
The audience was in an uproar.

The dark princess Fan Mengxue's name seemed to have some kind of magic power, which made everyone feel discolored.

The second-tier realm master is naturally no exception. He muttered with shock on his face: "Are you actually going to deal with this existence?"

Immediately he was shocked, as if he was thinking of something, and hurriedly said to Xue An on the side: "Master, they said they have to deal with..."

Before the rest of the story was finished, Weiming was stunned.

Therefore, at this moment, Xue An's expression on his face was extremely solemn, and his body was filled with a terrifying killing intent.

This couldn't help causing Xiong Ming to swallow all what he wanted to say, and a question arose in his heart.

Master, what's wrong?

Why was the reaction so big after hearing this?

Not only him, including Luo Lan Ting, all people in the next ranks have noticed Xue An's strangeness.

But they didn't dare to ask, they could only stand behind them silently, waiting quietly.

At the same time, the audience also boiled over.

Many people were frightened by it, but there were also many people who seemed to see an opportunity for further progress.

"Master Shang, may I ask the three of you to deal with the dark princess, or... is there an instruction from above?" A shout came from the crowd.

Shang Peng was very satisfied with the reaction of everyone present, and even smiled when he heard that, "What do you think?"

As he said, Shang Peng leaned on the chair comfortably, "Do you think that if there is no such instruction, would the three of us dare to do something to her?"

Shang Peng's admission that this incident came from the above instructions so simply and neatly made the eyes of many people brighter.

"But this dark princess has a dark body, and she has a terrifying talent. She has cultivated the supreme cultivation base in a short time. If you want to deal with her, how easy is it to say?" Someone said hesitantly.

This is also a question shared by many people.

Zeng Hong was full of disdain, and sneered: "This lady surnamed Fan is indeed very powerful, but can she be better than the original one? Even he was killed and disappeared, you How long do you think this Fan Mengxue can last?"

Luo Lanting's complexion changed because she keenly felt that the existence in Zeng Hong's mouth should be her brother's master!

Shang Peng also said at this time: "Brother Zeng is right, and I can tell you now that the above is clear, as long as this time this Fan Mengxue can be defeated, those who contribute will be rewarded generously!"

Since ancient times, wealth has moved people's hearts. Even though ordinary wealth is no longer in their eyes for the strong who can participate in this meeting, what they are facing this time is the promise of the upper-class people!

The generous rewards in their mouths can be imagined as precious.

So many people moved for it.

Xue An looked at him silently, his eyes filled with chills.

In fact, when he was in the next level, he had already vaguely felt that these high-level movements should be inextricably related to Fan Mengxue.

Even the sudden disappearance of his old acquaintance was the same.

But when he heard the three words Fan Mengxue from Shang Peng's mouth, a crazy killing intent appeared in Xue An's heart.

But he didn't do it right away, because he wanted to see how these people plan to deal with Fan Mengxue, so he never said anything.

Although most people were already moved by it, there was still a clear-headed person who shouted: "But a few adults, even with the instructions of the upper-class people, we estimate that it will be difficult to defeat the dark princess? Especially heard. There is a great dark assassin next to her. If you want to deal with her, you must first get rid of this dark assassin!"

"Good point!" Shang Peng couldn't help laughing and applauding when he heard the words, and then looked around the audience, "As everyone knows, this Fan Mengxue has come to our Lost Paradise for a short time, so although she is powerful, she has a very shallow foundation. We are in a state of isolation and helplessness. It is a good time for us to start!"

"But as this friend said, if you want to deal with Fan Mengxue, you must first get rid of the dark assassin next to her. As long as this dark assassin dies, Fan Mengxue, who has lost his right-hand man, is in vain! The point to be targeted is this dark killer!"

"It's easy to say, but the origin of this dark killer is extremely mysterious, and the information is pitiful, how can we deal with her?" Someone shook his head and said.

"Hehe, do you really think that the three of me called you to come here just to announce this? You are wrong. In fact, we have a certain degree of certainty to act like this! For example, this dark killer, we are now I already have first-hand information!" Shang Peng said with a full face.

"What?" There was a commotion among the people.

Someone couldn't wait to ask: "Three adults, what is the news?"

"Haha! You will know when you see it later!" Shang Peng said with a smile, and then nodded at his hand, "Bring you here!"

The subordinates led away, and after a full cup of tea, they heard a mess of footsteps outside, as well as the sound of heavy fetters.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people were seen walking into the field slowly, surrounded by a woman whose body was sealed with heavy locks and her mouth was controlled by a special vessel to prevent her from biting her tongue to commit suicide.

Xue An was shocked when he saw this woman with cuts and bruises, and even the wounds in many places had exposed the bones, Xue An was shocked, and then there was infinite anger in his eyes.

is her?


The appearance is, the breath is right, but why is it so weak?

Countless thoughts flashed in Xue An's heart, and the murderous intent was so strong that it was almost substantial, and the oppressive sub-level people retreated back and forth.

If it weren't for everyone's attention at this moment to be attracted by this woman ~ ~ would definitely notice the strangeness here.

At this moment, the woman was pushed to the center of the conference hall.

"Look up!" Shang Peng said with a smug expression.


Following his order, the seal lock that bound the woman began to turn, causing the woman to slowly raise her head.

At the moment when they met the eyes of this woman, many people who were close to him were so frightened that they took a breath of air-conditioning and backed away.

What a pair of eyes!

There is no emotion, no waves, there is just endless nothingness and indifference.

At that moment, many people even suspected that this woman was not a human being, but a cold machine.

Xue An was also stunned, and then understood something, forced to suppress the killing intent in his chest and watched coldly.

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