Fan Mengxue's eyes drooped, looking at the messenger woman quietly, without speaking.

For a while, the room was terribly quiet.

The woman lowered her head nervously, silently waiting for her Highness's response.

At this moment, I saw a flash of black light in Fan Mengxue's eyes, and then said in an extremely cold voice: "Since it's all here, do you still refuse to show up?"

The woman who reported the news was shocked.

what happened?

Who is your Highness talking to?

Just when she was extremely surprised, a sneer full of playfulness and sarcasm came from behind her.

"You can see through my disguise, it seems that your injury has healed a lot!"

Following the voice, a faint figure suddenly appeared in the room.

This is a man with a cold face and a tall stature.

Although it was just a virtual image, he could still feel the extraordinary aura of him.

Especially his eyes, like two black gems tempered with the fire of hell, are full of evil and insidiousness.

It makes people horrified just by looking at it.

Seeing this man, the woman reporting her face changed drastically.

Because this man exists like a nightmare in this thirteenth city.

At the same time, Fan Mengxue's life and death enemy.

The battle a few months ago was led by him and directly caused Fan Mengxue's body to be seriously injured. He has not recovered until now.

But the question is how could he suddenly appear here?

Could it be that this hiding place has also been leaked?

These thoughts kept flashing in the woman's mind, causing her to breathe more quickly.

Fan Mengxue didn't have any expression on her face, she just said indifferently: "Wen Linglong, you have worked so hard to find here, not just to see how my injury has recovered!"

"of course not!"

Speaking of this, Wen Linglong took a deep look at Fan Mengxue. When he saw Fan Mengxue who was still stunning even though he was seriously injured, his eyes couldn't help showing a greedy look.

"I think you should already know the news. The city of Moli has been broken by our allied forces, and all of your two generals have been killed! By all accounts, this is the eighteenth city you have lost in the past year. Up!"

Fan Mengxue did not say a word, because what Wen Linglong said was the truth.

And her attitude made Wen Linglong even more proud.

"Next, what you will face is a more severe environment! With the territory you control now, no more than one month at most, it will be levelled by our coalition forces! What kind of desperation will you face then, now Have you ever thought about it?"

Fan Mengxue was expressionless, "I never thought about it!"

"Hehe, then I can tell you now that you will become our prisoner, and because of your special physique and appearance, you will even become a plaything for all of us!"

Wen Linglong's words were full of indifference, but the scene he described made the woman trembling with horror in her eyes.

Because in terms of these demons' means of acting, everything he said is likely to be true!

Thinking that his most respected Highness would fall into such a miserable situation, the woman who reported the letter was filled with despair.

But Fan Mengxue still did not move, even without blinking her eyelids, she continued to say in an indifferent tone: "What then?"

This attitude also made Wen Linglong quite annoyed, but seeing Fan Mengxue's slender body hidden under the wide clothes, he suppressed it and said with a smile.

"Then your soul will be imprisoned, your body will become a tool, and then... death will be a luxury to you!"

Fan Mengxue seemed to be shaken by Wen Linglong's words.

Seeing this scene, Wen Linglong couldn't help but brighten up before his eyes. Even though he was so pitiful, he sighed, "Your Royal Highness, to be honest, that scene is not what I want to see!"

"Although you and I are in a hostile state, I admire you a lot. Otherwise, in the battle a few months ago, you wouldn't be hurt just by this point!"

"Appreciation?" Fan Mengxue sneered slightly.

"Yes, just appreciate it!" Wen Linglong said very seriously, "You may not believe it. From the first sight of you, I believe you will be my woman!"

Fan Mengxue leaned on the chair, tapping his fingers on the armrest of the chair unconsciously, and said lightly: "Oh? Why do you see it?"

"It's very simple, because I am strong enough!" Wen Linglong stood in the air with his hands in the air, full of invincible aura looking at the world.

Fan Mengxue sneered.

Wen Linglong continued: "I am the son of the abyss. According to your human race, I have the strength of a first-class fairy king! And you are a rare dark sacrament in the heavens. As long as the two of us are combined, we will give birth to extremely powerful descendants. Blood! The heavens will look up to our existence at that time!"

"That's why we are the most suitable companion! And you will definitely belong to me!"

After Wen Linglong said these "dominant and awe-inspiring" words, he thought the woman in front of him would be moved.

Unexpectedly, Fan Mengxue didn't even raise her eyelids, "But what if I disagree?"

Wen Linglong stunned slightly, and even sneered sensibly, "Fan Mengxue, I hope you better figure out the current situation! You are already helpless, and failure is only a matter of time. What does it mean for you to continue this way? Huh?"

"To tell you the truth, if it weren't for my efforts to persuade you, the Alliance army would have already aggressively attacked. Will it leave you a breathing space for the past few months?"

"So obediently surrender and become my woman, this is your only way out, otherwise..."

Wen Linglong sneered The meaning is self-evident.

What he said was indeed true, because he had indeed coveted Fan Mengxue.

Whether it is the powerful blood of the dark sacrament or the unparalleled appearance, Wen Linglong is bound to win it.

More importantly, Fan Mengxue's character of never bowing his head also gave Wen Linglong a strong desire to conquer.

And because of this, he will make the coalition forces slowly figure out, and must not act too hastily, wanting to put pressure on Fan Mengxue with this blunt knife cutting meat.

It wasn't until Fan Mengxue's most important Moli City was declared annihilated, that he felt that the time was about to come. Only then did he attach a divine mind to the messenger woman through a secret method, and then walked into this secret base.

At this moment, after speaking these threatening words both soft and hard, Wen Linglong stared at Fan Mengxue coldly, wanting to see her surrendering.

But at this moment, Fan Mengxue slowly stood up, and said blankly to Wen Linglong: "In this case, then you can do it! I want to see if you so-called coalition forces can kill me. !"

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