In such a quiet environment, suddenly heard a sentence like this, most people estimate that even the roots of their hair have to stand up.

But Xue An just smiled at this, and said softly: "Okay! What do you want me to play with you?"

"Gluck, uncle, you are so kind! Then let's shoot the ball first!"

With the voice, the entire corridor suddenly became extremely gloomy and cold, and then in the middle of the corridor appeared a little boy whose body was shrouded in black smoke with only one face exposed.

The little boy's eyes were extremely deep black, grinning at Xue An.

It's just that when this innocent smile appeared on his face, it was full of weirdness and terror.

Xue An remained unmoved and stood there watching quietly.

At the same time, the little boy suddenly reached out his hand and took off his head, and then threw it on the ground, when the ball was batted.

Bang bang bang.

Amidst the dull and monotonous sound, the little boy's head that was up and down slowly turned here, grinning at Xue An.

"Uncle, you have to shoot the ball like me!"

Facing such a terrifying picture that scared ordinary people, Xue An didn't even have a trace of expression on his face.

On the contrary, there was a touch of playfulness in his eyes.

Devil in chaos?


The breath of this demon... seems a little strange!

Seeing Xue An unmoved, a look of cruelty appeared in the little boy's eyes, and a line of blood and tears flowed down the corner of his eyes.

"Uuuuu, uncle, you are not obedient! Why don't you play with me! Ouuuu."

The cry was like a magic sound, enough to shake people's hearts.

But Xue An only felt a little funny about it.

Regardless of the strength of this monster, IQ is really low!

Although his current momentum is a bit low, can he not see the slightest clue?

At this time, the little boy saw Xue An still unmoved, and couldn't help becoming a little anxious, then suddenly opened his mouth, tearing his ears at the corners of his mouth, and grinning on the back of his head.

The saliva slid down the terrifying teeth of his mouth, and the little boy Jiejie smiled strangely: "Uncle, why are you so disobedient? Since you don't want to do it yourself, then I have to help you!"

As he said, his head plunged towards Xue An.

Xue An is almost full of laughter.

If there is a ranking of death methods, this demon must be alive and stupid!

Just when Xue An thought about it, he was about to end up with this funny demon who jumped out of nowhere.

A soft drink suddenly came from a distance.

"The world is boundless, the universe borrows the law! The evildoer will not die!"

Following the voice, I saw a talisman with the wind and thunder coming straight towards the monster.

The demon was so frightened when he saw it, the head that had pounced on Xue An suddenly turned around halfway, and was ready to flee.

But at this moment, this talisman suddenly changed into two, and then two into four...

A cage was formed in an instant, and the demon ghost was locked in it.

The demon screamed, "Slayer, you bastards..."

Speaking of this, his head burst open suddenly, and then countless filthy blood went everywhere, obviously intending to escape this way.

But at this moment, a woman wearing a tight leather jacket fell from the sky, holding a silver revolver, and firing several shots at the blood.

Bang bang bang!

The huge sound easily shattered the silence in the corridor.

The strong smell of gunpowder permeated the spirits.

After a few shots, this group of dirty blood squirmed frantically, and uttered a harsh scream.

"Daofa bastards!"

He said that he would pounce on this woman.

The woman took a half step back, blowing the smoke from the muzzle completely unmoved.

At this moment, a young Taoist priest wearing a Taoist uniform suddenly appeared in front of the woman, and then gave a soft voice, "Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the evil demon is extinct!"

After saying this, he shook his hand violently, and opened a cloth pocket, and then directly filled the blood in it.

The cloth pocket rushed from the left to the right, and the demon's hissing roar faintly came.

" guys..."

But the young Taoist priest didn't care about this at all. He saw his face sinking like water, his hands were quickly overlapped, and then the cloth bag was neatly folded into a square size.

Only then did the demon's roar disappear.

The young Taoist took a breath, then wiped the sweat from his forehead, but there was a look of excitement on his face.

"Brother, we are going to get a high score for our teacher training!" The woman also said excitedly.

The young Taoist smiled slightly, but did not respond to the woman's words, but put the cloth pockets close to his body, and then looked at Xue An.

During their entire process of eliminating demons, Xue An didn't make any movements, just watched with interest.

However, his state fell in the eyes of these two people as if they were scared and stupid.

The woman with leather pants curled her lips and said in a condescending tone: "Brother, this is probably another mortal who makes troubles for excitement! Leave him alone, let's go!"

The young Taoist glared at the woman when he heard the words, and then asked the chief inspector Xue An to question, "Blessed Life Immeasurable Tianzun, is the injury on the donor's body now obstructive?"

Xue An withdrew his gaze after hearing this, smiled and shook his head.

"Why don't you speak? You shouldn't be a dumb!" The woman said a little bit irritably.

The young Taoist frowned slightly, "Jingping!"

The woman stuck her tongue out, took a step back, gave Xue An a fierce look, but stopped talking.

At this time, the young Taoist priest took out a pill of pill from his cloth pocket, "Donor, this is a healing pill that can drive away evil and strengthen the body, you accept it!"

Xue An glanced at this pill, and then took it casually.

"Hey, don't you even say thank you? You were rescued by our Demon Demon Slayer Squad anyway!" The woman poked her head again and said viciously.

"Jingping, be careful if you talk nonsense, I won't take you out again!" The young Taoist's face sank.

Jingping shrank her neck in no longer dared to talk nonsense, but she still whispered softly: "I ran around and provokes the ghosts and don’t say anything, but I didn’t say thank you when I was saved by us! ...."

The young Taoist smiled apologetically at Xue An, "I'm sorry, my junior sister is too young to speak, but why does the benefactor appear in such a place? Don't you know that since the great movement of the world, demons have been rampant everywhere? "

Xue An remained silent, but looked at the little Taoist priest with interest.

The young Taoist priest thought that Xue An knew he was wrong, so he didn't say a word, so he sighed softly: "Well, in the future, the donor should not come to such a dangerous place. This time you met our gang. The Demon Slayer team was lucky enough to escape, but next time I dare not say that I had such good luck!"

After that, he shook his hand at Xue An, "The monster here has been removed, and the donor please leave by yourself! Goodbye!"

But just when the two seniors were about to turn around and leave.

Xue An suddenly chuckled: "The Demon Slayer Demon Slayer Squad? What was the relationship between Zhang Chu of the Master's Palace and you that day?"

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