Qi Weiyang was scared and took a few steps backwards.

Because at this moment, Xue An's aura on his body is too shocking.

Especially when he just barely smashed Wen Linglong into mashed flesh, it made people shudder at the sight.

However, Qie Weiyang was also a disciple from a prominent school, so he quickly recovered his composure, and his face gradually became gloomy.

"Who are you? How do you know my teacher?"

"Hehe, I don't only know your teacher's door, I also know that your house owner is Shang Liang, right?" Xue An said lightly, while speaking, he gently wiped the blood from his face with his hand.

Qie Weiyang was even more angry now.

Qiantianyuan is a sect that can be called a name among the heavens, and it is not surprising that it is called a nameless.

But not everyone knows the name of the owner of his house.

The white-clothed boy in front of me dared to call his name directly. Could it be that he had any connection with me in the Qiantianyuan?

Just when Qie Weiyang was in shock.

The earth suddenly began to tremble, and then in the big pit behind Xue An, a powerful force rose to the sky.

A spiteful roar came from the mighty power.

"Dare to hurt me, I'm going to kill you!"

Following the voice, a figure came straight to Xue An.

The speed is so fast that even the space has been plowed into a deep chasm.

"Be careful!"

"My lord, be careful!"

The crowd kept exclaiming.

But Xue An didn't even turn his head back, just slammed his hand back at the moment of his death.


Xue An's palm for a long time blocked the rushing Wen Linglong, and shook it out.

Wen Linglong backed back again and again, and finally stabilized his figure in the air.

Looking at him again at this moment, his face was blue, his eyelids throbbed crazily, and his eyes were full of crazy killing intent.

That's right!

At this moment, Wen Linglong was indeed going crazy.

From the day when consciousness was born, he had never been so humiliated.

Especially in the presence of so many people, this was a shame.

So he just woke up from the shock of being blown out of his head, the first thing was to settle accounts with Xue An.

But I didn't expect to be shaken back again.

He wasn't a fool either. Naturally, he knew that the young man in front of him who had repeatedly repelled him was no ordinary person, and his eyes became more serious.

But no matter what, he must completely defeat Xue An, otherwise he won't want to command these abyss coalition forces in the future.

So he took a deep breath, but saw that the corpse on the ground that had become muddy suddenly began to wriggle, then turned into a mass of flesh and blood, jumped into the air, and merged with Wen Linglong.

Behind him, an extremely violent power gradually emerged and kept growing.

In the blink of an eye, these powers condensed into a huge virtual octopus.

After seeing this scene, the small octopus in the crowd had a dull face, her mouth could not help being opened, and then she couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Fuck, it's also an octopus!"

Then she looked at Wen Linglong very enviously, and couldn't help but think, why are the same octopuses so powerful?

The octopus virtual image was waving huge tentacles, and the space was faintly shaken with cracks wherever it passed.

This scene made many people see it with horror.

After all, this kind of power is simply unheard of.

Xue An didn't have any expression, just watched quietly.

Of course he knew that it was impossible to kill Wen Linglong with just a fist.

As for this huge octopus phantom, other people were afraid, but he didn't even blink his eyelids.

Even the corners of his mouth gradually raised, revealing a cold smile.

Seeing this scene, Wen Linglong's heart was even more furious. He had never seen this kind of speechless contempt, so he roared: "Boy, I don't care who you are, today... you are dead!"

The voice just fell.

This huge octopus virtual image combined with Wen Linglong, and then the huge tentacles waved and compressed back like springs.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

Xue An smiled slightly, "This is exactly what I want to say! And..."

Xue An slowly raised his head, his eyes gleaming like stars, "It was just an appetizer just now, and then, it's the highlight!"


That is, when Xue An's voice just fell, the octopus tentacles were compressed to the extreme, and then suddenly loosened.

Under the tremendous pressure, Wen Linglong rushed straight forward like a cannonball. Wherever he passed, the space was like fragile paper, folded and compressed in layers.

The speed is so fast that people have rushed to Xue An before they even have time to react.

The violent air current aroused by tremendous pressure blew Xue An's hair.

But Xue An did not move.

Wen Linglong was overjoyed.

Look at you now!

But at this moment, but seeing Xue An's eyes narrowed slightly, he slowly raised his hand, and pressed against the head of the rushing Wen Linglong within a short period of time.


Some people close by were directly spitting blood out of the mouth by the huge sound, and then backed away with amazement.

The violent air current swept the audience even more.

But even under such a huge power, Xue An's figure still did not waver, but the ground under his feet cracked open a huge gap.

Wen Linglong felt as if he had hit an extremely hard wall at this time, shocking himself dizzy.

But as an abyss race, and at the same time possessing an immortal king cultivation base, how could he concede defeat so easily.

At the moment when Xue An was blocked by Xue An, the octopus tentacles behind him surged up, and then they wrapped Xue An in layers.

Then there was a frantic strangulation.

Wen Linglong was relieved until he heard the chuckle from the tentacle package, and then laughed.

"Anyone who went head-to-head with me, now I will let you even your bones to be broken!"

Standing high in the sky, Wei Weiyang couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although this Wen Linglong was stupid, he still had strength.

No matter who this boy is, he is dead now!

Then Wen Linglong looked at Fan Mengxue triumphantly.

"Haha, Fan Mengxue, is this the one who wants to wait for the night? Unfortunately, he is dead now! And he died in my hands, but you are different. As long as you surrender obediently, I can still let you go. Horse!"

But Wen Linglong did not see the expected sadness on Fan Mengxue's face, on the contrary, a cold sarcasm appeared.

"Oh, do you really think you have won?"

"Nonsense, this guy is dead, so of course I win..."

Before the last word was spoken, I saw the tentacles wrapped in layers suddenly bulge out.

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