Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1657: Believe it or not, I will let you kneel now

How could this not make him angry.

Therefore, he said gloomily: "Good physical fitness, good means! I really didn't expect that there could be a young powerhouse like you in the next rank!"

"Thank you!" Xue An smiled faintly, "but I want to declare that it is not me who is strong, but you...too weak!"

Everyone was speechless.

This is the high-level Big Three!

Anything that comes out is a resounding figure, even those big figures in the upper class have to be polite.

But all this came to the boy's mouth, but it became so commonplace, vulnerable.

How can this not be surprising!

At least Shang Peng and Zeng Hong laughed in anger.

As for Yu Yang, he was looking at Xue An with a deep gaze at this moment, like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows and choosing people to eat, trying to find the flaws in Xue An.

"Good! Good! Good! Sure enough, the hero comes from a young man! I haven't seen someone as arrogant as you for a long time. At first sight, it's really funny!" Zeng Hongjie laughed strangely.

Xue An turned his head and gave him a meaningful look, and then said lightly: "What? You don't believe it?"

"Haha! What do you think?" Zeng Hong said with a sneer, and there was a thunderous burst of muscles and bones inside his body. The already tall body instantly rose by one head, like a self. Looking at Xue An with a terrifying face like a monster that came through the land.

"Let's say, are you kneeling down and being blown to pieces by my fist? Or are you breaking yourself?" Zeng Hongsheng roared like a giant bell, making many people's ears buzzing.

But in the face of such a terrifying power, Xue An was not moved at all, but smiled faintly.

"Sorry, I won't choose either way! And believe it or not, I won't even have to move my hand later so that you can kneel down and beg me for mercy?"

Xue An's words caused a lot of people to laugh.

Zeng Hong even raised his head to the sky and laughed, "Boy, I think you have a problem with your head, or you are frightened! If you don't move your hands, let me kneel down. You think you are..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xue An leaned back on the chair and said slowly: "You are so arrogant outside, does your master know?"

This sentence caused Zeng Hong's laughter to stop abruptly, and then stared at Xue An, "What do you mean by this?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "It doesn't mean anything, I just think, Chu Wuxiang, the hero I, how could he teach a scum like you?"

Speaking of this, Xue An raised his head and looked at Zeng Hong, whose complexion changed drastically, and said lightly: "Am I right? A traitor from Longxiangmen?"

Looking at Zeng Hong at this moment, he no longer had the arrogance he had before, and his eyes were full of panic. If you look closely, you can even see that his legs are trembling slightly.

Even so, he still shouted at Xue An in a fierce manner: "Who are you? Why do you know this?"

"Who am I?" Xue An sneered coldly, then slowly raised his hand, and the palm that was carved like a sapphire quickly became transparent, and in the end, the blood vessels and bones could even be seen very clearly.

But even in such a fragile palm, there is great power, and even just a casual grip, the space in the palm is shattered.

"Who do you think I will be?" Xue An said lightly.

Zeng Hong's complexion became pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end it even became almost transparent, and then muttered absentmindedly: "The sky cicada has no phase power, it is the sky cicada has no phase power!"


As if thinking of something, he threw himself on his knees and fell down in front of Xue An, trembling: "Dare to ask you...what is your relationship with my master?"

Even though he had been expelled from the teacher's school, Zeng Hong still did not dare to call him by his first name when he mentioned the master.

Because he knows better than anyone how terrifying his master is.

And Tian Cicada's Wuxiang Gong is his master's fame stunt, and it is impossible for ordinary people to learn this unless the person who has the closest relationship with him.

But the young man in front of him did, which all showed that he must have some relationship with his master.

In addition, he even called his master's name face to face just now, which corroborates this.

The more he thought about it, the colder Zeng Hong's heart became, and his whole body was trembling.

When Zeng Hong knelt down so simply and neatly, everyone was shocked.

When Xue An asked Zeng Hong to kneel down just now, many people thought he was joking.

But I didn't expect to cash it so soon.

And the boy hadn't moved anywhere during the whole journey.

This is really incredible!

At this time, Xue An smiled slightly, "Your master? Oh! Are you saying Chu Wuxiang? We should be good friends! Do you know who I am now?"

In fact, the relationship between Xue An and Chu Wuxiang is more than just a friend. At the beginning, Chu Wuxiang got into trouble because of body refining, and almost fell. If it hadn't been for Xue An, who had already helped Xianzun at that time, this Chu Wuxiang He was dead long ago, so how could it be his turn to establish Longxiangmen!

And after hearing what Xue An said, Zeng Hong was simply out of the sky!

Thousands of calculations did not expect to meet his master's friend here.

He knows that he is already a traitor to the master, if the master knows that he is here, according to the personality of the group of master brothers who have been trained in the body, even if they kill Paradise Lost, they will have to bring himself to justice. law.

Thinking of this, Zeng Hong couldn't help crying secretly.

If you knew this earlier, you shouldn't get involved with these things. It would be great to find a hidden corner to hide!

But there is no regret that medicine can be sold. He can only bite the bullet and say: "Yes, disciple knows! How offended the disciple just now, please forgive me!"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Forgive me? No need!"

Xue An shook his head, and said indifferently: "Since you know that you have done something wrong, then do it yourself! I will save the trouble!"

The audience was silent.

Including Shang Peng was a little dumbfounded.

How did this happen?

Why did it suddenly become like this?

Zeng Hong was even more terrified, and said bitterly, "My lord, is there really no other chance?"

"Yes! Obediently go to the cultivation base, and then be sealed by me, and later I will send you back to the master's door, and let your master send you away!"

Zeng Hong Ji Lingling shuddered.

In that case, he might as well die now.

But he was so self-determined and his heart was full of so he quietly glanced at Shang Peng beside him.

Shang Peng understood.

The three of them worked well together, and Zeng Hong was very powerful. If he died like this, it would be of no benefit to his own interests.

And Zeng Hong is afraid of the identity of this young man, he is not afraid!

So he took a step forward and said without a smile: "It turned out to be a family after a long time of trouble! Would you like to listen to me?"

"Listen to you?"

"Yes, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us, so we should sit down and talk peacefully with each other!" Shang Peng talked freely.

Xue An slowly lowered his eyes, then smiled coldly, "Talk to you calmly? Do you really think that no one knows what you did?"

"Believe it or not, I let you kneel down with him!"

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