Wen Linglong was taken aback for a moment, that is, at this moment, he saw a fist suddenly blasted out of it, just hitting Wen Linglong's head.


This punch was extremely powerful, and Wen Linglong had no time to react at all, because he was smashed into a solid body.

Wen Linglong flew upside down.

Then these tentacles began to squirm in pain, and finally burst apart.

Xue An walked out slowly, without even a trace of blood on his body, coldly glanced at Wen Linglong who had been blasted away, then smiled slightly and blew his fist gently.

"That's it?"

Seeing this scene, everyone who was worried about it just now breathed a sigh of relief.

Qie Weiyang couldn't help but lifted his heart to his throat, his eyes filled with horror.

How is this possible?

He didn't use much cultivation base during the whole process, and only with the strength of his physical body, he was inextricably beaten with Wen Linglong from the abyss?

What is his strength?

Isn't it the half-step immortal king shown by his appearance?

Or, is he an extremely rare body practice among the heavens?

These thoughts were entangled in Qi Weiyang's mind, making her confusion into a pot of porridge.

At this time, Wen Linglong, half of his head was almost shattered by this punch. Although his body was hard to avoid a brain burst, he was not comfortable.

For example, his nose and mouth are flowing out with blood mixed with brains.

It was obviously a severe concussion by this punch.

Even he had to spend a lot of energy to recover from such an injury.

Therefore, at this moment, he could only look at Xue An, who was opposite, with a dignified look in his eyes.

He has never suffered such a loss.

The key is that he was crushed and beaten by this white-clothed boy from beginning to end.

This feeling is too awkward.

Wen Linglong took a deep breath and said coldly: "I have to admit that your strength is indeed beyond my imagination! But with physical strength alone, do you really think you can knock me down?"

Xue An took out his ears in his spare time, "Huh? What do you think?"

"Haha, I understand, you must be those who specialize in tempering the body in the human race! But although your physical power is strong, you still have to lose! Because what I say is the law!"

Wen Linglong pronounced the last eight characters in an extremely ancient language.

This statement came out.

The world has changed color.

Countless auras all gathered on Wen Linglong, setting off him like a master who controls everything.

A dignified color appeared in Qie Weiyang's eyes, and he whispered: "Speak out and follow the law. This is the real reason why the Wen family of the abyss can stand up!"

That's right!

At this moment, what Wen Linglong displayed was the talent that would only be awakened in the blood of the Wen family's direct line, and he spoke the way.

As the name suggests, this talent will be achieved as long as he speaks.

This is a talented skill that is so powerful that it is almost unsolvable.

Because of this, Wen Linglong was able to achieve the position of the Immortal King at such an age.

at the same time.

Seeing that Wen Linglong's face was as majestic as an ancient god, he raised his hand and pointed at Xue An, "Your body should be destroyed, and your spirits will fall!"

Speaking of it, the law of heaven and earth was established in an instant, and began to frantically strangling Xue An.

Wen Linglong's heart secretly relieved!

All right!

It's finally over!

Although the display of such a talent has caused a lot of pressure on himself, it has destroyed the opponent anyway.

But I never expected that these laws of heaven and earth that tried to repel or strangle Xue An had just come on top of his head.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Such a natural ability, is it too embarrassing to say that you can speak the law?"


how is this possible?

Wen Linglong's eyes widened instantly.

How could someone still be able to speak nonchalantly even after gaining their talents?

At this moment, I saw Xue An take a step forward and said coldly: "I am the heaven and earth, how can you strangle me?"

Having said that, Xue An's figure directly broke through the heaven and earth auras that bound him, instantly appeared in front of Wen Linglong, and then raised his hand with another punch.


Wen Linglong stumbled and flew out, another big bag on his head.

He was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

What happened to me today?

The head seemed to have become a wooden fish, being knocked constantly by this human teenager.

"My fucking..." Wen Linglong wanted to say something cruel.

But Xue An obviously didn't intend to give him this opportunity, only to see his figure flashed, and another punch was raised.

Bang bang bang!

It was time for Xue An to perform alone, but seeing Wen Linglong being bombarded by Xue An flying around, often before he could stand firmly, he was bombed out by Xue An again.

Everyone stared at this dazzling scene in amazement.

who am I?

where am I?

Is this a dream?

These three question marks appeared in many people's minds.

Because this scene is simply incredible.

Thirteen days before King's Landing, Wen Linglong, who was astonishingly powerful, was hit by a half-step immortal king's human race boy.

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, it would be like dreaming!

Qi Weiyang is the boss with an open mouth.

At this moment, Wen Linglong suddenly yelled in tears.

"No... don't slap your face anymore!"

Then people saw an even more incredible scene.

But seeing Wen Linglong lying on the ground with his head swollen four or five times, he shouted weakly.

"Please, stop hitting me on the head!"

Xue An stood in front of him, overlooking him condescendingly, and said lightly: "Oh? What did you say? I didn't hear it!"

With that, Xue An raised his foot and stepped heavily on his head.


This foot made Wen Linglong's whole body tremble, his hands and feet twitched, and then he cried loudly.

"My head hurts, please stop hitting me on the head!"

The audience was speechless.

Xue An smiled slightly, then knelt down to look at Wen Linglong who was bursting with tears.

"What? You can't hold it up just after I warmed up?"

Seeing the smile on Xue An's face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wen Linglong was trembling as if he had seen the devil.

He has never seen someone like Xue An.

Calm and powerful at the same time terribly.

From just now, I don't know how many smashed by him, but I can't fight back.

This despair soon knocked down Wen Linglong, causing him to completely collapse.

"As long as you don't hit me on the head, you can do anything! Please! I don't want to fight anymore!" Wen Linglong's current performance can be described as utterly useless, and he is completely different from the arrogant image before.

There was no expression on Xue An's face. Instead, he raised his hand, grabbed his hair, and lifted him up.

Then Xue An leaned forward and said coldly, "It's okay to admit defeat, but you have to tell me, the Lord of Lost Joy, Tianzha...Where is it now?"

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