"You..." Wen Linglong's expression changed suddenly.

"And... I will never succumb to you, because I only belong to him!"

When he said the word, Fan Mengxue's eyes suddenly felt tenderness.

It seems to miss the same.

Wen Linglong was startled slightly, Xuan even felt a huge humiliation.

No one has ever dared to refuse him, especially the other person is the woman he valued, which can't help making him furious.

But before he had a seizure, Fan Mengxue lowered her eyes, "I don't want to listen to his nonsense anymore, let him disappear!"

As soon as the voice fell, a dagger that was as dark as a black spring came out of Wen Linglong's chest.

Wen Linglong's virtual image then began to disintegrate, but he still roared unwillingly: "Fan Mengxue, you will regret the decision you have made now, I swear!"


The dagger squeezed sharply, the virtual image was completely shattered, and the sound stopped abruptly.

Everything returned to Ji, the dagger disappeared into the darkness after extinguishing the virtual image of Wen Linglong.

But the messenger knew that the holder of the dagger must be standing in a corner of the room and looking at herself coldly.

Although they belonged to the same camp, thinking of the mysterious and unpredictable dark assassin's weird and brutal methods, the messenger still couldn't help sweating.

"Your Highness..." the woman trembled, her face full of shame.

Fan Mengxue waved his hand, "Needless to say, you are not to blame for this, and the methods of the Son of the Abyss cannot be prevented by you!"

"The matter of leaving the city..."

"I see, I have my own way to deal with this matter, you go down first!"


The woman nodded in response, turned and left.

At this moment, Fan Mengxue stopped her again, "Wait a minute!"

"What else does your Highness have to order?"

Fan Mengxue hesitated a little, and said softly, "Don't tell anyone what happened just now!"

The woman was startled, then nodded deeply, "Understood!"

Fan Mengxue nodded, and then sat back on the chair, waving his hand tiredly, indicating that the woman could go.

Seeing this, a distressed look appeared on the woman's face. She wanted to say something but didn't say anything, and finally had no choice but to withdraw.

When the door was closed gently, Fan Mengxue was the only one left in the house.

She sat quietly on the chair, her eyes twinkling, as if thinking about something.

After a long time.

Fan Mengxue suddenly smiled bitterly, and then whispered softly, "I'm really alone! Is that **** master really dead?"

"Xiao Rui, how long can we last if you say this?"

No one responded, only a pair of extremely cold eyes without any emotion emerged in the dark corner.

"Look at me, knowing that you can't speak, I actually asked you, is it ridiculous?" Fan Mengxue smiled and said, ridiculously smiling, tears slid down her cheeks.

There was a flash of light and shadow in the darkness, and then a young girl appeared in front of Fan Mengxue, reaching out and gently wiping the teardrops off her face.

"Did you know? I am under a lot of pressure now! People are dying every day, but I can't do anything at all. Now, as long as I close my eyes, it is the people who died in the hands of the abyss!"

"I don't know how long I can last, if one day I really can't hold it, I might collapse first! At that time, you may be tired too!" Fan Mengxue said with a smile.

The girl didn't react, but stood quietly in front of her, except for those cold eyes, she looked like an ordinary girl.

"Xiao Rui, who gave you this name, and what is your history! I wanted to find out these secrets for you, but it's impossible now!"

Fan Mengxue picked up this dark assassin who dazzled the thirteen layers of the sky and frightened everyone by accident.

So until now, Fan Mengxue doesn't know her origin.

"Want to hear me tell some stories?"

Of course Xiao Rui would not respond, except for faithfully fulfilling Fan Mengxue's orders, the rest was just like a robot.

"I was the same age as you now, a little girl!"

Speaking of this, Fan Mengxue's eyes showed a touch of pain, "You know what! At that time my whole life was dull and dull!"

"There is no one at home anymore, there are so many malicious words in the school, and even for a whole year, no one has spoken to me, I was completely isolated, and the situation is almost the same as now!"

"At that time, I was like a weed growing in the darkness. I never knew what light was or when I would be destroyed!"

"Until one day, he appeared!"

Speaking of this, a light suddenly appeared on Fan Mengxue's face, and her tone became almost dreamy.

"Up to now, I still clearly remember everything that happened that day!"

"Amidst countless malicious speculations and vicious abuses, he stepped forward and guarded me behind him!"

"At that time, I looked at his shadow blankly and suddenly felt like I saw the light!"

"And his arrival also let me know that life can not be so gloomy! And that is the happiest time for me! Even seeing him every day, I am very happy and content!"

"Sometimes he would send me home. At that time, he always smiled. Although his condition may be worse than mine, he never complained!"

"At that time, I thought, if I could stay by his side forever, even if he died, I would be willing!"

"But he didn't know this, he didn't even know that I liked him at the time! Hehe, what a fool!"

Fan Mengxue said with a smile, but tears loomed in her eyes.

"But at that time I already knew that he would be the only light in my life, so I have to accompany him, even if I die, I will not let go!"

"Is this ridiculous?"

Fan Mengxue raised her head and looked at Xiao Rui with full eyes.

Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She didn't expect Xiao Rui to give her any response, but some words were stuck in her heart.

What's more, she had already prepared for the worst at this moment, which was a catharsis.

But at this moment, a divine light suddenly emerged from the void, and then flew into Xiao Rui's eyebrows in a thunderous manner.

Xiao Rui was shocked, a glimmer of brilliance suddenly appeared in her eyes, and then a surge of weather appeared on her body.

The momentum was so powerful that it condensed into a faint imaginary image on top of her head, and she nodded and smiled at Fan Mengxue before dissipating.

Fan Mengxue stared blankly.

It wasn't until this breath had completely disappeared that Fan Mengxue suddenly came back to her senses, and then she covered her mouth tightly with her hand, tears raining down.

It's him!

he came!

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