Xue An was slightly stiff, but immediately there was a petting smile on his face, and then gently patted the trembling back of the girl.

"Okay Chan'er, don't cry, master, am I back here?"

That's right!

It was Ye Xiaochan, the little maid that Xue An brought out from the plane where Hu Ying was trapped.

After bringing her out at that time, because her strength was too low, Xue An left her on the earth.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, this little maid still hasn't grown tall, but still looks like that little loli.

But the strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he actually has the cultivation base of the longevity stage.

Xue An couldn't help but sigh at this speed of cultivation.

In fact, since Xue An won the luck, everyone's cultivation speed can be described as rapid.

Although the aura on the earth is far inferior to those in the depths of the starry sky, it can't stand the blessing of Qi Luck!

Therefore, in just a few years, such a large group of powerful people have been created on the earth.

Hearing Xue An's relief, this little Chan'er stopped crying, but still had no plan to get up.

Xue An couldn't help laughing: "Chan'er, let go of your hand first and see how I fight the monster, okay?"

Chan'er only then realized that she was still in Xue An's arms, her face flushed with shame, she quickly let go of her hand and hid aside.

Xue An smiled slightly, but when he raised his eyes to look at the monster, the smile on his face instantly diminished, and some were just infinite murderous intent.

Xue An naturally saw the whole process just now.

And the reason why he didn't intervene was because when these monsters just started to merge, Xue An suddenly felt a familiar breath from it.

That's right!

It was the breath felt in the Rubik's Cube given to him by Wan Han in the world of alchemy.

This discovery made Xue An's eyes suddenly cold.

Wan Han said that there were originally three masters in the world of alchemy.

Among them, the divine creator who was obsessed with alchemy creation and eventually messed up the entire alchemy world, and eventually led to its collapse, has escaped.

And now from these fusion monsters, Xue An felt the familiar breath again.

This could not help shocking Xue An before he showed up.


His appearance also spread throughout the world as satellites broadcast.

When seeing this face deeply in memory reappear in front of them, countless people stood up subconsciously to show respect.

In the headquarters of Zhongdu.

General Zhen Guo was also startled, but even if Xuan let out a breath, a long-lost relaxed smile appeared on his tired face.

"Okay! He is back, now we can catch our breath!"

No one questioned this sentence, because everyone present knew what the appearance of this teenager meant.

And many people who knew Xue An were crying with joy and could hardly control himself.

Although they had received the news before, the news was news after all, and no one was sure whether it was true or not.

It wasn't until now that Xue An really appeared, that these people's hearts were relieved.

At this moment, the huge monster seemed to be a little impatient, waving his huge arms, and swaying towards Xue An.

In the beginning, this monster seemed to fall to the ground at any time.

But after just a few steps, the monster's actions became steady, and it even ran faster and faster.

Liu Keke exclaimed, "He is studying!"

The voice was full of horror, because only she knew how terrifying the alchemy puppet that could learn by herself was.

Xue An didn't show the slightest expression when he saw it. He just said lightly: "Da Niu!"


"Bring Chan'er away from here!"


Zhou Daniu immediately dragged Chan'er to the distance.

Xue An faced the rushing monster, his expression indifferent, and even a hint of mockery in his eyes.

At the same time, Chen Xiaoyi, who was already in a high position in the live broadcast room of Zhongdu and was solely responsible for the space live broadcast, was also awake from the initial surprise and shock.

Then she yelled, "Listen to me, give me all the shots at this adult, there must be no omissions, otherwise I will let him go right away!"


In the promise of the audience, all the direct broadcast satellites aimed their cameras at Xue An.

So everyone saw the expression on Xue An's face at the moment through the screen.

You must know that there are many new generations who are very unfamiliar with Xue An. Although they have heard some rumors, they still have no impression in their minds.

Therefore, at this moment, many people are actually a little unconvinced.

Especially after seeing Xue An's eyes at the moment, many people are even more stunned.

Isn't it impossible to avoid such a powerful enemy? This is too arrogant!

But just before this thought had fallen, I saw the monster's arm swinging straight, hitting it according to Xue An.

Zhou Da's eyelids twitched in the distance.

This blow was much more powerful than just before, and if the one he had just faced was this blow, it would be more than just being knocked back.

Is the instructor really good?

At this moment, only a muffled sound was heard.

Looking at the scene again, Xue An remained motionless, with one hand behind him, one hand raised, and understatement, he grabbed the booming arm.

No one saw how he caught it, as if it was just a flash of kung fu, this mighty blow was directly caught.

This monster was also startled, but soon began to struggle frantically, and the huge power could be clearly felt even through the lens.

But Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, just smiled coldly.

"Waste is waste, no matter how powerful it is, it is waste!"

As he said, Xue An shook his arm and grabbed this arm to pull the huge monster over.

The monster yelled angrily, trying to break free.

But all his struggles were so pale and powerless in front of Xue An's strength.

At this moment, Xue An gave a soft sigh, and unexpectedly kicked the monster up.

The monster roared again and again, but it didn't help at all.

And Xue An swung faster.

To the back, the monster's cry was full of fear.

Chen Xiaoyi looked at the screen intently, and suddenly shouted, "Are you all ready?"


At this moment, when Xue An suddenly let go, the monster was thrown out.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An's figure flashed, turned into a streamer, and came directly to the top of the monster's head, followed by a heavy kick.


The monster's head was instantly kicked to pieces~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The blood mist mixed with the brain and drifted away.

Xue An didn't pause at all. He turned around and came to the back of the monster again, then raised his fist and banged.


The power of this fist penetrated from behind and exploded from the front.

Xue An's palm was even deeper into it, and then with a sudden force, he grabbed the monster's spine and pulled it out abruptly.

The monster fell to the ground with a trembling body, becoming a mass of lifeless rotten meat.

And Xue An only used three punches and two kicks to achieve this.

Chen Xiaoyi was also shocked, but immediately she yelled, "Are you all photographed?"

"Don't worry, it's all taken!"

"Very good! Start editing immediately, and then put it on all channels!"

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