Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1688: No matter who he is, I have to pay for...

Xue An seemed to have expected this for a long time, and sighed lightly: "I know that things will not be that simple. If the real murderer can be known behind the scenes only by deduction, why should I explore so hard!"

Zhuge Zang was silent, and only sighed after a long time: "In fact, I have long felt that under the calm surface of the heavens, there is an undercurrent hidden! I just don't know who it is!"

As he said, Zhuge Zang looked at Xue An with piercing eyes, "Now I know, this undercurrent is definitely not trivial, otherwise we can't set up such a terrifying killing before ten thousand years to slaughter your Chinese!"

Xue An sneered, "What if it's no small thing? If you do it, you have to pay a price. This is what I said, no one will come!"

When he said this, Xue An's eyebrows were full of murderous intent, and his violent aura was even more turbulent around him, which made people feel disgusted.

Zhuge Zang nodded, "I understand this naturally! If you succumb, then it will not be the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable that overwhelmed the heavens!"

Speaking of this, Zhuge Zang suddenly asked: "How far has your current cultivation level been restored?"

"Above Daluo, the fairy king is not full!"

"What? You are not the fairy king yet?"

Zhuge Zang couldn't help taking a breath, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

He saw the supreme power revealed by Xue An's gestures, and thought he had already broken through the realm of the fairy king!

Unexpectedly, it was only the peak of Da Luo.

This is terrible.

Because the realm of Daluo alone has such power, if this breaks through and becomes the fairy king, how much is it?

And what if...returning to the Xianzun fruit position?

Thinking of this, Zhuge Zang couldn't help but shake Lingling.

I am afraid that at that time, the entire heavens and myriad worlds will be restless again!

Xue An smiled faintly, "Actually, I can break through long ago, but I always feel that I still lack shortcomings, so I have been waiting!"

"wait for what?"

Xue An picked up the teacup on the table, and the white porcelain cup was eclipsed by his fingers with distinct joints.

Then Xue An took a sip and whispered: "Waiting for an opportunity!"

This is ambiguous, but Zhuge Zang understands it.

He was silent for a moment, and then nodded, "Brother Xue, no matter what, you remember one sentence, I will always stand behind you and support you!"

Xue An smiled, then raised his tea cup, "Thank you!"

This thank you, Xue An comes from the heart.

Because of the self in the previous life, he had been helped by this old man many times.

I don't want Zhuge Zang but shook his head, "What are you talking about between you and me! It's gone, it's gone!"

Xue An knew that this old man had a childish temper, because he laughed, "Speaking of which, you actually owe me a favor!"

"Oh? What do you say?"

So Xue An met the two descendants of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Xuanqing and Zhuge Hanzo!

Then, how to help them escape from the control of Amaterasu God King and so on, I recounted roughly everything.

After speaking, Xue An smiled and looked at the old man opposite, "That Zhuge Hanzo has a good talent. It can be described as a rising star of your Zhuge family, but he almost lost his life at the hands of the **** Amaterasu. Now he is saved by me. You said, you should How do you thank me?"

"Is this..." Zhuge Zang couldn't be more clear about Xue An's temper. If he really followed his words and said, then he wouldn't be able to keep any of this stuff.

Therefore, he rolled his eyes and waved his hand indifferently, "Actually, I am no longer a member of the Zhuge family. As for these descendants, I don't want to mix with them! But if you can save them, it is their good fortune. So I am here to thank you for them!"

Seeing Zhuge Zang who was telling nonsense with his eyes open without blinking, Xue An couldn't help laughing and laughing, and said: "No wonder everyone says people are always treacherous, horses and slippery. It seems that you are really treacherous and cunning!"

"Hey, tea and tea!"

"Okay, I didn't really want your stuff, it scared you!" Xue An smiled, and then the conversation changed.

"Old man Zhuge, did you tell Zang Xueling my true identity in the ghost world?"

Zhuge Zang was not surprised that Xue An would ask about this, so he nodded, "Yes! It's me!"

"Why do you go to the ghost world in your idle time?"

"At that time, I happened to pass through the ghost world, only to find that Ye Hanshang's servant was also reincarnated and rebuilt, and became a big fool! So I counted a hexagram, and the hexagram indicated that you would be the one Turning around, so I told Zang Xueling the news by the way! By the way, I just remembered when you said this, can Ye Hanshang recover?"

Xue An nodded, "has been restored, and I helped him recast the ghost world, and built an alchemy hell, which is also a place for those lonely ghosts!"

With that said, Xue An talked about what happened at the time!

After hearing this, Zhuge Zang heartily sighed and said: "Brother Xue, the other thing I don't agree with is to persuade you to do things with courage. The alchemy civilization and the ghost world are merged together to build a world, and there is only one among the heavens. You have such a big handwriting and vision!"

Xue An laughed, "Stop pouring my ecstasy soup, you bad old man is very bad!"

Having said that, the two laughed at the same time.

Amidst the laughter, the silence of the entire hall was broken, and noise from the outside rushed in again.

At the same time, Du Fan, who was sitting aside eating, suddenly noticed something strange.

Why do you suddenly feel a little uneasy?

And this feeling is so familiar.

Du Fan had some doubts in his heart, so he turned his head and looked at Zhuge Zang.

Xue An was sitting with his back to him, so at a glance, Du Fan could only see the back of a young man in white.

But it was this figure that made Du Fan's eyes gradually widen, and his heartbeat began to speed up wildly.

This back, this temperament...

Why are you so adult?

Do not!


The adults are not on the earth at all, UU reading www. How could suddenly appear here?

But what's the matter with such an outstanding temperament?

At this moment, Xue An felt occasionally, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Du Fan, and then smiled slightly.

"Du Fan, good evening!"

After seeing this smile, Du Fan's whole person was as if struck by lightning, directly stupid in place.

"What? Are you coming over to eat too?" Xue An said lightly.

Du Fan's lips began to tremble, and his excited eyes were a little dizzy, "Yes...yes! Big...sir, is it really you?"

"What? Haven't seen me in a few years, don't you know me?" Xue An smiled.

Du Fan nodded subconsciously, and then realized that he was so scared that he shook his head like a fan, "Of course not, I will never forget your kindness, I just can't believe it!"

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