Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1653: Luo Luo, are you Luo Luo?

For these high-ranking powerhouses, there are few things that can arouse their interest.

But this time it was an exception.

Because this time, Zeng Hong, Shang Peng, and Yu Yang jointly sent out an invitation to discuss important matters together.

As for what matters, the invitation letter didn't say anything.

Because of this, the entire high-ranking is boiling over.

People are very curious, what can cause the three adults to join forces?

In this case, although there is still a full day before the meeting, the meeting venue has become lively.

Many people who were a little further away have arrived early.

In fact, as far as they are strong, even if they rush here at the time, they will not miss the time.

But the matter is important, no one wants to fall behind others.

In contrast, the sub-level people seem a bit unremarkable.

The realm lord Xioming led the crowd outside the venue, and then quietly said to Xue An with his spiritual thoughts.

"Master, this is the meeting place chosen by the three of Zeng Hong!"

Xue An raised his head and looked at this magnificent conference venue.

For these powerhouses, building a magnificent and tall building couldn't be easier.

So this also led to the higher the paradise lost, the larger the area of ​​the city.

Because the stronger people are, the more they will build magnificent houses for themselves, and the relative urban area will increase.

"Master, shall we go in?" Xiaoming asked in a low voice.

Xue An retracted his gaze and nodded slightly, "Go!"


Fierce Ming took the lead, leading the way, and everyone followed and walked into this venue.

The space inside is much wider than it looks outside, and the furnishings are extremely luxurious.


Those who had already entered the venue gathered together and whispered about the upcoming meeting.

When Xue An and others walked in, they naturally attracted a lot of curious eyes.

But when they saw people from the next level, these eyes immediately became full of disdain, and some even snorted coldly.

"Why are the subordinate wastes coming to join in the fun?"

The voice is full of contemptuous contempt.

The Chi Xiao and others who followed Xue An were all angry when they heard this.

Especially that Liu Cai was full of anger, "I actually look down on us? Doesn't he know how good the master is?"

That's right!

After being transformed by the reversal of the Five Elements Reincarnation Array, the Liu Cai's attitude changed 180 degrees.

He was full of disdain for Xue An before, and now he has become Xue An's most loyal admirer.

So after hearing these malicious words, he was so furious.

Xue An just smiled faintly when he heard the words, and didn't even think about it.

For him, the verbal clamor is not even qualified to make him look up.

After all, everything still depends on strength.

Everyone was about to go to the corner and sit down. At this moment, they heard a shocked voice coming from the side.

"Luo...Luo? Are you falling?"

This title made Luo Lanting feel like being struck by lightning, and when she looked around, she saw a girl in costume standing not far away looking at it with amazement and disbelief.

When the two of them looked at each other, the girl's expression changed drastically. She looked around anxiously, and saw that no one was paying attention, so she hurried forward and grabbed Luolanting’s Wrist.

"Luoluo, my God! Are you still alive?"

There was a complicated look in Luo Lanting's eyes, and he smiled sadly, "Yes! Of course I am still alive. Are you disappointed about that?"

"What are you talking about? I'm so happy to see you alive!" The girl said in a puzzled manner.

Luo Lanting smiled, but said nothing.

The girl looked around again, then came forward, and suppressed her voice extremely low, "Luo Luo, why did you get here? Don’t you know that many people are looking for your brothers and sisters? Get out of here quickly. , Otherwise you would be too dangerous if you were discovered!"

Seeing the anxiety on the girl's face, Luo Lanting was silent for a moment, then shook his head, "Thank you for your reminder, but I won't leave!"

"Oh, Luoluo, why are you so stubborn? Do you know who the meeting is going to be this time? That's the Big Three! If you are discovered, you will definitely die without a place to burial, listen to me, and leave here quickly , The farther you can escape, the better!" The girl stamped her feet anxiously.

There was a soft light in Luo Lanting's eyes, "Mai Cheno, thank you for your kindness, but I said I won't leave, so I will never leave!"

This girl was Luo Lanting’s best friend when she was a child, and she was also the daughter of Mai’s family, named Mai Cheno.

Mai Chen was crying anxiously, clutching Luo Lanting's wrist, "Luo Luo, what do you want to do if you don't leave? Promise me, don't do stupid things!"

Luo Lanting calmly grabbed the quinoa and pushed away, and said lightly: "What I do has nothing to do with you. Please go!"

"You..." The quinoa was stunned.

She didn't expect that Luo Lanting would have this attitude towards herself after a long absence.

At this moment, Xue An walked aside and smiled faintly, "What? Your friend?"

Luo Lanting glanced at the quinoa with a complicated look, and finally shook his head resolutely, "No!"

The tears of wheat quinoa came out, and his lips trembled and said, "Why... Luoluo, why are you doing this to me?"

Luo Lanting turned his head stubbornly, and said coldly: "There is no reason, and I don't want to see you again, you go quickly!"

Mai Chen wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, first looked at Xue An and the others with some doubts, and suddenly thought of something, his complexion became extremely pale.

"Luoluo, it doesn't matter if you treat me as a it doesn't matter! Tell me, what do so many of you want to do here? Do you want to take this opportunity to retaliate?"

Luo Lanting didn't say a word.

But her silence further confirmed the speculation in Mai Cheno's heart, "Don't be stupid, okay, this meeting was held by the Big Three in person, and the strong from all sides have come. You are purely looking for death by doing this!"

If it weren't for worrying about being seen by others, quinoa would really want to roar.

But Luo Lanting didn't want to listen to her anymore, and saw her salute Xue An, "My lord, let's go!"

Hearing Luo Lanting calling Xue An as an adult, Mai Li's eyes lit up. He looked at Xue An carefully, but soon shook his head disappointed.

"Luo Luo, if you want to rely on this person to help you get ahead, you would be wishful thinking, listen to me, hurry up! You still have a chance, or you just want to go but can't go!"

"Enough!" Luo Lanting suddenly shouted.

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