Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1648: 9 house magic solution yin and yang double kill

"Zhuzi is arrogant!" An angry shout came from the void.

This world master was obviously completely angered, and the violent killing intent surging out, directly enveloped the audience.

Having been repeatedly provoked by Xue An in front of so many people, if this world master cannot completely defeat Xue An, his authority will be greatly damaged.

At that time, it is very likely that even his rule will have problems.

After all, for these strong men from the abyss, everything is naked.

When you are strong, everything is easy to say.

But as long as you show a little sign of weakness, countless people will start to move around.

Therefore, even for his own dignity, he must completely defeat Xue An in front of everyone.

The killing intent was like a sea, surging beside Xue An, and then completely locked down.

The power of the quasi-first-rate fairy king is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Don't talk about the general strong, just facing this kind of killing intent is enough to make him kneel and surrender.

But Xue An just watched with a smile, as if these killing intent that caused the temperature around him to drop sharply did not exist.

"Is that all?" Xue An even asked in a mood.

"Hmph!" A cold snort came from the emptiness, ignoring the mockery in Xue An's words, but a cold shout.

"Nine Palaces Demon Solution."


Following this order, the violent killing intent was directly incarnate in the mysterious formation, trapping Xue An in it.

Immediately afterwards, a magic light appeared in the formation, crisscrossing in the air, turning into a mess!

"Yin and Yang double kill!"


These magic lights shrank instantly, ruthlessly strangling everything that was enveloped.

This kind of power also made all the onlookers disgraced, and those who were timid even took a few steps back quietly.

There was a smug sneer in the void.

Because this trick is a special skill that he relies on to become famous, once it is deployed, the strange and difficult magic light will completely smash everything that he encounters.

Moreover, this directly acts on the most basic particle level, and there is no defense at all.

So in the eyes of this world master, as long as this trick takes shape, it also means that this Human Race boy will undoubtedly die.

But at this moment, a crunching sound suddenly came from the Jiugong Demon Jiefang.

It was as if the chain gear was suddenly jammed by something, and the sound was harsh.

And the magic light of the sky trembled with this sound.

what happened?

Void trembled slightly, and the divine sense of exploration looked at the Nine Palaces Demon Solution Array.

At this moment, only a loud boom was heard.

This powerful Jiugong Demon Jiefang was turned into nothing.

Xue An sat there, not even the slightest change in the expression on his face.

And in his hand, he held a group of black brilliance impressively.

It is the magic light of the Jiugong Demon Jiefang.

It's just that at this moment, these magic lights, which are enough to smash people into particles, are as soft as a ball of jelly in Xue An's hands. Although they struggled repeatedly, they did not even hurt the skin of Xue An's palm.


At this time, the voice in the void could no longer remain calm.

You must know that this blow is enough to destroy a strong person of the same level, but it has no effect on the young man in front of him.

What does this show?

Could it be said that this Human Race boy is stronger than himself, and he is a first-class Immortal King powerhouse?

But is this really possible?

The strong immortal kings in the human race are already rare, and there are only a handful of young immortal kings as young as this juvenile.

How could such an existence appear here?

"Very interesting toy!" Xue An looked up with the magic light in his hand and raised his head with interest, "If I guessed correctly, this is the magic light you brought out of the abyss!"

The audience trembled, and there was even silence in the emptiness.

It wasn't until a moment later that there was a soft sigh in the void.

"Seriously, I am getting more and more confused about your origins!"

"At this age, with this level of cultivation, you must be from the prosperous place where those people teach Dachang! Let me guess, Xuanmingling or Qianhe Palace?"

Xue An smiled and shook his head, "No need to guess, I am not from anywhere you think, and I have nothing to do with those Starry Sky Masters!"

"So you don't have to worry about these. If you want to kill me, do it early! Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I have always had such good patience!" Xue An said with a smile.

There was another silence in the void, and then there was a harsh laughter.

"Good! Very good! That's great!"

The master said three good times, but the killing intent was gradually receding.

But the more so, the more solemn the atmosphere.

Many people went into a discoloration, as if thinking of something terrible, they began to quietly retreat.

"Human race powerhouse, since you refuse to tell your origins and insist on fighting against me, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Before he could finish speaking, Xue An interrupted him directly, "It's like I need you to be polite! What about so much nonsense, just take it out if you have any ability!"

Such words left many people speechless for a while.

Because this is no longer a provocation, but a death!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" There was a burst of laughter that was almost maddeningly angry.

"There is a saying in your human race, called a hero out of a young man, now it seems to be true! Now that you are so dying! Then I will fulfill you!"

After speaking, the voice suddenly became extremely harsh, "You wait and listen, keep your eyes closed, don't snoop!"

Give an order.

All the strong people present were shocked, Qi Qi thought of a terrifying fact, and then he was busy completely shutting down his five senses, afraid to have the slightest idea of ​​spying.

Because they knew that the next master of the realm would perform a real ultimate move.

Xue An leaned on the chair and watched quietly, a hint of playfulness appeared in his eyes, and then with a wave of his hand, two divine thoughts flew to Chong Xuxuan and Chong Xulan.

They were terrified and calmed down.

Chongxu Xuan wailed a few times, and then whispered: "My lord, this world lord..."

"Needless to say, I know, I want to see what he looks like!" Xue An said with a At this moment, I saw that nothingness seemed to be hydrated. The same ink stains, smudged.

Then a voice came from inside.

"Seriously, you are proud to be able to force me to use this trick! But nothing more!"

"So... it's all over!"

After all, a strange and unspeakable figure suddenly appeared in the void.

As soon as this figure appeared, the whole world changed.

The shining stars dimmed in an instant, as if the energy of heaven and earth had been taken away.

Only this figure is the center of the world.

Facing these visions, Chong Xuxuan and Chong Xulan felt an urge to worship.

With the support of the spirit that Xue Andu gave them, they barely knelt down.

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