Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1656: Since you have done it, please stand up...

"Do you know who this person is?" Shang Peng came to the woman in a flash, raised his hand to grab the woman's hair, and asked with a sneer.

"who is it?"

"Yes, who is this?"

Before Shang Peng could speak, Yu Yang, who had been silent for a long time, sneered, and slowly said in a hoarse voice: "She is the dark killer beside Fan Mengxue!"


This woman is the dark killer who is famous for Paradise Lost?

Many people were surprised, but immediately felt that something was wrong.

If this woman is really the dark assassin, why would the three of Shang Peng spend so much time summoning everyone?

Besides, that dark assassin is extremely terrifying, can he be caught so easily?

When everyone was full of doubts, Shang Peng said triumphantly: "Brother Yu is right, this woman is indeed the dark killer, but she is not!"

Many people were stunned by Shang Peng's words.

"Is that right?" someone asked impatiently.

"Yes, no! To be precise, she is a clone of the dark killer!"

As he said, Shang Peng grabbed the woman's hair and yanked back, and the woman's head fell back, revealing a line of fine tattoos between her neck.

On top of that tattoo, there was a small five.

"See? This is her code name. Five means that she is the fifth clone of the dark killer! According to reliable sources, this dark killer has twenty clones, and the fifth is already very high. The clone of! In a sense, she can represent a part of the zero ontology, so we can get many useful clues from her, such as what kind of weaknesses this dark killer has!"

Shang Peng talked eloquently, and the more he talked, the more excited he became. "The so-called knowing ourselves and knowing the enemy is not dead. As long as we have enough information, will it still be difficult to deal with that dark killer?"

Only then did people understand what was going on.

Xue An's eyes became cold at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the space around his body seemed to condense a little bit of ice.

But Shang Peng, who was immersed in the beautiful fantasy, didn't notice this. He stroked the smooth neck of No. 5 killer with his hand with a wicked face, and Jiejie smiled strangely.

"It's really smooth and tender skin. Unfortunately, these will soon not belong to you! I know that although you are only a clone, you also have your own thinking! But you are too stubborn, so many cruel punishments have not been able to Let you open your mouth. In that case, I can only dissect you a little bit to see what is going on with you!"

The vicious connotation contained in these remarks made many of the strong people present slightly changed.

But the fifth killer didn't even blink his eyelids, still watching Shang Peng calmly.

The extreme nihilism and indifference seemed to have turned into sarcasm at this moment, making Shang Peng more and more angry.

"court death!"

As he said, his **** were like a hook, and he poked directly into the eyes of the No. 5 killer, obviously intending to dig out her eyes.

In the Mai family camp, the quinoa was trembling all over, and his complexion became a little pale.

Her brother Mai Lin sighed when he saw this, then stretched out his hand to block her sight, "Quinoo, close your eyes and don't look!"

Not only the wheat quinoa, there are many people who are still kind-hearted, and they turn their heads and cannot bear to look at them.


Splashing blood!

Then there was a scream.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

But strangely, this scream was the voice of a man.

How is this going?

Everyone turned to look around.

Seeing Shang Peng covering his palm with his other hand, blood flowed from his fingers, his painful face turned white.

On the ground were two **** fingers.


There was a commotion in the audience.

No one thought that Shang Peng, who had just been aggressive and ready to do it, suddenly became a victim.

But with his cultivation base, it was just **** hurt, even if the fingers were cut off, they should regenerate in an instant!

But many people didn't know that at this moment, on the wounds of the two broken fingers, a faint sword light flashed from time to time, preventing the wound from healing, and constantly cutting off the flesh and blood that grew back.

This kind of pain caused Shang Peng to tremble uncontrollably, and then looked at the crowd with a bitter expression on his face, hissing loudly, "Who is it? Who attacked me secretly?"

at the same time.

Zeng Hong and Yu Yang also flew to Shang Peng in an instant.

Among them, Yu Yang glanced at Shang Peng's wound, a strange color appeared in his eyes, then looked at the crowd, and slowly said.

"Is there a swordsman master on the scene? But since your Excellency has done it, please stand up! Otherwise, how can you be worthy of your harsh sword intent?"

Everyone shook, and then when you look at me and I look at you, they all see the horror in each other's eyes.

Who is it that suddenly succeeded?

The siblings, Mai Quinoa and Mai Lin, were naturally shocked.

Especially the quinoa, although her cultivation is not very good, she is also quite proficient in kendo.

She didn't even see what sword intent cut Shang Peng's finger just now.

Therefore, after hearing Yu Yang's question, she also looked at the crowd curiously, trying to find this swordsman master.

Everything remains silent.

There was sarcasm in Yu Yang's eyes, "What? Don't you dare to do it? With just this courage, do you dare to repair swords?"

At this moment, only a light sigh came from behind the three Yu Yang.

"Oh, I have stood up since I took the shot just now. You can't see it yourself. Does it depend on me?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them turned around and looked at them in terror.


Just above the main seat, I don't know when a Human Race teenager dressed in white appeared, looking at the three of them with a sneer.

The crowd was silent at first, and then there was a violent commotion.

"Who is this boy?"

"I do not know!"

"I just seemed to see him come in with the next-ranked people!"

In the discussion, the next-ranked people all appeared behind Xue An under the leadership of Xiaoming.

Quinoa's eyes gradually widened, and his mouth couldn't close in amazement.

She recognized Xue An at a glance.

Isn't this the boy who said to himself before that he wanted to see how the Big Three died?

That's right!

it's him!

Because the woman standing behind him is not Luo Luo?

Oh my god? Isn't it true that what he said before is not bragging?

The wheat quinoa was confused for a while.

As for Zeng Hong, Shang Peng and Yu Yang, their complexions gradually became gloomy.

Especially Shang Peng, the blood on his fingers had stopped at this moment, but because of the intractable sword intent attached to it, he still couldn't recast flesh and blood.

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