Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1654: What if I have to get ahead?

Someone in the distance took a curious look at this side, and when they saw two young girls talking, they thought it was a child who was stunned, and couldn't help but smile knowingly, and didn't take it seriously.

The quinoa was stunned and looked at the hideous Luolan Pavilion blankly.

"Citrus quinoa, I have already told you that we are no longer friends. I understand your concern, but please stop interfering in my affairs, understand?"

"Why... why! Why do you treat me this way?" The tears of wheat quinoa were almost like a flood that burst a bank.

"Why? Haha..." Luo Lanting sneered a few times, "This will ask you what the Mai family did before!"

The quinoa was taken aback.

Luo Lanting lowered his gaze, "My Cheno, I am thinking about the previous friendship, I don't want to say anything else, just tell you, from now on, there will be no contact between us, you will treat me as dead!"

After that, she turned around and left. Suddenly, it seemed that she had thought of something. She added solemnly: "Also, this lord is my lifesaver, so please be respectful, otherwise I am It will be ruthless!"

After that, she nodded at Xue An and left without hesitation.

Mai Chen stood there blankly, as if he hadn't woken up from Luolan Pavilion's words of the storm.

What do we mean by the Mai family?

What is she talking about?

These thoughts entangled in the mind of quinoa, which made her puzzled.

At this moment, Xue An smiled slightly at her.

"You just said that you want to rely on me to get ahead is wishful thinking?"

The quinoa was slightly startled, and then apologized to Xue Anlian, "I'm very sorry, I just said nothing, how offensive to you! I'm really sorry!"

After that, she turned around and left in despair.

At this moment, Xue An's indifferent voice came from behind her.

"What if I really make a point for her?"

The quinoa staggered and almost fell to the ground, then turned around and looked at Xue An blankly, "What...what do you mean?"

"It means it literally!" Xue An said with a smile.

"Didn't you say that this meeting was held by the so-called Big Three? Then I want to try how powerful these Big Three are and how? What do you think?"

If possible, quinoa really wants to laugh out loud.

These days, some people really dare to say anything!

An ordinary teenager dared to say such arrogant words, this is no longer arrogant in the eyes of Mai Cheno.

And there is only one possibility for a teenager to suddenly say such big words, and that is to try to use this method to win my attention.

In this way, quinoa has been seen a lot since childhood.

Unexpectedly, this young man who was called an adult by Luo Luozun was actually such a person.

But in this case, wouldn't the situation be more worrying?

Thinking of this, the eyes of quinoa could not help but become cold, and then took a deep breath and said in a cold voice.

"I don't know what method you used to make Luoluo so convinced of you, but I just want to say that in this place, you'd better put away all your arrogance, otherwise you might not even know how to die!"

"Why? Don't believe it?" Xue An smiled coldly.

Wheat quinoa snorted, turned and left.

She thought that she had had enough of this young man's arrogance, and her heart was full of sad thoughts.

Luoluo, aren't you always smart and tight? Why would you be deceived by such a guy?

At this moment, Xue An's voice came from behind again.

"Remember these words, because soon you will know whether I am arrogant or the Big Three deserve to die!"

In the heart of wheat quinoa, it was as if there were 100,000 horses flying by.

How much self-confidence does this young man have to say such a thing?

So she quickened her pace and left.

When the wheat quinoa returned to the area where Mai's house was located, her father glanced at her, "What's the matter? Where did I go? Why didn't I see you?"

"Oh! I just met a friend and said a few words!" Wheat quinoa lowered his head and explained in a low voice.

The father of wheat quinoa didn't notice anything unusual, and turned around to continue talking with a few old friends.

"Come here!" Mai Lin, Mai Lin's eldest brother, shouted with a smile.

The quinoa walked over, and Mai Lin handed over a cup of tea, "Drink some tea, I made this specially for you!"

For his little sister, Mai Lin is very spoiled.

The wheat quinoa took a sip in a daze.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

How can wheat quinoa want to taste tea now!

He nodded very perfunctorily, then gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice: "Brother, can I ask you something?"

"Let's talk about it, just say something directly, why are you so polite?" Mai Lin said with a smile.

Mai Chen confided, "Big brother, I want to know what happened when I left home?"

As soon as he said this, Mai Lin's expression changed drastically. He first raised his eyes and glanced at his father's side. Seeing that he was still talking and laughing with a few old friends, he didn't notice this side at all, so he relaxed a little. Then lowered his voice and yelled.

"Quinoo, who asked you to ask these questions? If your father hears this, you won't even be able to eat it!"

"But..." Mai Chen looked up, eyes full of tears, "I really want to know what happened! What crime did Luoluo commit and were expelled from the Lower Realm?"

Mai Lin stayed silent for a moment, and finally sighed, "Don't ask, it's far from something that can be said clearly in one or two sentences, and it's not something you should care about. Just remember that they are all dead... That's it!"

After that, Mai Lin drank the tea in his hand, then turned and left.

Cheno looked at his elder brother's back, his eyes were blank.

Because she knew that the best relationship at the beginning was not she and Luo Luo, but Mai Lin and Luo Setting Sun.

"You said that their brothers and sisters are dead, but Luoluo is clearly alive!" Mai Chen whispered softly.

For these strong men, one day passed quickly.

By the time the meeting was scheduled to be held, the venue was full of excitement.

Powerful people from all sides stood here People are talking about the upcoming meeting.

That is, when the atmosphere reached the climax of the excitement, the three figures gradually emerged above the theme.

In the blink of an eye, Zeng Hong, Shang Peng, and Yu Yang appeared in front of everyone.

The strength of the three of them may not be the strongest among the high ranks, but because the three of them are similar and help each other, forming an iron triangle, they are also called the Big Three.

And because of this, they will have such a powerful appeal.

After seeing the crowd underneath, Shang Peng nodded in satisfaction and coughed slightly.

The audience quieted down instantly.

Then Shang Peng smiled slightly and said lightly: "This time the three of us invite you to come and discuss one thing! That is..."

"How to deal with the dark princess together, Fan Mengxue!"

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