Moli City has become a ruin.

Wen Linglong opened his eyes abruptly, a look of cruelty appeared on his face.

His own divine mind clone was mercilessly beheaded. The key is that he heard Fan Mengxue's words that I only belong to him!

Who the **** is this?

Could it be that she already has a man?

This thought made Wen Linglong's blue veins appear on his forehead, and his heart was full of crazy killing intent.

"Why? Is Shao Wen returning without success this time?"

Following the voice, a woman walked in from the outside, curvingly.

This woman is tall and proud, she is actually a human woman.

Hearing the sarcasm in the woman's words, Wen Linglong sneered, "When did Qiantianyuan begin to care about my personal affairs?"

That's right!

This woman was the disciple of Qiantianyuan who had briefly appeared before learning that Ye Hanshang had re-emerged and had made an appearance in the alchemy **** casting.

At that time, she wanted to explore the alchemy hell, but Shang Liang, the principal of Qiantianyuan, sent her to Paradise Lost and became a member of the coalition army that encircled Fan Mengxue.

"Hehe, Shao Wen is really joking, I'm just out of concern among friends!"

Although he said that, the ridicule on the woman's face was clear and clear.

Of course, Wen Linglong would not believe these nonsense, only to see that he stared at the woman deeply, before speaking for a long time.

"Yi Weiyang, I hope you can figure out who you are talking to now!"

"Of course, the famous son of the abyss, your Excellency Wen Linglong who has the strength of the immortal king, how dare I not know!" Qi Weiyang said lightly.

An angry voice loomed in Wen Linglong's eyes, "Then you dare to talk to me like this? Even if you are the principal of Qiantianyuan, you are just a fairy king. Do you really think I'm afraid that you will not succeed?"

Qi Weiyang didn't get angry when he heard this, but looked at Wen Linglong sarcastically, "Young Master Wen, don't you really think that your Immortal King can be compared with the Immortal King of my house lord?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Wen Linglong was immediately overwhelmed.

Because what Qi Weiyang said is indeed the truth.

This is the way to cultivate, and there are as many rewards as you give.

Although the abyss race can easily achieve the Immortal King status because of its talent bonus.

But the gold content of this fairy king cannot be compared with the fairy king of the human race.

Any fairy king in the human race needs to have the top-notch talent among hundreds of millions of people, and it also needs unparalleled gas luck bonus to achieve it.

In contrast, these fairy kings in the abyss need more water.

This is why Qiantianyuan can join the coalition army by only sending one of its disciples.

Because Shang Liang, the principal of Qiantianyuan, is a genuine human fairy king who has experienced life and death and finally achieved success!

This kind of strength, not to mention killing Wen Linglong in seconds, at least it must be Wen Linglong's father to be able to compete with him.

Seeing Wen Linglong's fluctuating expression, Qi Weiyang also felt that what he had just said was a bit too rigid.

After all, the current coalition forces are still dominated by these abyss races, and if they are too stiff, they will not look good on each other's faces.

As a result, she moved her eyes and smiled and said with a sly smile: "You and I have come here by orders. You are here to show your face in front of the elders of the family. I want to complete the entrustment of the teacher. They are all in the same camp. , So we should cooperate, not against each other!"

Wen Linglong was silent, but the arrogant arrogance before was indeed reduced a lot.

Speaking of which he has been a little too bloated recently.

After all, once out of the abyss, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and even the thirteen layers of the lost paradise were handed over to him to take care of himself.

But Qi Weiyang's words reminded him!

Almost all the strong in the thirteenth floor are not there, and the elders of his family are far in the abyss. If you want to make some achievements, you really have to rely on the cooperation of everyone.

Otherwise, if you really messed up this matter, you might never think of going out of the abyss again.

Qi Weiyang saw Wen Linglong's thoughts and smiled slightly, "Is that right! And I just want to ask when you can take the other party down this time? After all...We have been delayed because of your strategy. It’s been too long!"

Speaking of this, Qi Weiyang's eyes flashed with dangerous light, "If the other party insists on not bowing his head, it is time to harvest!"

Wen Linglong's face became cold, "I have my own measure of this matter! But don't worry, it won't be long before Fan Mengxue will become my person!"

"Because the heavens and worlds, as long as it is what I want, it will definitely belong to me!"

"No exception!!"

Looking at Wen Linglong's arrogant face, Qi Weiyang shrugged slightly.

"Okay! Since Shao Wen is so confident to surrender this woman, then I will wait for the good news!"

After all, Qie Weiyang turned around and left neatly.

Wen Linglong looked at her distant back, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

If the lord of your house is here, I might still be afraid of you, but now you yourself, dare to question me?

When the matter is over, I will let you kneel on the ground obediently and become my slave just like Fan Mengxue!

Qi Weiyang, who was going away, felt the sinister gaze behind him, but didn't even turn his head back. He just smiled coldly, and then murmured softly, "Idiot!"

He has an extraordinary talent since he was a child, and he embarked on the road of practice at a young age. In the end, he became the leading disciple of Qiantian Academy, and of course he didn't like this domineering Wen Linglong.

Because he has nothing to do except reborn well.

This incident is an example.

Many powerful people have trapped that existence in the abyss.

In Paradise Lost, it can be said that the overall situation has been determined, and the rest is nothing more than finishing work.

Therefore, Wen Linglong was assigned this task, purely for leisure gilding.

It stands to reason that he should firmly grasp this opportunity and complete the task as soon as possible!

But he never expected that he actually became interested in the female disciple who existed.

He changed his strategy on his own said that he should use power to force Fan Mengxue to give in.

The result has been delayed until now.

Isn't this dude what is it?

Just when Qie Weiyang was full of contempt for Wen Linglong.

In that hidden castle, the atmosphere was depressed and dull.

The battle report from the front line had been sent back, Mo Licheng was lost and the two generals died in battle. This news silenced everyone.

Many people's faces showed blankness and despair.

Because they can't see the slightest hope ahead.

The imposing force of the Abyssal Alliance forces is compelling, and he can only retreat steadily.

In fact, it is a miracle that they can survive until now.

But at this moment, what the final result will be is something everyone knows well.

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