Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1682: Dragon whale playing in the water

This sounds like a lucky thing at first, at least the earth is not in danger.

But Xue An smelled a strong scent of conspiracy.

After all, the gang of paradise lost powerhouses should have arrived on earth long ago, and they are not vegetarians!

If they come, even if there is a word of suppression left by Xue An when he left, it will only stop for a while, and it will not be as easy as it is now.

But the problem is that they haven't even appeared yet, so where did they go?

This question rose in Xue An's mind, and his eyes gradually became cold.

And this change also made the atmosphere in the field depressed.

Zhang Fengwu's heart was slightly shaken, and he couldn't help but ask again: "Senior, dare to ask your first name, so I can report it to Master when I return!"

He really wants to know who this boy is!

Because he always felt that this young man was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

At this time, the coldness in Xue An's eyes gradually faded, and then he took a look at Zhang Fengwu with admiration.

Although this person's strength is not very good, it can even be called low, but the character is very good, can be called a manufacturable!

Therefore he chuckled lightly, "I don't need to say my name. After you go back, just ask your master, is this real soldier of the Dao Palace easy to use? He should know who I am!"

Real doctrine soldiers?

Zhang Fengwu was shocked, and there was a look of horror in his eyes, because that was the highest secret of the Heavenly Master's Mansion!

Not to mention the people outside, even ordinary disciples don't know, even he was only met once or twice because he was appreciated by the master.

But this young man said the name in one word!

When Zhang Fengwu was in shock, Xue An smiled slightly, "Oh, right! Thank you for the medicine you just gave!"

After that, Xue An threw it away, and a white light flew towards Zhang Fengwu.

Zhang Fengwu subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the white light, and then stretched out his hand to see that there was a white and gentle jade bottle in his palm.

"This is..." He was taken aback.

At this time, Xue Anye had turned and left, and said without looking back: "This is my gift to you!"

"Although you can eat it now, I think you'd better eat it when someone protects you after returning to the Heavenly Master's Mansion!"

The voice drifted away, and when he finished speaking, Xue An's whole person had disappeared.

Zhang Fengwu and Zhang Jingping stood in place, and it was not until a long time later that Zhang Jingping swallowed a little bit shrinkingly.

"Master...Brother, who is this person?"

Zhang Fengwu shook his head solemnly, "I don't know, but this person must be from an extraordinary background! It may even be a good friend of Master Master!"

As he said, he glanced at Zhang Jingping, "Jingping, you must not be as self-willed as you were just now. This senior didn't blame you today. It's your luck, so I won't dare to say it in the future!"

Zhang Jingping was so frightened that she stuck her tongue out, "Yes. Brother, I know I was wrong!"

"But why do such seniors appear here?"

"Who knows! Experts like this are usually seen by the dragon without seeing the end! It is impossible to speculate with common sense!" Zhang Fengwu sighed lightly.

"Oh..." Zhang Jingping responded, and then curiously looked at the small jade bottle in Zhang Fengwu's hand.

"Senior brother, what exactly is the gift this senior gave you? He said he would let you go back to the Heavenly Master's Mansion to eat it? Would you like to open it now?"

Zhang Fengwu hesitated for a moment, then nodded and gently pulled the cork off the bottle.

The moment the cork was pulled out, a strange scent came out, just after smelling it, the Taoism cultivation skills they had just consumed were restored in an instant, and the foundation of Taoism was faintly firmer. .

Now Zhang Fengwu and Zhang Jingping were all stunned.

Just the fragrance of medicine has such a magical effect, if it is eaten, what about it?

Then Zhang Fengwu understood what Xue An meant by letting him return to the Heavenly Master's Mansion to eat again!

Because this kind of pill is so precious, it is very likely that you will break through on the spot after you eat it!

In this case, someone really needs to guard the law to guide you!

Thinking of this, he quickly plugged the cork back, and then said solemnly, "Go!"

Zhang Jingping, who was fascinated by this medicinal fragrance and couldn't help herself, was taken aback, "Brother, where are we going?"

"Return to Shimen!"

Just as the brothers and sisters were about to return to the Heavenly Master's Mansion, Xue Anye had already appeared in the sky above Lingnan.

At this moment, it was the night of the full moon, and the starry sky was like washes and cloudless.

Xue An stood on the top of the sky, and the wind was so strong that the clothes on his body were blowing.

At the foot is the bright lights of thousands of houses, and in the distance, a mountain peak stands faintly.

Xue An knew that that was the location of the Yu family.

But Xue An did not plan to see Yu Ming.

Because just just now, he suddenly noticed that this world had a little more energy.

Feeling this familiar breath, Xue An was startled first, then a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This old guy is here, too. It seems that the world is getting more and more lively! Anyway, you still owe me a favor, so now that you are here, don't think about leaving easily!"

After that, Xue An took a deep breath slowly.

This deep breath was so long and violent, it seemed to take the whole world into the lungs.

There was a turbulent wave in the high altitude, and countless spiritual energy swarmed, forming a huge vortex on the sky, and then Xue An was sucked into the body like a dragon whale.

Such violent movements naturally aroused the Qi of Heaven and Earth, and the stars and moons that were still shining just now became dimmed in an instant. Dark clouds covered the sky and covered the sun, and there was a faint sound of thunder from above the nine heavens.

Such a big movement also instantly alarmed the world's powerhouses.

At the same time, countless strong men raised their heads one after another, looking in the direction of Lingnan with all their's the matter? Why does the aura of heaven and earth fluctuate so drastically? "

"It's Lingnan direction. Could it be that the current sword fairy broke through again?"

"Impossible. With his strength, it is impossible to induce such a strong fluctuation in the world. Could it be that there is another big demon in the world?"

For a time, the whole world boiled over.

The reaction of Lingnan Yu's family was even more unpleasant. Although Yu Ming was not at home, but left a sword intent to guard him, the others were not vegetarian.

In an instant, hundreds of sword lights in Yu's house rose to the sky and rushed towards Xue An.

Xue An just smiled faintly at this, and when he stepped back, his whole body disappeared silently.

As soon as he left on his front foot, the Yu family on the back foot arrived.

The leader is not someone else, but the eldest lady of the Yu family, that is, Yu Ming's sister, Yu Ran.

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