at this moment that the darkness broke open, and then Xue An emerged.

"Where is the Great Elder?" Chong Xulan was also taken aback, stammering and shouting despite the pain on her face.

Xue An smiled when he heard the words, "Oh, you said that person! He is dead!"

"How... how is it possible?" Chong Xulan couldn't believe her ears.

But the facts are here.

If the great elder is not dead, then how did Xue An break through the control of darkness?

"I don't believe it, you must be lying, die for me!" Chong Xuying rushed up crazy.

In her opinion, Xue An must have used some secret method to break through the dark control of the great elder, which means that he must have lost a lot of energy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I will definitely be able to take revenge for that palm.

But she thought very well, but the truth was extremely cruel.

Xue An obviously wouldn't be used to her, so when she just rushed to the front, Xue An turned the blade in his hand and slashed directly.

Chong Xuying's heart shuddered, and subconsciously raised his arm to try to block it.

But under this almost transparent blade, all struggles are futile.


After a muffled sound, the blade cut her arm diagonally, followed by her head, and then down the abdominal cavity, and finally cut out from the hip bone.

Everything became extremely quiet.

Chong Xuying looked at Xue An blankly, as if he couldn't believe that the guy in front of him, whom he had always looked down on, really dared to kill him.

Then a blood line appeared along the sword Xue An had just cut down.


After a crisp sound.

Chong Xuying's body slid down diagonally, leaving only two strong standing feet.

The smell of blood permeated the audience.

Everyone's complexion became extremely pale.

No one thought that this guy who had been despised by everyone would actually dare to kill people.

Chong Xulan's face was as white as paper, and her lips trembled, ""

You haven't said why for a long time.

Instead, Xue An smiled slightly, "What happened to me?"

Chong Xulan took a deep breath, "Who are you?"

"Me? I am naturally Heishi!" Xue An still didn't intend to reveal his identity, so he said with a smile.

Chong Xulan was full of doubts.

Because she never believed that the useless black evil spirit would be so decisive.

But the fact is right in front of her, and she can't help but believe it.

She also wondered if the black evil in front of him was pretending to be someone else.

But neither the breath nor the divine mind could see the slightest flaw.

Xue An didn't come for revenge for this stupid Black Fiend, so he didn't plan to kill Chong Xulan.

In fact, if he wanted not to be suspected, he shouldn't even kill the phantom.

But Xue An's character has never suffered, and even if he has grudges, he is reported on the spot.

The big deal is to abandon the disguise and continue to kill to the top layer by layer!

That's why he would simply and neatly chop this repeatedly clamoring Chong Ying Ying Jian in half.

Chong Xulan closed his mouth wisely and stopped talking.

Xue An smiled slightly, then turned his head to look at Chi Xiao who was standing not far away dumbfounded.

"Here, can you see them all now?"

For some reason, it may be due to psychological effects.

When Xue An's eyes were on, Chi Xiao trembled all over, then nodded tremblingly.

"Yes...Yes! I saw it all!"

"Do you have any thoughts?" Xue An asked with a smile.

Chi Xiao subconsciously swallowed his saliva and said with a strong smile: " thoughts!"

"Huh?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "Why don't you have any feelings? Haven't you been saying I'm afraid before?"

Chi Xiao really wanted to slap himself severely!

Tell you to be cheap, tell you to come and watch the fun!

This is it!

what should we do?

Chi Xiao didn't want to oppose the guy in front of him who didn't know if it was crazy or what happened, so he racked his brains and said.

"Yes! Of course I have thoughts! I think... it's all these guys' faults! If it weren't for their Chongxu clan to provoke you again and again, how could you kill them?" Chi Xiao's eyes rolled, and Fuzhi said with a heartfelt feeling.

Xue An nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, it seems you are not stupid!"

"Yes, yes!" Chi Xiao nodded and said, feeling cold sweat on his back.

"Then do you know what to say after going out?"

"Ming...understood!" Chi Xiao nodded like garlic.

"That's good, go! Don't let me down!" Xue An said lightly.

Chi Xiao, like a pardon, quickly turned and left.

It wasn't until he walked out of the living room area that he suddenly became a little confused.

what happened?

Why is he so scared when facing this black evil spirit?

Is it intuition?

Or is there something hidden in him?

Chi Xiao didn't know that when Xue An was talking to him just now, he secretly attached a ray of divine thought to it.

This caused him to be so frightened.

Chong Xulan looked stupidly.

"Let's go!" Xue An said lightly.

"Ah? Go...where to go?" Chong Xulan didn't understand yet.

"Nonsense, of course I went to see your parents and them! After all, now that the elder is dead, and your sister has become a corpse, I must have an explanation for these things!" Xue An said lightly.

Chongxu Lanmu looked at Xue An in a daze, and a storm surged in his heart.

What does he want to do?

Now that his sister is dead, and the elder is still alive and dead, he doesn't say to run away quickly, but actually wants to see his parents!

Didn't he know that there is no difference between this and death?

But Xue An was obviously too lazy to explain to her, turned around and walked out.

"If you don't want to go, just forget it! I'll just go over and say it myself!" Xue An's tone was indifferent, as if to say a very common little thing.

Chong Xulan gritted her teeth secretly, "No, I will go!"

After that, she took a step to follow.

Xue An didn't look back, but showed a slight smile after hearing the footsteps behind him.

So a spectacle appeared in front of many I saw Lord Black Fiend, who had no status in the Chongxu family, walked in front of him at this moment.

The eldest lady Chong Xulan followed behind her, and beside her, there was a human woman walking side by side with her.

Such a combination simply shocked the attention of many people.

Somehow, when walking with Luolan Pavilion, Chong Xulan felt awkward all over.

My face was swollen and swollen just now. Although it is much better now, can I see it?

My clothes today are too simple!

Oh, why is the hair messy?

These thoughts actually replaced those fears and occupied Chong Xulan's heart.

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