"Hey, you said that this time we assembled the entire high-level and even the sub-level power, can we deal with that woman?" Zeng Hong suddenly lowered his voice and asked.

As soon as these words were said, the expressions of the three of them changed, including Yu Yang, who was still full of murderous expressions just now.

It became very complicated, it seemed like fear, but also with a bit of coveting, but more of it was the restlessness of eagerness.

"Haha, what do you think, Brother Zeng?" Shang Peng said with a smile, his eyes narrowed.

"I think, since this time even our high-ranking situation has been disturbed by the changes, it means that the upper-class people are really ready to attack this woman. If this is the case, this woman will undoubtedly die!"

Speaking of this, Zeng Hong’s tone became extremely cold, “After all, even the previous existence was defeated by these big men for a long time, and I don’t know what to do! Even if this woman is indeed strong enough, with a dark body, in a very short time Within a period of time, she has become the leading existence in Paradise Lost, but after all, she has too little foundation. If she really wants to deal with her, she will never be able to survive!"

After listening to Zeng Hong’s words, Shang Peng applauded and admired, “What Brother Zeng said is exactly what I thought in my heart. In fact, it is beyond my expectation that this woman can survive such a huge pressure until now! But in the end, The result of this is still not going to change, so let's..."

At the end, Shang Peng gave Zeng Hong and Yu Yang a meaningful look.

Yu Yang sneered, "Fishing in troubled waters, get the most benefit from this woman!"

"That's right!" Zeng Hong and Shang Peng replied in unison, and then the three of them burst into laughter.

But just when the three of them were full of joy, an imperceptible fluctuation suddenly awakened Shang Peng.

He couldn't help but whispered, "Hey, weird!"

"What's wrong?" Zeng Hong asked.

"It's the second level, the breath of that fellow Fierce Ming suddenly disappeared!"

"Oh? How could this happen? Could something happen to the second rank?" Zeng Hong's expression also changed.

Because Xiaoming is the second-tier world master!

Although they were slightly inferior to the three of them in terms of strength, they had a headache because of their strange and unpredictable talent and supernatural powers because they were born in the abyss.

It would be a bit troublesome if Shang Peng's mastermind method could restrain this evil spirit!

But why does such a presence suddenly disappear?

"I don't know, could it be..." Shang Peng's expression relaxed again before he finished speaking.

"Well, it's okay! His breath fluctuation is back!"

"I'm back? Nothing will happen, right?" Yu Yang asked coldly.

Shang Peng smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I have checked it carefully, there is no problem with the breath, it is ferocious, and others can't replace it. As for why it suddenly disappears for a while..."

"Perhaps the turbulence of time and space happened to pass by! You know, divine mind connection is sometimes so unstable!"

This explanation can be said to be reasonable, so Zeng Hong and Yu Yang also nodded and stopped asking more questions.

But they didn't take this matter to heart at all. They didn't know that a big storm that was about to sweep the entire Paradise Lost was approaching quietly.

When he set foot on the high-level land again, Luo Lanting's expression became extremely complicated.

There are many memories of her, at least when she was young, all these memories are full of warm colors.

Under the protection and pampering of her brother, she was innocent and hardly knew what pain was.

But all this came to an abrupt end one day.

Until now, Luolan Pavilion still clearly remembers that day.

That day my brother was invited by some friends to go out to a banquet.

This is a normal thing.

But just a few hours later, the setting sun covered in blood broke into the house.

At that time, Luolan Pavilion had seen such a scene, and he was shocked.

Then she was held in her arms by the setting sun, who was completely at a loss, and killed her again.

Luo Lanting had never seen such a scene, and the blood seemed to stain the sky red.

Those so-called friends who used to have smiles all became fierce and vicious at this moment, and they wished to tear them apart on the spot.

But they still underestimated the strength of the Falling Sun. As the direct disciple of that person, he unexpectedly broke out of the siege miraculously.

But the setting sun, who was already seriously injured at the time, knew very well that these people would never let themselves and their sisters go. There was only one way to survive, and that was to leave high ranks.

But it's not going to the upper level, on the contrary, it's going down.

Because the Falling Sun is very clear that he, as his disciple, has been violently attacked. This can only explain one thing, that is, his master must also have something wrong now.

So he went to the lower cities without hesitation.

In the end, he fell into the bottom rank, and he personally created the Evil Flower, and began to train Luolan Pavilion with hell-like difficulty.

At that time, Luolan Pavilion had cried and made troubles, but in the end he couldn't make the elder brother who had been very fond of him shaken.

She had no choice but to accept the reality and quickly matured.


When the setting sun fell, he died.

Die in the layout of those who still refuse to give up the pursuit.

It wasn't until the moment when he picked up his brother and felt his body gradually become cold in his arms, did Luo Lanting understand why his brother wanted to mature as soon as possible.

Because he knew that he would definitely die!

So before he died, he wanted his sister to have as many opportunities as possible to live.

This thought was like a sharp knife, inserted straight into Luo Lanting's chest and abdomen, and stirred frantically.

She couldn't say a word to him until the elder brother was fascinated.

But she knew that her brother had only one idea, and that was to let herself live well.

So she didn't cry, but buried her elder brother's body very peacefully. The ones who were buried together, and all the kindness and weakness of her childhood.

She wanted revenge, very, very much.

The kind of crazy thinking.

But she also knew very well that she couldn't do it herself.

Just a supported Star Luo Dao, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can't beat it by himself, how can it be able to deal with these high-level powerhouses?

Such a huge gap is enough to make a direct collapse, but she has survived.

It wasn't until she met Xue An that she set foot on the high-level land again.

So many thoughts flashed through Luo Lanting's mind, making her stand still, her eyes full of pain and confusion.

Xue An didn't urge, but just stood not far away and watched quietly.

It wasn't until a long time that he said lightly: "Go?"

Luo Lanting breathed out slowly, the confusion in his eyes gradually faded, and he nodded solemnly, "Go!"

"Good!" Xue An smiled slightly, "Let's go then!"

After all, he walked forward first.

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