As soon as he said this, Zeng Hong's muscles tightened instantly, and then he leaped from the ground, punching Xue An with a fierce face.

Where is the slightest weakness and begging for mercy!

In fact, Zeng Hong thought very well!

He is different from that guy Yu Yang, he is a dignified body, and his muscles are as hard as a magic weapon.

Ordinary swords can't hurt themselves with air pressure.

So if you can't reconcile, then you will punch first, this human youth will definitely hide, and then it will be a good time for you to escape.

This plan looks perfect.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, when his punch just hit Xue An.

Xue An, who should have avoided it as he thought, not only did not move, but also raised his hand into a fist and shouted excitedly: "Good job!"

Then he confronted himself.

At the beginning, Zeng Hong was very happy, thinking that this Human Race boy might be dizzy!

Actually dared to punch myself.

Doesn't he know that he is a dignified cultivator?

Even if he knows his master's celestial cicada without phase power, he cannot be his opponent!

After all, is he a sword repairer!

In Zeng Hong's thinking, apart from his swordsmanship skills, Jian Xiu's body is extremely weak.

This idea is not wrong, because most of the sword repairs in the heavens are indeed like this.

But there are always exceptions.

Like now.

When Zeng Hong's face just showed a smug look.

Just listen to a loud bang.

Then I saw Zeng Hong's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and he began to vomit blood in the air.

Everyone's eyes moved with Zeng Hong's body.

Zeng Hong's heart was full of shock!

what happened?

Why is it that you are actually the one who was blown out during the fist?

Not only that, Zeng Hong can also feel that his arms and even the bones of half of his body have been shattered, which also shows how powerful Xue An's punch is.

The more so, the more fear Zeng Hong became.

So before he could fall, he ignored his injuries and frantically urged his cultivation to try to escape from here.

But at this moment, an indifferent voice came from above his head.

"Since that fellow Chu Wuxiang is not here, let me clean the door for him first!"

When the words were over, Zeng Hong felt that all the hairs all over his body were standing tall, which was a stress response when encountering extreme danger.

He wanted to escape, but at the same time, Xue An's punch had already fallen.

At this moment, Zeng Hong felt like a big mountain was falling down.

He let out a desperate roar, then lifted his hands to the sky, trying to block the punch.


There was another loud noise.

Zeng Hong's body was directly smashed from the midair, and a big hole was smashed into the extremely hard ground.

In the bottom of the pit, Zeng Hong lay there like a puddle of mud, his whole body twitching from time to time, and the vitality in his eyes began to dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, after a few breaths, Zeng Hong died out of breath.

And it's the kind of fall that can't die anymore.

The sky was filled with smoke and dust that was shaken out, Xue An stood in the air and blew his fist gently, only then smiled at Shang Peng.

"Next, it's time to deal with the matter between us!"

Shang Peng was shocked, "I...what's up with us?"

While talking, Shang Peng looked around, trying to find a time to escape.

"Tsk tusk, you forgot so fast! Didn't I just say that, I know what you have done! For example... those resentment curses from the fox-monster clan on you!"

Shang Peng was shocked and blurted out: "How is it possible, I have already spent a lot of money to ask Divine Mind Power to eliminate it for me, how can you still see it!"

"Eliminate? It's a joke! How can the curse that the fox monsters cast at the expense of their flesh and soul can be resolved so easily?" Xue An sneered.

Resentment Curse is a very magical spell, which only exists in the fox family with the blood of the Qingqiu Fox Country, and it is their unique bloodline talent.

This kind of spell has no destructive power, but the cost of casting it is very scary.

Often all flesh and blood are needed as sacrifices.

And the only purpose of this spell is to mark.

So it became the last counterattack of the mutilated fox monsters against the enemy before they died.

As long as you are hit by the Curse of Resentment, there will be an indelible mark on your body. Once you see this mark, it means that your hands must be stained with the blood of the fox monster clan.

Not only that, when the fox clan of Qingqiu Fox Country appears in a certain range around you, you will know your location information for the first time, which is more accurate than GPS positioning.

The most important thing is that this kind of spell is almost insoluble.

Once hit, there is no possibility of cracking except death.

As for Shang Peng's saying that he asked God to solve it for himself, it was pure nonsense, and at most it was just covering some for him.

Shang Peng simply put aside everything at this time, and shouted hysterically: "Yes, I just killed those vixens, so what? Does this matter have anything to do with you? Don't be nosy!"

"It has nothing to do with me, but it has a lot to do with other people!" Xue An said coldly, and then waved casually.

A brilliance appeared between her eyebrows, and then Hu Ying appeared in front of everyone.

When they saw her, many people were taken aback.

Because this woman is so amazing.

Beautiful but not gorgeous, charming but not vulgar!

And Hu Ying already knew what had happened in the Fu Bao Xiaolou, so after she came out, she raised her eyebrows slightly and looked directly at Shang Peng angrily.

"Dare to kill my people? Really looking for death!"

Shang Peng did not speak. In fact, after seeing Hu Ying, he stiffened and immediately stood there.

Then there was a look of fear in his eyes that was almost collapsed.

Because he felt a familiar breath from Hu Ying.

He will never forget this breath.

Up to now, when he closes his eyes, he still thinks of the fox man who was arrogant, but killed his own teacher at his fingertips. what the **** is going on!

How could the fox demon in front of him have his breath?

Shang Peng's heart screamed frantically, trying to escape, but his hands and feet were already stiff and could not move.

At this time, Hu Yingye had rushed to the front, raised her hand and slapped her face, and the fan of Shang Peng's mouth was bleeding.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Ying took out a pan from her arms with murderous intent, and according to Shang Peng, it was a mad smash.

This pan was made by she deliberately imitating An Yan's. Although it has no tools, it is also very good.

Therefore, Shang Peng's nose and face were bruised and swollen after a few strokes, and he complained endlessly.

But this didn't hurt Shang Peng's roots, so after venting his anger, Hu Ying turned to Xue An for help.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Let him judge himself! With the breath of your brother, he dare not listen to you!"

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