Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1650: The sound is shaking and dizzying.

Fu Guang finally stepped back. At this time, everyone in the field was full of confusion.

Even this world master is no exception.

He looked at Xue An with eyes full of confusion, as if trying to remember something.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Why? Don't you know how to bow when you see the master?"

As soon as this remark came out, the world master trembled, his eyes quickly became clear, and then he bowed to Xue Anshen.

"Master forgive me, humbled just now!"

This picture formed a sharp contrast with the people in the hall standing in place like wood-carved clay sculptures.

Because of Xue An's spiritual protection, Chong Xulan was not affected by the light.

Therefore, when she saw this scene before her, her eyes gradually widened, and her heart was full of shock.

How is this going?

Why did the world master, who had just been fighting Xue An decisively, suddenly become so respectful, even claiming his master?

And what happened to the rest of these people? Why are all faces dull?

These questions caused Chong Xulan's confusion into a pot of porridge, and the eyes that looked at Xue An were full of deep awe.

Although she has tried her best to raise Xue An's strength, but now it seems that her imagination is still too lacking.

The boy in front of him is probably far more powerful than he thought.

At this moment, Xue An waved casually.

The shielded five senses of everyone present were unblocked.

There was a commotion in the audience, and everyone looked at each other, all at a loss.

But soon, they remembered something, and greeted Xue Anshen at the same time.

"I have seen the master!"

The sound is shaking and dizzying.

Seeing this scene, Luo Lanting, who had never spoken from the beginning to the end, suddenly sighed quietly.

"Is this the result that the adults have already calculated? It is really amazing to transform all the strong people in the audience with just one person!"

Luo Lanting's admiration came from the heart, because everything in front of her was simply unheard of.

Even if it is his brother's master, it is probably difficult to do this!

Xue An smiled slightly, "Okay! Get up!"

Having said that, he turned his head and looked at the world master, "Let's talk about it! What happened to the high ranks this time, I want to summon you to go?"

"Yes!" The world master gave a respectful salute, and then said in a deep voice: "Master, this time I was called by the high-ranking Zeng Hong, Shang Peng and Yu Yang!"

"They ordered me to convene as many powerhouses as possible, and then go to high-level meetings, and this time it's not just them, almost the entire high-level powerhouses will participate!"

"Oh? Discussion?" Xue An asked back.

"Yes! I don't know exactly what to discuss, but it seems that I intend to deal with someone!"

"To deal with someone?" Xue An muttered softly several times, and a dangerous cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Master, what are we going to do next?" The world master asked respectfully.

In fact, 80% of the talisman light that reversed the five-element reincarnation formation was used on him, so he was also the most thoroughly transformed person.

The current world master seems to have regarded Xue An as the most noble master, and his loyalty is unparalleled.

This is also the horror of this formation, because it can completely change a person's divine mind.

If it weren't for many restrictions on casting conditions, this formation could change the pattern of the heavens.

And this was also obtained by Xue An accidentally from somewhere in the ancient remains, but he didn't expect it to come in handy this time.

"Have you replied to the higher ranks?"

"I'm back, I told them that I will be there tomorrow at the latest!" said the master.

"Okay, then let's leave immediately and head to the higher ranks!"


This world master naturally had no doubts about Xue An's words. As for the others, because of the influence of this formation, they were full of loyalty to Xue An, so they immediately started to act.

Chong Xulan looked at all this dumbfounded.

She has never seen so many powerful people of the next rank united in such a unity.

For example, just now, she saw with her own eyes two forces with blood and blood feuds getting together to prepare affairs.

This was unimaginable before.

But now he really happened in front of him.

Even Chong Xuxuan rushed into the large army and got busy very hard.

In an instant, the audience seemed to be left alone with the Luolan Pavilion standing beside him.

At this moment, Xue An didn't know when she appeared behind her, and said indifferently: "Well, I told you to cooperate well before, now your task has been completed! I will let you go as promised! "

After saying this, Xue An turned his head and rushed to Lanting and smiled slightly, "I'm going to return to a high level soon, what do you think?"

Luo Lanting lowered his head and was silent for a moment. When he raised his head again, his eyes were already red, and he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "My lord, in fact, I don't really hate those who deal with my brother, because even my brother's master is not their opponent! It's not surprising that we lost!"

"But I hate those people who stabbed my siblings in the back and fell into trouble, so what I want most now is to let those people die!"

Xue An slapped his hands and exclaimed: "That's a good point. If that's the case, then I will fulfill your little wish, and I will naturally make those guys pay the price they deserve!"

After all, Xue An took a step to leave.

Chong Xulan suddenly raised his head and said solemnly, "My lord, I also want to go with you to a higher level!"

"Oh?" Xue An stopped and glanced at Chong Xulan with some surprise, "You have to think clearly, the transaction between us has ended, and you are now free, but if you follow along to the higher ranks If you do, it's very likely that you will never come back again!"

Chong Xulan's heart was very tangled, but still nodded in a ghostly manner.

"My lord, I have already considered it, and I am willing to bear all the consequences!"

Xue An took a deep look at her, and finally nodded with a smile, "Well, since you have made a decision, let's follow along!"

After Xue An turned and left.

Chong Xulan let out a sigh of relief, only to realize that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

In fact, she didn't know why she did it suddenly.

But there seemed to be a voice in the midst of saying that if you don't seize the opportunity now, then you might regret it for the rest of your life!

That's why she resolutely made a decision.

Once people cooperate unreservedly, the efficiency is extremely amazing.


Everything is ready.

"Master, when shall we leave?"

"Now, and also, you have to remember that when you reach a high level, the identity on my face is just a personal emissary of yours. Don't show your feet, understand?"


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