Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1658: Answer me, what is a sword

Shang Peng's complexion gradually became gloomy, and his eyes flashed with dangerous light.

You must know that the injury on his hand still has not healed at this moment, and it is still aching.

Since he was arrogant and domineering since his childhood, he had never suffered such torture, so he wanted to kill Xue An and soon.

It was only because of Zeng Hong's sudden kneeling that Shang Peng thought that Xue An must have a background, so he patiently planned to talk first.

But now that this Human Race boy is so ignorant of promotion, Shang Peng doesn't intend to be polite.

After all, there are still so many people watching at this moment. If you don't handle it properly, it will also damage your reputation.

But just when Shang Peng was about to say something, Yu Yang, who had been standing by without saying a word, suddenly sneered, then stared at Xue An with a gloomy face, and said gloomily, "The sword is good!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "It's okay! At least there is no problem killing you!"

Hearing this, many people familiar with Yu Yang's character couldn't help but squeeze a sweat for Xue An secretly.

Among the three giants, Zeng Hong and Shang Peng are arrogant, but at least there are some common sense.

But this is not the case with Yu Yang. He is simply a total lunatic and cannot be measured by common sense.

Sometimes just a very inadvertent sentence will provoke his jealousy, which will lead to serious disasters.

So unless it is really necessary, no one would dare to have more contact with this Yu Yang.

Now this Human Race boy is blatantly provoking Yang Yang. Isn't this what it means to die?


Seeing that the brilliance in Yu Yang's eyes became colder and colder, and his pupils were gradually shrinking, eventually becoming only the size of a pinpoint, and then he grinned.

"Very well! I haven't seen anyone who dares to talk to me like this for a long time, so I will give you a special favor! I will extract your soul, condense it into my sword soul, and serve me, And never be overborn!"

The viciousness contained in words is fascinating.

And while talking, Yu Yang looked at Xue An with unscrupulous eyes, his eyes filled with the triumph of the viper after seeing the prey.

Don't look at his aggressive actions and never talk about affection, but in fact Yu Yang is a very cautious person.

Just after seeing Xue An, he has been silently standing aside to observe, just to see what is so strange about this human youth who suddenly appeared.

After careful observation, he found that apart from a pair of indifferent eyes, this Human Race boy seemed to have nothing surprising.

As for the sword intent that had just cut off Shang Peng's fingers, although it was bitter, it was nothing to Yu Yang.

Therefore, he finally determined that this human youth was probably bluffing, and his own strength might not be very good.

At least it will not be his opponent.

After confirming this, Yu Yang only came forward.


Yu Yang saw that after hearing what he had said, the human youth lowered his head slightly, as if he was frightened.

He couldn't help feeling even more proud.

But at this moment, Xue An, with his head down, sighed quietly.

"In your eyes, what is a sword?"

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly and unmistakably in the ears of everyone present.

Especially Yu Yang, he only felt as if a thunder was exploding in his ears, his head was buzzing.

"Answer my question!" Xue An raised his head and stared at Yu Yang coldly.

Yu Yang's heart trembled.

Because Xue An's gaze was too terrifying.

It was as if the **** king who stood above the nine heavens and judged everything was examining his own people, full of irrefutable majesty.

At this moment, Yu Yang even had an urge to kneel down.

But immediately, he was angry at his idea.

I was scared!

And he was afraid of a humble Human Race teenager.

This is simply unforgivable!

Therefore, Yu Yang sneered angrily: "The sword is what I use to kill you!"

As he said, he raised his hand and cut it down, and a dark and evil black sword light suddenly appeared, and came to Xue An in a moment.

But just when this sword light was about to continue to cut down, **** suddenly appeared and directly clamped the sword light.


Jianmang was stopped by these two slender fingers.

The strong inertia even stirred up a storm, swaying Xue An's hair.

Even so, Xue An still didn't even blink his eyelids, but coldly looked at the sword light that was firmly clamped by him.

This dark sword light was struggling in Xue An's fingers like a living thing, and there were bursts of miserable howls, and it seemed that countless souls were imprisoned.

Xue An's eyes were angered, "Refining swords with spirits, is this your sword?"

In the sound of questioning, the audience was quiet.

People were shocked and even unable to complain.

With a sword in his hand, this is simply unheard of.

Yu Yang was even more disgusted.

You know that his swords were all made with countless sacrifices of creatures, and no one at the same level can beat them. However, they were caught by this young man with two fingers. This is incredible!

But Yu Yang's reaction was not unpleasant. He saw his figure flash, and his whole person instantly turned into several clones, separated by Xue An's right and left, and then began to attack Xue An frantically.

A series of black sword lights slashed with the roars and howls of countless creatures.

Such a scene is enough to make people daunted.

This is the terrifying aspect of evil sword repair like Yu Yang.

They can sacrifice sword intent through various evil methods, and finally possess much stronger strength than the same level.

In this stormy attack, Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, and a cold killing intent appeared on his face.

"It seems that I still overestimate you. You don't even know what the sword is, so you are embarrassed to call yourself a sword repairer?"

"Stop talking nonsense, the sword is used to kill people, I don't care what it is! And even you have to die today!" Yu Yang roared, and the offensive in his hand accelerated again.

At this time, the black sword light was already present, and Xue An was about to be completely torn apart.

The crowd exclaimed in Shang Peng and Zeng Hong both looked happy.

Good death!

When this mysterious boy who didn't know where to jump out died, the three of his own high-ranking leaders would have no obstacles.

But just at the moment of this moment, Xue An's expressionless words were seen: "The sword can be used for killing, but also for protection!"


With a word, the black sword lights that had attacked stopped all together and hung in the air like a black wall.

Yu Yang was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes.

How could these sword lights that he had attacked suddenly stop?

And immediately afterwards, I saw Xue An slowly saying: "Since you don't know what a sword is, then I will show you today, what is a real sword repair!"

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