Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1649: Changing luck and plundering cause and effect

"Jie Jie, strong human race, you are the first person to see my body form, do you know what this means?" The world master Jie Jie said with a strange smile.

Xue An watched with cold eyes, and the aura in his body undulated like the sea, and said lightly: "What does it mean?"

"Cocococo, everyone who sees my body form has only one final result, and that is death! And you...naturally are no exception!"

Speaking of this, the voice of the world master became extremely tempting, as if the devil was tempting a lost soul.

"At that time your body will be annihilated, your soul will dissipate, and your luck will be used for me! Become your sacrifice to me!"

This voice wandered over the atrium square, and some cause and effect between heaven and earth seemed to change for it.

The huge coercion began to wipe out the breath of Xue An silently.

The change of cause and effect is an attempt to plunder Xue An's luck.

This is the reason why this world lord can be called the quasi-first-rate immortal king powerhouse.

Because this is a kind of innate ability of his, it is a kind of almost incomprehensible assassin.

As long as you see his body, then your cause and effect can be changed by it, and your luck will be forcibly plundered.

At that time, you will become a waste that cannot be contained by the world and will be directly obliterated.

It can be said that this ability is considered extremely terrifying even in the abyss.

Change luck against the sky and plunder cause and effect.

This is enough for this world master to kill the same level in seconds, and even to the first-class fairy king powerhouse.

Therefore, when the people present heard the masters of the world, they closed their facial features in such fear.

Because this kind of seeing is not limited to the naked eye, even the slightest snoop is counted.

If it weren't for the fact that this world master had to pay a great price every time the body appeared, he could even become a first-class immortal king only through this talent.

The corner of the world master's mouth raised a smug sneer, as if he had seen Xue An's own modification of cause and effect, and the end of his luck being plundered.

But at this moment, in the turbulence of cause and effect, Xue An, who stood still like a rock, suddenly laughed.

"Do you know? I have been waiting for you to show your body, because this is the only way..."

Xue An suddenly raised his eyes, "I can completely transform you!"

Somehow, after seeing Xue An's gaze, the realm master felt a deep chill for no reason.

This kind of fear caused him to immediately change his strategy, and the devil blood in his body instantly burned and sacrificed directly to the unknowable void.


Amid a intensive explosion of sound, a majestic causal force that seemed to travel from the end of time and space suddenly came, and then began to change everything crazy.

The world master spit out a big mouthful of blood, this is because he couldn't bear such a huge pressure.

But he wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth casually and looked at Xue An with a grin.

Are you still alive now?

But at this moment, Xue An, who had been sitting in a chair and didn't get up the whole time, stood up slowly.

"I want to rob me of my luck, should I say your head is tough, or should you...find death?"

When the words fell, a huge air of luck that was enough to make the world shudder for it soared into the sky.

If the power of cause and effect just now swallowed Xue An like an ocean.

So now the burst of air from Xue An is like a huge torch that illuminates the heavens, enough to make anyone bow his head.


Under the strong luck, the turbulent sea of ​​cause and effect was instantly obliterated.

The world master couldn't believe his eyes, and screamed: " is this possible? How can you have such a huge amount of luck!"

No wonder he was so scared.

Because even when he faced those high-ranking adults, he had never felt such a huge amount of luck.

The only thing that can be compared with it is that when he was in the abyss, he had met an evil **** at the bottom of the abyss by chance and coincidence.

He was still very weak at the time, and he felt that the luck from the evil **** was as shocking as the sea of ​​stars.

And that Cthulhu, at least half of the immortal emperor's cultivation base.

But even the luck of that evil **** could not be compared with the human youth in front of him.

Could it be said that he is more powerful than the half-step immortal emperor, but the existence of the immortal emperor's level?

As soon as this thought came out, the master of the world was cold and terrified.

But he did not run away.

Because he knew that if this human youth was really an immortal emperor-level powerhouse, even if he ran out of the heavens now, he would be able to catch himself back.

So he could only tremble all over, looking at Xue An with horror.

As for the others in the audience, they didn't realize this because they closed the five senses.

Only Chong Xuxuan and Chong Xulan watched this scene dumbfounded, and were speechless in shock.

At this moment, I saw Xue An walking forward, and instantly came to the trembling world master, overlooking him condescendingly.

"Now, can you believe what I said?"

The realm master trembled, "You...who are you?"

Now Xue An has become extremely mysterious in his eyes.

But he can at least ascertain one thing, that is, this young man is definitely not from those starry sky masters.

Because even the Starry Sky Great Sect, which has been passed down for thousands of years, cannot teach an existence comparable to the Immortal Emperor.

You know, the human fairy kings are the rarest among the heavens, but they are also the most powerful.

There are many more fairy kings in the abyss.

But once you reach the first level of the immortal emperor, no matter what race it is, there are only a few people.

Could it be that...he is a certain powerful reincarnation? This idea suddenly appeared in the mind of the world master.

I have to say that this idea is very close to the truth.

But Xue An was obviously not prepared to answer this question from the master.

I saw him smile slightly, "It doesn't matter who I am, but the important thing is that in the future...I will be your master!"

The owner was just wanted to speak.

Seeing the brilliance of Xue An's eyes bursting brightly, he gave a soft drink.

"Reverse the Five Elements Reincarnation Array!"


Give an order.

Numerous dense runes appeared on the floor of the atrium square, and then violent energy rose into the sky, enveloping everyone in it.

"Ahhhhhhh! What kind of ghost formation is this!" The realm master felt the strangeness of these runes and couldn't help shouting in horror.

"It's nothing, it's just to transform you and let you re-behave!"

"No...!" The world master finally felt scared.

But everything is too late.

The violent rune light penetrated into everyone's eyebrows, and began to change everything forcibly.

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