Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1643: Please enter the urn

This is the largest square in the headquarters of the entire Chongxu family, enough to accommodate thousands of people.

Usually it is used to practice qigong.

However, because all the senior members of the Chongxu family were swept away by Xue An, the atrium square at this moment was very deserted.

Xue An stood in the middle of the square, looked around the square, then nodded thoughtfully.

"According to my current strength, if I do my best with the assistance of divine mind, I should be 80% sure to transform everyone over!"

Speaking of this, Xue An raised his head and sighed, "It's still too weak! If I can go further and prove the cultivation base of the Immortal King in half a step, I don't need to spend so much time and effort. It's enough to single out this world! "

"But 80% assurance is enough to fight, even if there is a fish that slips through the net, it will not be my opponent!"

After all, Xue An's eyes flashed with brilliance, and dozens of imaginary images of divine consciousness appeared above his head, and then they dispersed and stood in every corner of the square.

Immediately afterwards, these divine consciousness imaginary images followed Xue An's body and began to draw runes stroke by stroke.

The appearance of every rune will change the atrium square.

Gradually, light and fog began to rise, completely shielding the entire atrium square and isolating all prying eyes from the outside world.

at the same time.

There was also an uproar in the outside world.

The handwritten invitation from Chong Xuxuan obviously exceeded many people's expectations.

"Invite us to participate in the celebration? What celebration? Is this Chongxu Xuan's brain broken? Do they really want to give all the authority to a son-in-law?" Someone said with a sullen expression.

"Unbelievable, simply unbelievable!" Someone murmured even more shocked.

Various forces also reacted differently to this.

But no matter who it is, they have deep doubts about this matter.

This Chongxu Xuan...what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

The Chi Xiao clan is a family that also has a reputation in the eighth-tier city.

At this moment, the descendants from several other great families gathered in the Chi Xiao family.

"Several adults, my young master is in this study room!" a housekeeper said respectfully.

"Okay, you go down, we can go in by ourselves!" A man in Jinyi waved impatiently.

The housekeeper hurriedly bent over to salute, "Yes!"

Because he knew that these men who came were all descendants of major families, and they were also close friends of his own young master.

Therefore, he dared not say anything, and stepped back silently.

The man in Jin Yi directly opened the study door and walked in carelessly.

The others followed closely.

It was dark in the study, with only one figure lying on a chair, not knowing what he was doing.

The man in Jinyi frowned when he saw this, "Why don't you light up the lamp?"

As he said, with a wave of his hand, a ray of fire lit the candle in the house.

In the light, but seeing Chi Xiao's pale face leaning on the soft collapse, his eyes were dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The man in Jinyi walked forward in a little astonishment, and sat down opposite Chi Xiao, "Hello? Old Chi, what's wrong with you?"

"Huh?" Chi Xiao trembled, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes. It was not until he saw this man in brocade clothes that he let out a sigh of relief, and the horror in his eyes also faded.

"So it's you!"

"Tsk tusk, brother Chi Xiao, what's the matter with you? I heard that you have been stuck behind closed doors since the Chongxu clan came back, and looked unconscious all day long. I thought it was someone else talking nonsense. I didn't expect it to be so!" Jin Yi The man asked suspiciously.

Chi Xiao smiled bitterly, "No...nothing..."

The man in Jinyi exchanged glances with the people behind him, and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They also heard the rumors that this Chi Xiao's mental state seemed to have some problems.

At the time they didn't believe these words at all, thinking they were pure nonsense.

After all, Chi Xiao is also a powerful quasi-immortal king no matter what!

With this kind of existence, can the mental state still have problems?

But now, the rumors seem to be true!

At least this Chi Xiao does look really bad!

"Why are you here?" Chi Xiao reluctantly sat up straight and said startledly.

"Oh! Didn't we hear that Lao Chi had a problem with you, so we came here to see you!"

"Thank you, Brother Liu Cai!" Chi Xiao said weakly, but he could see that he was very absent-minded.

"Of course, there is one more thing!"

"What else?"

"Hey! It seems that Lao Chi, you are really blocked from news, don't you know the news that has caused us a sensation recently?"

"What's the news?" Chi Xiao asked hurriedly after a sudden shock.

"Naturally, the Chongxu family suddenly issued an invitation to invite the powerful and the forces of all parties to participate in their family celebrations! We are here to invite you to go together!"

As soon as Liu Cai's voice fell, Chi Xiao jumped up from the seat and shouted in the air just like a spring was placed under his buttocks.

"can not go!"

"Huh?" Liu Cai was taken aback.

Chi Xiao said with horror on his face: "Don't go! Because this is clearly a trap set by him, and we fell in with him as soon as we went! So don't go!"

"Who? Who set the trap? What are you talking about?" Liu Cai was almost confused.

Chi Xiao's complexion was pale, and he swallowed hard, but he didn't give much explanation.

Because he knew that no one would believe what he said.

Who would have thought that a wealthy son-in-law who was still known for his waste would actually have accumulated terrifying power secretly?

Don't say that others don't believe it, if Chi Xiao hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it either.

But what happened to him at that time made Chi Xiao's heart unforgettable.

After coming back, he made a demon to declare everything to the world, and then hid in the study.

Because the more he thought about it, the more scared.

Even when I close my eyes, I think of "Heisha"'s deep This kind of fear reached its peak when the Chongxu family remained silent.

Because only he himself knew that something must have happened in the Chongxu family!

If it weren't for not knowing where to go, Chi Xiao would really wish to get away from this Chongxu home as far as possible.

Frankly speaking, Chi Xiao was obviously frightened by Xue An.

This was actually a side effect of Xue An's influence on his mind with his spiritual thoughts at the time.

So now when he heard that the Chongxu family suddenly sent invitations to all parties and invited everyone to go, he immediately decided that this must be a trap set by Xue An.

As for his purpose, Chi Xiao couldn't even think about it.

Seeing the fluctuating expression and the trembling Chi Xiao, Liu Cai and the others couldn't help showing a trace of disdain in the depths of their eyes.

Is this guy really crazy?

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