"Chuck...!" Hearing these words, Shang Peng, who was beaten with bleeding from his nose and mouth, suddenly let out a terrifying laugh like a night owl.

"What are you laughing at?" Hu Ying raised her eyebrows, and she wanted to continue.

Shang Peng trembled all over, obviously already terrified of Hu Ying, but he still supported himself and said: "You beat me! Kill me, this person will die too!"

As he said, he raised his finger to the assassin number five in the distance, with a smug look on his face.

"I installed a talisman in her sea of ​​consciousness. This talisman is closely connected with my soul, so if something happens to me, she must die with it!"

After that, he laughed triumphantly.

Hu Ying paled with anger, "You **** scum!"

With that said, waving the pan in his hand is a mad smash, because Huying has the blessing of the night of the fox, so Shang Peng dare not even dodge and can only scream.

But even so, he still didn't stop laughing.

"Kill me! Kill me and you will never want to save her! Hahahaha..."

Where did Huying eat his set, because of the dozens of resentment curses on Shang Peng's body, Huying hated this guy.

Because unless it is a sea of ​​blood and deep enmity, the fox family who is peaceful and kind to others will not cast such heavy spells on him.

In addition, now that this guy dared to use such despicable means to threaten him, Ling Huying was so angry that he really wanted to slap him to death with a pan.

Because of this, Hu Ying started to become more and more fierce, and the pan was waving in the wind, and the shot Shang Peng screamed like a wolf.

At this moment, I saw Xue An step forward and said in a deep voice: "Ying'er, stop!"

Ying'er stopped the pan in her hand panting, then took a step back, and said to Xue An with hatred: "Brother Xue, he..."

Xue An waved her hand and motioned her not to speak, then stepped forward and came to this Shang Peng.

At this moment, Shang Peng looked extremely miserable.

Most of the bones of her whole body have been beaten to pieces by Fox Ying with a pan, and the broken bone stubble pierced the skin and exposed it, making people seem panicked.

Because his neck was interrupted, Shang Peng couldn't even lift his head. He could only squint at Xue An from a strange angle, but even so, he still couldn't hide the pride and arrogance in his eyes.

Xue An squatted down and looked at Shang Peng quietly. After a long time, he slowly said, "Do you know the consequences of irritating me?"

The corners of Shang Peng's mouth were open, and he smiled silently. With this smile, his whole body was healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After all, what Hu Ying left him was just some skin injuries. Although it looked **** and terrifying, it was actually nothing to a strong person like him.

So just in the blink of an eye, I heard bursts of crackling noises coming from his body. It was the sound of bones reconnecting, and the swelling outside was quickly disappearing.

Except for the two severed fingers still not growing out, he has become no different from a normal person.

Then he spit out a big mouthful of bruises arrogantly, and said with a sneer: "I don't want to know what the consequences are. I only know that as long as I die, she must die with it, and it is an irretrievable fall, hahahahaha!"

At this moment, Shang Peng had already given up everything, except for the instinctive fear of Hu Ying, he was full of hatred for Xue An.

So the words are full of provocation and arrogance.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly stretched out his hand to grasp Shang Peng's wrist, and then slammed it in.

Shang Peng was shocked, he felt a huge force coming from his wrist, and then he heard a burst of explosions like firecrackers.

Shang Peng trembled with pain, but couldn't even move.

Because the explosion is the sound of the bones of the whole body being broken every inch.

The reason for all this was just the light push that Xue An held his wrist.

To put it bluntly, Xue An used a very clever angle, with the control of the second to the peak, and pushed the wrist bone inward, first shattering Shang Peng's arm bone, and then gradually inward, finally triggering Domino The domino effect played a symphony in Shang Peng's body.

At this moment, Shang Peng, all the bones in his body had been broken into powder. Even with his strength, it would take a long time to fully recover.

So he can only lie on the ground with horror, his mouth wide open, but he can't even speak.

Because of Xue An's blow, even the cartilage on his tongue was shattered, and only the gurgling sound from his throat proved that he still had consciousness.

Xue An didn't talk nonsense, raised his hand and pressed his fingers on the center of his eyebrows, then the brilliance of his eyes flickered, and he began to forcibly retrieve Shang Peng's spiritual memory.

And this severe pain from the depths of the soul also shocked Shang Peng's body. He wanted to scream and struggle.

But his bones were shattered and he moved his fingers with extravagance, so he could only open his eyes and look at Xue An extremely bitterly.

After a while, Xue An released his finger.

"Brother Xue, how is it?" Hu Ying asked hurriedly.

Xue An looked solemn and shook his head gently.

As expected, Shang Peng didn't lie, he did place a talisman closely connected with his own divine mind in the sea of ​​knowledge of the fifth killer.

As long as there is any accident to his divine mind, this talisman will burst immediately, making the No. 5 killer's soul and soul destroyed.

"Is there no other way?" Hu Ying glanced distressedly at the number five killer standing in the distance.

"It's difficult! Because this talisman is extremely vicious, unless he unlocks it himself, there is no way to break it forcibly!" Xue An said coldly.

At this moment, Shang Peng, who was the first to regain his speech ability because of his strong vitality, laughed extremely bitterly.

"Hahahaha, unless you are a strong immortal emperor who can break cause and effect with one hand, she and me are grasshoppers on the same rope! So you should give up!

Xue An's face was as cold as ice, but he didn't say anything to refute.

Because what Shang Peng said is not wrong.

My own divine mind can indeed be said to be the only one in the world, but Shang Peng's talisman is connected to himself by the force of cause and effect.

If you want to solve it, you can only cut the cause and effect.

And it must be a clean disconnection ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ otherwise this talisman will explode.

Although I can partly cut off cause and effect now, it is still difficult to cut off cause and effect with just one hand.

Seeing Shang Peng's arrogant face, Hu Ying was so angry that she lifted her foot and kicked his mouth fiercely.


The bones that had grown up after hard work were kicked to pieces by Fox Ying again, and blood was flowing in his mouth.

But even so, the pride on Shang Peng's face still did not fade.

Because he knows that the more angry these people are, the safer they are.

But at this moment, the number five killer who had been standing in the distance like a wood-carved clay sculpture suddenly moved.

She walked slowly to Xue An, and looked at Shang Peng on the ground without any wave, and then raised her head to look directly at Xue An, her lips lightly opened, and she said in a hoarse voice with a changed tone.

"kill me!"

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