"His injuries have not healed, and the final defeat is unavoidable. It is better to let His Highness leave as soon as possible while there is still a chance! It can be considered as leaving the last line of fire!" A voice suddenly said in the crowd.

Everyone heard the words in silence, and then nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and then Fan Mengxue walked out of it.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

Everyone was shocked, and then they greeted each other.

Fan Mengxue nodded, then took a deep breath, "I heard what you said just now. I am very touched, but I will never leave!"


"Don't say anything, and who said we will definitely lose?" At this point, a faint smile appeared on Fan Mengxue's pale face.

This is the first time everyone has seen Fan Mengxuexiao since the accident.

Not only that, at this moment Fan Mengxue exudes a strong confidence.

This self-confidence also surprised everyone.

what happened?

How does your Highness seem to suddenly change into someone!

Could it be that there is news from the ancestors?

It would be great if that was the case!

This idea made a lot of people's hearts enthusiastic, so they asked quickly.

"His Royal Highness, is there news from the ancestors?"

Fan Mengxue shook her head sadly, "Not yet!"

The flame that had just burned in everyone's eyes suddenly went out again.

But Fan Mengxue blinked mysteriously, "But there will be someone coming soon. As soon as he arrives, then all problems...will not be problems!"


Who the **** is this?

Everyone looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes, but seeing the confidence of His Highness, many people couldn't help rekindling hope again.

Could it be... will anyone really come to save these people?

Fan Mengxue said of Xue An.

It's just that Xue An didn't leave for the thirteenth floor immediately, but stayed in the high rank temporarily.

But he didn't appear in front of anyone, and even the next-ranked people didn't know where he went.

This sudden disappearance made many people frightened. After all, there were a lot of eyes on the outside world at this time!

Where did Xue An go?

Of course he did not disappear, but entered a mysterious place.

This is a place full of flames everywhere.

No time, no space!

Everything is gone, some are just raging fire demon.

It was in such a hell-like environment that there was a divine soul suspended in the middle, "enjoying" the scorching heat that was enough to bake everything.

Under this kind of high temperature, this soul would collapse after a long time.

But the magic is that when his spirit has just collapsed, he will immediately be reunited by a strange force, and then resurrected again.

Ever since, the scream of this divine soul is so different.

It often stops abruptly after a few sounds, and then restarts after the resurrection.

And how long this torture has passed.

At this moment, the scorching heat suddenly faded, and even the sky full of flames suddenly converged.

Then I saw someone walking slowly from a distance.

At each step, a lotus flower condensed by flames will rise.

Such a miraculous scene did not attract the attention of this god.

He just lowered his head quietly, seeming to have collapsed.

At this moment, Xue An came to the front of the spirit, first looked at the spirit with interest, and then smiled slightly, "Shang Peng, how is this treat?"

That's right!

This soul scorched by flames is Shang Peng.

And this magical space is in Xue An's body.

With the gradual recovery of Xue An's strength, he can already open up a separate divine mind space in his body.

And this is one of them.

Naturally, these flames were specially set by Xue An for Shang Peng.

Shang Peng still bowed his head.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk, but that he now has his mind collapsed before his body.

After all, this torture of death and death is not something anyone can bear.

Xue An smiled when he saw this, then waved casually.

An inexplicable power of divine thought poured into Shang Peng's divine soul.

Shang Peng trembled all over, then slowly raised his head, looking at Xue An blankly.

It was not until a long time that he fully recovered his consciousness, and then let out a scream of exhaustion.

"Kill me! Please kill me!"

At this moment, he no longer wanted to live, and he knew that Xue An would never let him go.

So he just wanted to die quickly, so as to get rid of the torture that was so crushing.

Xue Anhao looked at Shang Peng in his spare time, until he became less excited, and then said indifferently: "Why? Can you not bear it with just such a little torture?"

Shang Peng was almost crying into tears.

Is this a bit of torture?

This is more desperate than the most sinister hell!

So he burst into tears and yelled: "My lord, please kill me! As long as you can end up with me, I will agree to whatever you ask me to do!"

"Oh? Then I ask you, what is going on in the thirteenth layer of heaven? Who told you to deal with Fan Mengxue?" Xue An said lightly.

"It's Wen Linglong!" Shang Peng said immediately.

"Wen Linglong?"

"Yes! He is a strong man from the abyss, known as the son of the abyss, and the one who now controls the thirteenth heaven!"

"Control the thirteen layers of heaven? He is the only one?" Xue An asked immediately after a slight daze.


"Then where did the other strong men go?"

"I don't know this! You know, after the incident, the 13th floor was disconnected from other cities. I really don't know what happened inside! Hey right! There is another person! A human race Woman!" Shang Peng added suddenly.

"Human woman?"

"Yes, yes, I remember, she seems to come from a place called... Qiantianyuan!"

Xue An's eyes suddenly burst upon hearing the name Qiantianyuan.

"Are you sure it is Qiantianyuan?"

"Yes, it's Qiantianyuan!"

"This is interesting!" Xue An's face showed a slight smile, but his eyes were cold.

He is certainly no stranger to the name of Qiantianyuan ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Because in the previous life, Xue An had been in contact with this Qiantianyuan before he became immortal.

And there have been some grievances between the two.

But after Xue An became the Immortal Venerable later, before he had time to clean up this Qiantianyuan, he fell.

I didn't expect to encounter people from Qiantianyuan here this time!

However, their Qiantianyuan is a large human race. Although the lord is only a fairy king, the background is unfathomable.

It is such a sect, why is it suddenly mixed with this muddy water into Paradise Lost?

But whether it's good or bad, it shows that I am getting closer and closer to my original path of practice!

This also means that all the friends and enemies from the beginning will be met one by one, and the news of one's own rebirth will follow.

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