"Of course!" Zhuge Zang solemnly nodded, "I know countless people, and I have seen many of the most powerful people among the heavens, but you alone can't see through!"

"Oh?" Xue An raised his eyebrows with interest, "Let's listen!"

"Everyone has fate, rich or poor! Even the strong immortal emperor can't escape the fate of fate, but you are different!"

Zhuge Zang said solemnly: "Your fate is shrouded in a supreme and noble purple air, I can't see through it at all!"

"Then is this good or bad?" Xue Anyi asked pointedly.

Zhuge Zang shook his head, "I don't know! Because this is beyond my ability. In fact, I only spent hundreds of years of cultivation just to find out your whereabouts in this life. Even so, Zhou Tian The conclusions of the deduction array are also vague, so I will wait for you here for a year!"

Xue An remained silent, and only chuckled a long time later: "Speaking of which, what are you doing so hard to find me for?"

Zhuge Zang chuckled, then scratched his head and said, "Hey, it's been a long time since I drank your tea, let me get rid of the gluttony!"

After a while.

Xue An finished sorting the tea set like flowing water, and carried the fire to boil the water in the teapot.

Then reached out to Zhuge Zang.


"What do you mean?" Zhuge Zang was a little confused.

"Be less foolish. I haven't seen you for so long. You must have collected a lot of good tea. Contribute it!"

Zhuge Zang's expression was bitter, and he muttered: "Those silly dragons are right, you are really Xue Peipi!"

With that said, he reluctantly took out a small bag from his arms, and was opening it with a painful face.

Xue An snatched it over, "Look at what you look like, isn't it just a bag of tea, do you feel so distressed?"

With that, Xue An opened the tea bag casually and poured it directly into the teapot.

In an instant, a strange scent spreads, making people feel refreshed just by smelling it.

Zhuge Zang looked at him dumbfounded, and it took a long time before he let out a mournful cry.

"Xue An, do you know what kind of tea it is?"

"What kind of tea? Can it be the Nine Transformation Lingwu Tea?"

Nine Turns Lingwu Tea, a kind of spiritual creature that only grows in the depths of the inaccessible starry sky and is accompanied by stars that are about to fall.

Its tea has a variety of magical functions, so it is sought after by the powers of the heavens. A tea petal is worth ten thousand crystals, and it is extremely rare, and it has no market.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Zang said weakly after hearing this sentence: "You are right, that is Nine Transformation Lingwu Tea!"

Xue An: "..."

After a while, Xue An smiled, "That's right, I haven't tasted this kind of tea yet, I just tasted it this time!"

Zhuge Zang was distressed and speechless.

But when Xue An cooked the tea and poured it into the teacup, his eyes were shining brightly.

I couldn't wait to pick up the tea cup, and ignored the hot tea soup, drank it directly, and then closed his breath.

It was not until a long time later that he let out a sigh of relief and almost groaned: "The tea you make is delicious!"

Xue An smiled, sipped a sip of the tea soup, feeling the wonderful taste of the Nine Turns Lingwu Tea, and then said lightly: "Let’s talk about it, you have worked so hard to come to my hometown to find me. what's up!"

Zhuge Zang put down his teacup, his complexion became solemn, "It's true that I was on a whim some time ago, and I made a big array of deductions, but found that the place where you were born will be a catastrophe. I know that this place is of great significance to you. , But your rebirth time is too short after all, it is very likely that this disaster cannot be eliminated, so I rushed over!"

After that, Zhuge Zang looked at Xue An with a solemn expression, "Sure enough, not long after I came here, the world suddenly moved, and then the evil spirits appeared in this world, and the evil spirits invaded the outer domain!"

Xue An looked grateful after hearing the words.

His relationship with Zhuge Zang is irreversible, but this old man can rush over hundreds of millions of miles because of the earth, which still moved Xue An.

"Thank you!" Xue An said seriously, holding up his teacup.

Zhuge Zang shook his head, "Between you and me, why so much courtesy!"

After drunk the cup of tea again, Zhuge Zang continued: "But I always feel that this time things are a little strange!"

"Oh? What's weird?"

"What I have calculated is a catastrophe, and even this planet will not be spared, but after I came here, although the planet is not peaceful, it is still far from the calculated catastrophe!"

Of course Xue An wouldn’t say that it’s not good to have no calamity?

Because he knows Zhuge Zang's strength.

Although the strength of this old man is not too high, he can be regarded as unique in the world.

Since he said that there will be a catastrophe for the earth, there will certainly be.

And at this moment, Xue An felt a little strange in his heart.

Paradise Lost came out, but is it just such a disturbance?

Therefore, after he pondered for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "I also feel that something is wrong, because just before, I just went to Paradise Lost!"

"Paradise Lost? Tianzha's site? Did you see him?" Zhuge Zang asked.

Xue An shook his head, "No, actually I don't know where Tianzhe is at this moment!"

Speaking of Xue An, he recounted the story of Lost Paradise.

Zhuge Zang's eyebrows wrinkled together after listening.

"The abyss is also involved in this incident? So, the origin of the people who slaughtered your Chinese people is obviously not small!"

Xue An sneered coldly when he heard the words, "Of course it's not small, otherwise I haven't checked it out yet!"

Zhuge Zang said solemnly: "If that's the case, then I will help you deduct it and see where the guy from Tianzhe went!"

While speaking, Zhuge Zang raised his hand and pulled out six hairs from his head.

Upon seeing this, Xue An couldn't help showing a solemn look on his face.

Because with Zhuge Zang's strength, he can know most things in the world with his hands.

If you use equipment, you are serious.

This time he actually used his precious hair directly, which shows that Zhuge Zang attaches great importance to this matter.

Don't underestimate Zhuge Zang's hair~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After so many years of practice, these hairs have become a unique magic weapon. With the technique of deduction, you can learn all kinds of secrets.

At the time when Xue An was secretly surprised and moved.

Seeing Zhuge Zang muttering a word, he threw his hair into the air abruptly.

The hair was floating in the air, twisting like a snake.

Zhuge Zang looked closely, and at the same time, his hands changed rapidly, and the mysterious auras were uncertain.


Zhuge Zang stopped the Yin Jue in his hand.

"How is it?" Xue An asked.

At this moment, Zhuge Zang's face showed a blue and white color, and then the six hairs that were as solid as golden stones in mid-air ignited spontaneously and disappeared into nothing in an instant.

Zhuge Zang snorted, and then said with an extremely ugly face: "There is an expert who has covered up the secret, I can't see through it!"

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