Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1681: Heaven and earth are rampant

"Presumptuous!" The woman named Jingping changed her face when she heard the words, "How dare you call my master's name directly, do you know how to be polite?"

"Your master?" Xue An glanced at the woman with a smile, and it was this look that made her swallow all the things she was going to say later.

Because she was shocked to find that the man's eyes were as deep as a black pool. Just a gaze made one cannot help but want to worship.

Just as she was speechless, the young Taoist priest stepped forward, blocked his junior sister behind him, and bowed his hand.

"Does the donor know my master?"

At this time, he became much more respectful in his tone and attitude.

Xue An smiled slightly, "You know it!"

That's right!

The Zhang Chu that Xue An said was the former instructor of the Blood Kylin Special Forces, and he was also the only descendant of the Tianshi Mansion.

At that time, Xue An had also bestowed him the skill of Daofu's True Weapon, which was regarded as a help to him.

And looking at it now, this Heavenly Master's Mansion has already opened its branches and leaves, with a trace of its former glory!

The young Taoist priest became very solemn when he heard the words, and immediately obeyed the gift of the younger generation, "Zhang Fengwu, the sixty-ninth generation descendant of the Tianshi Mansion, has seen the senior, dare you ask the name of the senior?"

As he said, he stepped on the foot of the woman behind him unmovingly.

The woman pursed her lips reluctantly, but she still confessed, "Zhang Jingping, the sixty-ninth generation descendant of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, I have seen seniors!"

Just when she said this, she thought silently in her heart.

Seeing that this young man looks smaller than himself, how could he become his own senior?

If you dare to say that you know Master, I think you are talking nonsense!

Brother is so honest, he would believe his nonsense!

While she was thinking about it, Xue An smiled slightly, did not directly respond to Zhang Fengwu's words, but said indifferently: "Since you are Zhang Chu's descendant, then this place belongs to China too?"

Although Zhang Fengwu wondered why this mysterious boy would ask, he answered honestly: "Of course, this is the boundary of Lingnan!"

"Lingnan?" Xue An chuckled, "No wonder I can feel a sharp sword intent. It seems that Yu Ming's kendo cultivation level over the years has really not fallen!"

At the beginning, Zhang Fengwu hadn't realized who Xue An said that Yu Ming was, and he was shocked only after a while.

Yu Ming... Isn't that the current Patriarch of the Yu Family in Lingnan, the adult who is known as the Living Sword Fairy in the world!

But who is this boy?

Why is he so familiar with such a big man?

And listening to the tone is very understatement, as if talking about a junior of his own.

When he was surprised, Xue An continued slowly and said: "Since this is Lingnan, with Yu Ming's swordsmanship cultivation base, it should not be allowed to have such demons in the territory!"

"What's the matter?"

It should be understood that when a person's swordsmanship has been cultivated to a certain level, he can suppress the aura of one world. In this world, any monster and evil will be attacked by swords indiscriminately.

So among the heavens, if you say which monk is the most feared by demons and evil spirits, it is naturally sword repair!

In their own words, these gang of sword lunatics are a group of masters who turn their faces and don't recognize people, and it is really ruthless to kill the monsters and evil creatures one by one, and they can be called monsters.

Some sword repair powers can even suppress a galaxy with their own power. In his territory, let alone ordinary demons, even the fairy emperor level demons have to go around.

Because the sword repair power that can reach that level is the master who refuses to accept except a sword in his chest.

There are even those who are more domineering, and even the cultivators of other factions will be suppressed in their own territory, and only the sword repair can unimpeded.

The hegemony of sword repair is also evident from this.

Although Yu Ming is far from reaching that level, with his current cultivation level, there is no problem in suppressing Lingnan, and it is even more impossible for such a ghost to appear in Lingnan.

Hearing Xue An's words, Zhang Fengwu glanced at him in surprise, before smiling bitterly.

"Don't the predecessors really know?"

"what do you know?"


Zhang Fengwu couldn't help being a little surprised, but Xue An seemed to be really unaware of what Xue An looked like, so he sighed lightly: "What you said is really good. In the past, the suppression by Yu Jianxian in Lingnan was safe! Not to mention us. People from the Heavenly Master's Mansion are here to cast down monsters!"

"But since the great upheaval a few months ago, everything has changed!"

"Suddenly the whole world is full of demons and evil spirits are rampant! And these demons are different from the previous demons. They acted without regard to the consequences, and the methods were extremely evil and cruel, and they committed countless murders at once!"

"In order to eradicate and suppress these suddenly appearing demons, the parties have joined forces and started to act!"

"This time we are also ordered by the teacher to come down the mountain and descend the demons!"

Upon hearing Zhang Fengwu's words, Xue An's eyes flashed, "The world is moving?"

"Yes, this is the name we gave to that event. In fact, it was an earthquake that had no symptoms but spread to the whole world! But this earthquake was very slight and did not attract people's attention at the time. After that, there are more demons and monsters in this world!"

Zhang Fengwu explained patiently.

Xue An nodded slightly, and suddenly asked, "What about An Qing and Tang Xuan'er? What are they doing?"

If just mentioning Master and Yu Ming just surprised the brothers and sisters.

So now Xue An called Tang Xuan'er and An Qing's names so that they were both shocked.

A look of anger appeared in Zhang Jingping's whispered in a very low voice: "Dare to call Miss Tang and their names directly... That is how many people think of the guardian goddess!"

Zhang Fengwu has to be a lot more stable. Although there are some dissatisfaction in his heart, after all, the status of Tang Xuan'er and An Qing and others are extremely high in the hearts of many people, but his good self-cultivation still kept him suppressed.

"Miss Tang and others are naturally different from us. We are just dealing with the little girls scattered all over the world. The monsters that really come from outside the territory are intercepted and dealt with by them!"

When it comes to the last time, Zhang Fengwu has a look of admiration.

Xue An was silent for a moment, and then nodded with a chuckle, "Exterior demon? It's interesting!"

Hearing this, Xue An has probably sorted out the situation!

It seems that the earth has not suffered much turbulence, although there are more demons, but it is not enough.

Even the so-called extraterritorial monsters did not make much waves, but were blocked by Tang Xuan'er and others outside the earth.

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