The next few days' sub-levels have been screened by one thing!

"What? The trash son-in-law of Chongxu's family turned over and took control?" Someone said with astonishment.

"I don't think it's possible! Thinking about the existence of the Chongxu family, how can an outsider be in power? Not to mention this person is still a notorious trash!" Some people were unbelieving.

"But it's been spread all over the world! Even Chi Xiao, who was very at odds with Hei Sha before, said that the Hei Sha now is no different from before!"

Hearing this, someone frowned, and said in a little surprise, "Could it be that it was parasitized by other monsters?"

For the abyssal monsters, it is not too unusual to be seized by parasites.

Because the weirdness of the abyssal creatures is unspeakable, no matter how advanced your strength is, you may be accidentally caught.

"But you think if this Hei Sha is parasitized, will the Chongxu family have no response?"

"Yeah! And the strangest thing is that until now, no one in the Chongxu family has come forward to take a stand. Those high-level leaders seem to be silent collectively!"

In short, as the news spread wildly, the entire sub-level became lively.

People have different opinions, and they are all speculating about what happened this time.

As for the wealthy families like the Chongxu family, they sent people to inquire about the news immediately, wanting to know what is going on!

But what is amazing is that the eyeliner previously buried in the Chongxu family has all failed at this moment.

All the explorations were as silent as a mud cow entering the sea.

Even the spies who tried to sneak into the headquarters of the Chongxu family relying on their own strength and tyranny, using various secret techniques, were gone forever.

For a time, the entire Chongxu family's headquarters seemed to be incarnate into a bottomless black hole, swallowing all the gazes of searching.

This weird scene makes many people go dark.

Could something happen to the Chongxu family?

Otherwise, why just send a message and then fall into complete silence?

Just when all parties were surprised and uncertain about this matter.

In the headquarters of the Chongxu family, a brilliance suddenly soared into the sky, and then exploded in the sky, turning into a radiant brilliance, flying in all directions.

In the brilliance, it was an invitation.

This is the study room of the Chongxu family.

At this moment, Chong Xu Xuanzheng respectfully charged Xue An with his back facing him, bowing and saluting.

"My lord, in accordance with your instructions, the invitation has been sent to all parties!"

"Yeah!" Xue An responded, and then turned his chair to look at Chong Xuxuan, "Good job!"

Chong Xuxuan's expression was overjoyed, and he quickly bowed his head and said, "Your honor is too much!"

With respectful attitude, it is hard to believe that this is the patriarch of the dignified Chongxu family.

Xue An smiled slightly, then stood up and walked to the wall of the study.

On this huge wall, there is a huge map hung on it, in order from bottom to top, the thirteen heavens of Paradise Lost are drawn in sequence.

This map is extremely detailed, and even on each layer of the city, there are strong ones that need attention.

In the eighth-tier cities where they are now, the various forces are marked in detail.

This is obviously a hard work.

Xue An had been watching this map before.

At this moment, his gaze slowly moved up from the eighth layer of the city, successively crossing the ninth and tenth cities, and finally his gaze stayed on the top thirteenth layer of the sky.

This level of city is also the simplest place in the entire map, with only a rough outline, and a simple line of annotations beside it.


The study was very quiet, Chong Xuxuan held his breath and stood quietly behind Xue An, not daring to make the slightest noise.

After a long time, Xue An said without turning his head: "Who painted this map?"

"My lord, I ordered it to be painted!"

"Oh?" Xue An turned around and looked at Chong Xuxuan with piercing eyes, "Then what else do you know about this topmost city?"

Chong Xuxuan shook his head, "Everything I know is already marked on the map!"

After all, Chong Xuxuan asked a little strangely: "Why do adults ask about the thirteenth-story city?"

"Oh! It's nothing, just ask casually!" Xue An said lightly.

Although the current Chongxu Xuan has become very reliable because it has been transformed by his own divine mind.

But Xue An still didn't want to tell him too much.

At this moment, Chong Xuxuan's face showed hesitation.

"My lord, if it's not necessary, I advise you not to ask more about the thirteenth-story city, because there is a taboo for the entire Paradise Lost City!"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"I don’t know exactly why. I just know that the high-ranking figures are discolored when they talk about the thirteenth-story city. They don’t want to talk about it. Obviously, what is there? Don't dare to argue with it!"

"That's it..." Xue An nodded, and suddenly said, "Is the thirteenth city like this before?"

"No!" Chong Xuxuan shook his head, "Although the previous thirteenth-story city was unattainable, occasionally someone would come down, but it seemed that suddenly everything became what it is now!"

Xue An's eyes lit up slightly, because Chong Xuxuan's words clearly matched the incident where the brothers and sisters of Luo Lanting were expelled from the lower realm.

As a result, the vague guess in Xue An's heart became clearer.

"Okay, I see, you go down first!"

"Yes!" Chong Xuxuan replied, but did not leave.

"What? Is there anything else?"

"My lord, although you shouldn't ask, but what do you plan to do by inviting all the strong people in the eighth-tier cities to come to" Chong Xuxuan was really puzzled.

Xue An smiled slightly and said to him meaningfully, "What do you think?"

Chong Xuxuan trembled and lowered his head unnaturally, "I don't know! You have to tell me something about this, so I know how to do it!"

"You don't have to do anything deliberately. How did you entertain guests before, but how do you entertain this time? When I need you to play, I will let you play!"

Chong Xuxuan nodded, "If that's the case, then humble and understand!"

After that, he turned and left.

Xue An suddenly stopped him again, "Hey, that's right! There should be a lot of people here. The banquet hall is obviously not enough to entertain, so let's arrange it on the atrium square! It is big enough!"

"Yes!" Chong Xuxuan replied and left.

Xue An looked at his back and smiled silently, then slowly retreated into the darkness, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the atrium square.

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